Field of studies and location of postsecondary studies of healthcare professionals, by occupation and first official language spoken: Canada, Quebec, New Brunswick, Canada outside Quebec and New Brunswick, provinces and territories, economic regions

Frequency: Occasional

Table: 98-10-0661-01

Release date: 2025-03-19

Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Economic region

Universe: Employed health professionals, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data

Variable List: Major field of Study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 (45), Location of study (4), Health occupations (52), First official language spoken (5)

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Showing 45 records
GeographyCanada (map)
First official language spoken (5)1Total - First official language spoken3
Health occupations (52)2Total - Health occupations
Location of study (4)4Total - Location of study6 No postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree Location of study inside Canada Location of study outside Canada
Major field of Study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 (45)5
Total - Major field of Study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 1,974,645264,9951,431,270278,380
Not applicable: less than 15 years of age 0000
No postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree 264,995264,99500
01. Agricultural and veterinary sciences/services/operations and related fields 30,085024,6205,470
03. Natural resources and conservation 3,02002,475550
04. Architecture and related services 1,4950960535
05. Area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies 2,61002,425185
09. Communication, journalism and related programs 6,32504,5601,765
10. Communications technologies/technicians and support services 1,0950955140
11. Computer and information sciences and support services 9,06004,6604,405
12. Culinary, entertainment, and personal services 19,190018,0651,125
13. Education 47,740037,11510,625
14. Engineering 9,65503,2406,410
15. Engineering/engineering-related technologies/technicians 7,21005,5051,705
16. Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics 4,07502,2051,870
19. Family and consumer sciences/human sciences 34,520032,2002,320
22. Legal professions and studies 6,93004,7202,210
23. English language and literature/letters 5,79503,7402,055
24. Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities 15,590012,6002,990
25. Library science 7200515205
26. Biological and biomedical sciences 37,165029,6857,480
27. Mathematics and statistics 1,4250635795
28. Military science, leadership and operational art 2501015
29. Military technologies and applied sciences 5503525
30. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary studies 28,335024,4153,925
31. Parks, recreation, leisure, fitness, and kinesiology 21,730020,800930
38. Philosophy and religious studies 2,17501,710465
39. Theology and religious vocations 3,59502,905690
40. Physical sciences 5,64003,2552,385
41. Science technologies/technicians 4,21003,775435
42. Psychology 67,870059,7108,160
43. Security and protective services 9,77009,350420
44. Public administration and social service professions 92,520087,6304,895
45. Social sciences 33,110026,5056,605
46. Construction trades 2,84502,550295
47. Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians 2,57502,230345
48. Precision production 1,98001,805175
49. Transportation and materials moving 1,66001,325335
50. Visual and performing arts 13,985011,8202,165
51. Health professions and related programs 1,025,1900874,415150,775
52. Business, management, marketing and related support services 94,985065,95529,035
54. History 2,86002,180680
55. French language and literature/lettersCAN 1,77001,270495
60. Health professions residency/fellowship programs 3,90503,265640
61. Medical residency/fellowship programs 45,155033,49011,665

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