Data visualization tools for municipalities
Municipal Financial and Socioeconomic Data Dashboard
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Experimental information
Statistics Canada has launched exploratory Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) for individual municipalities as experimental disaggregated financial data for municipalities and other local public administrations which have been acquired through published financial statements and adjusted to align with the Agency’s international standards. The Municipal Financial and Socioeconomic Data Dashboard integrates these data with socioeconomic indicators and allows for city-level comparisons.
Correction notice
Correction date: April 19, 2023
Data presented primarily in the French version of the dashboard were corrected due to a data manipulation error when importing data from CODR tables.
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The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:
- Table 10-10-0162-01 Canadian government finance statistics for individual municipalities and other local public administrations (x 1,000)
- Table 10-10-0163-01 Canadian classification of functions of government for individual municipalities and other local public administrations (x 1,000)
- Table 14-10-0385-01 Labour force characteristics, annual
- Table 14-10-0384-01 Employment by industry, census metropolitan areas, annual (x 1,000)
- Table 18-10-0004-01 Consumer Price Index, monthly, not seasonally adjusted
- Table 18-10-0205-01 New housing price index, monthly
- Table 35-10-0177-01 Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, Canada, provinces, territories and Census Metropolitan Areas
- Table 35-10-0026-01 Crime severity index and weighted clearance rates, Canada, provinces, territories and Census Metropolitan Areas
- Table 17-10-0135-01 Population estimates, July 1, by census metropolitan area and census agglomeration, 2016 boundaries
- Table 17-10-0142-01 Population estimates, July 1, by census subdivision, 2016 boundaries
Additional information
This dashboard displays data on various socio economic and financial metrics for individual municipalities in Canada
The financial information presented is for municipalities and entities that were consolidated on a modified equity basis in the financial statements of the municipalities, where applicable. For more information, see table 10-10-0162-01.
The Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) are useful in helping understand the management of government finances and the effectiveness of policy decisions. This framework allows users to analyse government expenditures under two classifications: the Economic Classification of Expenses and the Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG). See Definitions, data sources and methods used for more details.
Industries are based on the 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
For definitions, data sources and methods on police Reported Incidents and Crime Severity Index see the Statistics Canada, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (3302).
The data for the consumer price index and new housing Price index are not seasonally adjusted except where indicated. Find detailed documentation in New Housing Price Index and Consumer Price Index
Financial data are presented on total dollar and per capita bases. Per capita values calculated by dividing the financial variables by the population in a given census subdivision which allows for comparability between cities. The population estimates are based on CANSIM table 17-10-0142-01 Population estimates, July 1, by census subdivision, 2016 boundaries. Hence a city or municipality under the municipal jurisdictions is taken to mean a Census Subdivision (CSD). For more details on the source and definitions for the population estimates, see the Statistics Canada, Annual Demographic Estimates: Subprovincial Areas
For all other sections apart from the finance section, cities are presented as census metropolitan areas (CMAs) and census agglomerations (CAs). For more definitions and a full list of CMAs and CAs in Canada, please refer to the Statistical Area Classification - Variant of SGC 2016.
The Labour Force Survey data are used to produce the unemployment rate as well as other standard labour market indicators such as the employment rate and the participation rate
Values for the City of Montreal include Quota Shares, which are payment from surrounding municipalities to the City of Montreal for expenditures relating to agglomeration responsibilities. This may cause the per capita calculations to not truly represent the expense per citizen due to those services also being provided to the surrounding municipalities. For further details on Quota Shares and agglomeration responsibilities please refer to the financial statements of the city of Montreal.
- CPI 12-month % change
- Price change (%) between the latest reference month and the same month, last year (e.g., between December 2018 and December 2017).
- Crime severity Index
- The crime severity index measures both the volume and severity of crimes reported to the police.
- Consumer Price Index
- The index value shows how much prices have changed for consumer goods and services over time. The base period, where the index value is set to 100 is currently 2002.
- New Housing Price Index
- The new housing price index is a monthly series that measures changes over time in the contractors' selling prices of new residential houses, where detailed specifications pertaining to each house remain the same between two consecutive periods. The survey covers the following dwelling types: single homes, semi-detached homes and townhouses.
- Population growth (2010-2020)
- Population growth is the variation of population size between two dates.
- Proportion of city population by age group
- Ratio of the sum of the ages of a group (0 to 14, 15 to 64, 65 and older) to the total population. This ratio is expressed as a percentage.
- Employment rate
- The employment rate is the number of employed people as a percentage of the population aged 15 and older. The rate for a particular group (for example, youths aged 15 to 24) is the number employed in that group as a percentage of the population for that group.
- Unemployment rate
- The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the labour force (employed and unemployed).
- Participation rate
- The participation rate is the number of employed and unemployed people as a percentage of the population aged 15 and older.
- Revenue and Expenses by CGFS
- The GFS 2001 is an internationally accepted accrual accounting framework for GFS. Statistics Canada has adopted this framework as the Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS). Under the CGFS, revenue items result in increase in net worth while expenses decrease net worth when transactions as made. Net Operating Balance is revenue minus expense, and Gross Operating Balance is revenue minus expense, excluding consumption of fixed capital. Definition Source: IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014.
- Assets and Liabilities by CGFS
- Within the GFS framework, assets refer to economic assets and are of two main types, financial and non-financial. Liabilities are the opposite end of financial assets. Net worth is stock position in assets minus stock position in liabilities at the end of the reference period. Definition Source: IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014.
- Spending by CCOFOG
- The Canadian classification of the functions of government (CCOFOG) breaks down government expenditures according to their broad purpose. The CCOFOG expenses data presented also exclude expenses related to the acquisitions of non-financial assets and consumption of fixed capital. Defense [702] is not included as it is outside the jurisdiction of Municipalities.
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How to use
How to use this interactive visual
On the main page, users have a choice of three options; to view a city profile, compare two cities, or compare more than two cities. Click on the applicable icon to navigate to the page of interest.
- On the city profile page, choose a city by selecting from the drop down menu on the top left section.
- On the city comparison page, choose two cities of interest by selecting from the drop down menus on the top left and top right sections.
- On the multi city comparisons page, choose the cities of interest by clicking on the selection buttons on the left pane. Note that charts will display no values for cities without data on selected indicators.
The top section of each page contains buttons for navigating across several themes. There are also buttons right below the themes for navigating between the sub-themes, and there are filter buttons on some pages to select other views/variables.
Hovering over a line or a bar in a chart will generate tooltips that display the underlying value (or values) and other pertinent information.
Charts with time series data have year sliders at the bottom for toggling between years.
Selections of jurisdictions will remain from tab to tab, however, navigating to the Finances tab may result in a different selection of municipal jurisdictions since the finances tab presents information on additional entities within the municipalities which are not available in other areas of the dashboard.
On any page other than the main page, use the three buttons on the top right corner to navigate to pages of interest, or use the Home button to return to the starting main page.
To access the source data, see the Statistics Canada data tables listed under “Data” above this application.
Keyboard shortcuts and screen reader tips
Keyboard shortcuts and screen reader tips are available by entering the visual and pressing CTRL + Enter.
While in the visual, pressing SHIFT + "?" will open the keyboard shortcuts.
When focus is on a visual, the data table can be displayed by pressing ALT + SHIFT + F11.
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Note of appreciation
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
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Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry,
Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement.
Catalogue no. 71-607-X
- Date modified: