Two-step Immigration Selection: A Review of Benefits and Potential Challenges

Articles and reports: 11-626-X2020009


In a two-step immigration selection process, temporary foreign workers are first selected by employers for a temporary job, and some qualified temporary foreign workers then become economic immigrants. The details of this selection process vary among countries. For example, in the US, the temporary workers are typically sponsored by the employers in their bid to become permanent residents. In Canada, the temporary residents are selected for permanent residency by the government based on a set of largely human capital criteria, although employers may play a role in some selection pathways. Viewed in a generic manner, the two step process presents both advantages and risks. This article provides an overview of such potential advantages and risks. It is the first of five articles on the two-step selection process.

Issue Number: 2020009
Author(s): Crossman, Eden; Hou, Feng; Picot, Garnett

Main Product: Economic Insights

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJuly 22, 2020
PDFJuly 22, 2020