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Statistical tables

  1. Related CANSIM tables
Table 1 September 2010 estimates of the production of principal field crops — Metric
Table 2 September 2010 estimates of the production of principal field crops — Imperial
Table 3 Estimates of the 2009 production of principal field crops — Metric
Table 4 Estimates of the 2009 production of principal field crops — Imperial
Table 5 Stocks of corn for grain and soybeans, Canada
Table 6 Farm stocks of corn for grain and soybeans
Table 7 Supply and disposition of grains in Canada
Table 7-1 All wheat
Table 7-2 Durum wheat
Table 7-3 Wheat, excluding durum
Table 7-4 Oats
Table 7-5 Barley
Table 7-6 Rye
Table 7-7 Flaxseed
Table 7-8 Canola
Table 7-9 Corn, Quebec
Table 7-10 Corn, Ontario
Table 7-11 Corn, other provinces
Table 7-12 Corn, Canada
Table 7-13 Soybeans
Table 7-14 Dry peas
Table 7-15 Lentils
Table 7-16 Mustard seed
Table 7-17 Canary seed
Table 7-18 Sunflower seed
Table 7-19 Chickpeas