Sample-based estimation of mean electricity consumption curves for small domains
Section 3. Direct estimation methods in the design-based approach
this section, we adopt the sampling design approach. This means that the
variable interest values
for each population unit are considered to be deterministic
and the only variable present is that of the construction of the sample. The statistical inference then only describes the randomness
created by the sampling design.
will present two classic estimators, the Horvitz-Thompson estimator and the
calibration estimator, which will be the references to which we will compare
our methods to evaluate performances. These are direct estimators, i.e., estimators
constructed by using, for the estimation of the mean for each domain, only
units and auxiliary information related to the domain in question.
functional Horvitz-Thompson estimator (Horvitz and Thompson, 1952; Cardo,
Chaouch, Goga and Labruère, 2010) of
is given by:
the sampling weight of unit
also called the Horvitz-Thompson weight. It obviously cannot be calculated for the unsampled domains (i.e.,
such that
is empty) and it is extremely unstable for small domains. Moreover, it in no way uses the predictor variables available
to us.
take advantage of the auxiliary information, again in a sampling design
approach, we can use the calibration estimator proposed by Deville and Särndal
calibration estimator for the mean
is given by:
where the calibration weights
are as close as possible to the sampling weights
units of
within the meaning of a certain distance or pseudo-distance
defined by the statistician:
For the distance of chi-square
the weights are given by
and the estimator becomes
The calibration weights are not dependent on time
but they are dependent in this case on the domain
therefore, the estimator
does not satisfy the additivity property, i.e.,
is the calibration estimator of
the vector
is in the model, thus,
If size
is large, this estimator is approximately bias-free regarding
the sampling plan. We can consider the modified
does not depend on domain
and, therefore, the estimator
satisfies the additivity property, i.e.,
is the calibration
estimator of
As well, if
is large, it has no asymptotic bias even if size
is not large. The asymptotic variance
functions of
are equal to the Horvitz-Thompson variances of residuals
(see Rao and Molina,
for each domain, these estimates are based only on data from the domain in
question (curves and explanatory variables) without considering the rest of the
sample. Like
the Horvitz-Thompson estimator, they are therefore inaccurate for small domains
and cannot be calculated for unsampled domains.
methods that we present in the following section will allow us, by presenting a
model common to all units of the population that describes the link between
variables of interest and auxiliary information, to jointly use all data from
the sample to perform the estimate for each domain, and thus increase the
accuracy for each one. It will also make it possible to even provide estimates for
unsampled domains.
ISSN : 1492-0921
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Industry, 2018
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Catalogue No. 12-001-X
Frequency: Semi-annual