The Canadian Labour Market at a Glance
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Related products and services
Note of appreciation
Standards of service to the public
Related products and services
List of other Statistics Canada labour market related products and services
Labour Force Survey (LFS)
- Labour Force Information, monthly — 71-001-X
- Labour Force Historical Review, annual — 71F0004X
- Labour Force Survey Products and Services, annual —
71-544-X - Guide to the Labour Force Survey, annual — 71-543-G
- Methodology of the Canadian Labour Force Survey, occasional —
71-526-X - The Canadian Immigrant Labour Force Analysis Series, occasional — 71-606-X
- Microdata file, monthly and annual — 71M0001X
- CANSIM, tables 282-0001 to 282-0099, 279-0029 to
Survey of Employment, Payroll and Hours (SEPH)
- Estimates of Employment, Earnings and Hours, annual — 72F0023X
- CANSIM, tables 281-0023 to 281-0046
Workplace and Employee Survey (WES)
- The Evolving Workplace Series, occasional — 71-584-M
- Workplace and Employee Survey Compendium, occasional — 71-585-X
- The Evolving Workplace: Findings from the Pilot Workplace and Employee Survey, May 1998, occasional — 71-583-X
Employment Insurance Program (EI)
- CANSIM, tables 276-0001 to 276-0009, 276-0015,
2006 Census
- 2006 Census: Analysis Series
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID)
- Income in Canada, annual — 75-202-X
- Income Trends in Canada, annual — 13F0022X
- Survey Overview, annual — 75F0011X
- Electronic Data Dictionary, annual — 75F0026X
- CANSIM, tables 202-0101 to 202-0107, 202-0201 to 202-0203, 202-0301, 202-0401 to 202-0411, 202-0501, 202-0601 to 202-0605, 202-0701 to 202-0706 and 202-0801 to 202-0807
Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC)
- Progress and Challenges of New Immigrants in the Workforce, occasional — 89-615-XIE
Other products not specific to a survey
- Perspectives on Labour and Income, monthly and quarterly — 75-001-X
- Canadian Economic Observer, monthly — 11-010-X
- Canadian Social Trends, quarterly — 11-008-X
- Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada, annual— 91-209-X
- The Daily — 11-001-X
- Canadian Statistics (tables)
For more information, or for custom or special request, contact:
Labour Statistics Division (LFS, SEPH, WES, EI)
1 866 873-8788
(613) 951-4090
Income Statistics Division (SLID)
1 888 297-7355
(613) 951-7355
Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division
(613) 951-5979
1 800 263-1136
To order Statistics Canada products and for general inquiries, contact:
1 800 263-1136
The Canadian Labour Market at a Glance has been prepared by the Labour Statistics Division under the direction of Geoff Bowlby (Director) and Christel Le Petit (Chief, Analysis and Special Projects, Labour Force Survey). Contributions from numerous individuals, both in the Labour Statistics Division and elsewhere, have made this product possible. First and foremost, Jonathan Chagnon (project manager), Jason Gilmore (supervisor) and Maxine Davidson (production coordinator) worked hard and diligently to coordinate and produce this publication.
Special thanks go to the authors who have combined their efforts to paint a relevant and timely portrait of the Canadian labour market: Jonathan Chagnon, Jeannine Usalcas, Vincent Ferrao, Jane Lin, Dominique Pinard, Jason Gilmore, Sylvie Picard, Yves Decady, Ida Trachtenberg, Nancy Zukewich, Hélène Maheux, Carrie Hall, Gilles Groleau and Chris Li.
Appreciation is also extended to the analysts and experts at Statistics Canada and elsewhere who gave their invaluable insights and guidance. In particular, thorough reviews were done by Geoff Bowlby, Christel Le Petit, Danielle Zietsma, Jason Gilmore, Nancy Zukewich, Tina Chui and Richard Dupuy.
Thanks to the following people for their essential support in the areas of production and composition, marketing, data and chart verification, style editing and translation: Maxine Davidson, Marc Lévesque, France Gagné, Danielle Boucher, Gisèle Parent, Marie-Hélène Sirois, Dominique Pérusse, Edelweiss D'Andrea, Luc Moquin, and the team of translators.
Finally, Statistics Canada would like to acknowledge the most important contributors to the Canadian Labour Market at a Glance –the respondents to the surveys used in the publication. Our sincere gratitude is extended to these respondents. This report would not have been possible without their co-operation.
Note of appreciation
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
Standards of service to the public
Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner. To this end, the Agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients.
Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
© Minister of Industry, 2008
All rights reserved. Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement.
November 2008
Catalogue no. 71-222-X
Frequency: Irregular
ISSN 1710-4254
- Date modified: