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- Total water intake in 2011 by all three industry groups surveyed was 27.6 billion cubic metres. The thermal-electric power producers withdrew 85.1% of this total, manufacturing industries took 13.3% of the total and the mining industries were responsible for the remaining 1.6% of the total water intake.
- Total water discharge in 2011 for the three industry groups was 26.9 billion cubic metres. The thermal-electric power producers accounted for 85.8% of this total, manufacturing industries discharged 12.0% of the total and the mining industries were responsible for 2.2% of the total water discharge.
- The thermal-electric power producers accounted for 61.4% of the 6.0 billion cubic metres of recirculated water noted in the survey while manufacturing industries recirculated 30.9% of this total and mining industries the remaining 7.7%.
- Total water costs for the three major industry components measured in the survey were $1,380.2 million.
For purposes of the Industrial Water Survey, ’Thermal-electric Power Generation’ is defined as ’Fossil-Fuel Electric Power Generation (NAICS 221112)’ and ’Nuclear Electric Power Generation (NAICS 221113)’. The mining industries surveyed were the coal mines (NAICS 2121), metal mines (NAICS 2122) and non-metallic mineral mines (NAICS 2123, excluding NAICS 21232 -sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying). The manufacturing industries are defined by NAICS 31 – 33. Further information on coverage can be found in the section “Data Quality, Concepts and Methodology”.
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