Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2023
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Canadian Demographics at a Glance
Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada
Annual Demographic Estimates: Subprovincial Areas
Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories
Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories
Population and Family Estimation Methods at Statistics Canada


Population estimates on July 1, by age and gender
Estimates of deaths, by age and gender, annual
Estimates of the components of demographic growth, annual
Population estimates, quarterly
Estimates of the components of international migration, by age and gender, annual
Estimates of the components of interprovincial migration, by age and gender, annual
Estimates of births, by gender, annual
Estimates of the components of interprovincial migration, quarterly
Estimates of the components of interprovincial migration, annual
Estimates of interprovincial migrants by province or territory of origin and destination, annual
Estimates of the components of international migration, quarterly
Estimates of population as of July 1st, by marital status or legal marital status, age and sex
Estimates of interprovincial migrants by province or territory of origin and destination, quarterly
Estimates of the number of census families as of July 1st
Estimates of the components of natural increase, quarterly
Deaths, by month
Deaths, by age group and sex
Live births, by month
Live births, by age of mother


Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics - Birth database (CVSB)
Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics - Death database (CVSD)
Quarterly Demographic Estimates (QDE)
Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories
Estimates of population, by marital status or legal marital Status, age and sex for July 1, Canada, provinces and territories
Estimates of the number of census families for July 1st, Canada, provinces and territories
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