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All (1,891)

All (1,891) (1,780 to 1,790 of 1,891 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198600114441

    The analysis of survey data becomes difficult in the presence of incomplete responses. By the use of the maximum likelihood method, estimators for the parameters of interest and test statistics can be generated. In this paper the maximum likelihood estimators are given for the case where the data is considered missing at random. A method for imputing the missing values is considered along with the problem of estimating the change points in the mean. Possible extensions of the results to structured covariances and to non-randomly incomplete data are also proposed.

    Release date: 1986-06-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198600114442

    For periodic business surveys which are conducted on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, the data for responding units must be edited and the data for non-responding units must be imputed. This paper reports on methods which can be used for editing and imputing data. The editing is comprised of consistency and statistical edits. The imputation is done for both total non-response and partial non-response.

    Release date: 1986-06-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198600114443

    When the technique of adjustment using weighting classes is applied to compensate for the effect of non-response, several questions arise that call for precise and quantified answers: How does the choice of the variables used for definition of the classes affect total root-mean-square error, in particular non-response bias and sampling variance? What rule and what procedure should be followed in choosing the adjustment variables? On the basis of what criterion can the optimal sizes for the weighting classes be established? Finally, when this procedure is applied to compensate for non-response with respect to specific elements of a questionnaire, how can strongly correlated ancillary variables be used effectively when they themselves are affected by non-response? This article is addressed to those professionals working at a practical level who are seeking guidelines.

    Release date: 1986-06-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198600114444

    A new processing system using the nearest neighbour (N-N) imputation method is being implemented for the National Farm Survey (NFS). An empirical study was conducted to determine if the NFS estimates would be affected by using imputation groups based on type of farm. For the specific imputation rule examined, the study showed evidence that the effect might be small.

    Release date: 1986-06-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214372

    The use of a multivariate clustering algorithm to perform stratification for the Labour Force Survey is described. The algorithm developed by Friedman and Rubin (1967) is modified to allow the formation of geographically contiguous strata and to delineate heterogeneous but compact primary sampling units (PSUs) within these strata. Studies dealing with stratification variables, stratification robustness over time, and type of stratification are described.

    Release date: 1985-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214373

    In the first part of the paper a review of the historical literature concerning microfilmed manuscript census records is given. Several types of sampling designs have been used ranging in complexity from cluster and stratified random sampling to stratified two-stage cluster sampling. In the second part, a method is given to create a public use sample tape of the 1881 Census of Canada. This work was part of a pilot project for Public Archives of Canada and was carried out by the Social Science Computing Laboratory of the University of Western Ontario. The pilot project was designed to determine the merit and technical and economic feasibility of developing machine readable products from microfilm copies of the 1881 Census of Canada.

    Release date: 1985-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214374

    In this paper estimation of multiple characters in multiple frame surveys has been investigated. The gain due to two character study in a common survey, over separate surveys for individual characters, has been obtained. Cost comparison is also made between two character multi frame survey and two character single frame survey.

    Release date: 1985-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214375

    This paper analyzes the revisions of eight seasonally adjusted labour force series during recession and non-recession periods. The four seasonal adjustment methods applied are X-11 and X-11-ARIMA using either concurrent or forecast seasonal factors. The series are seasonally adjusted with these four methodologies according to both a multiplicative and an additive decomposition model. The results indicate that the X-11-ARIMA concurrent adjustment yields the smallest revisions both during recession and non-recession periods regardless of the decomposition model used.

    Release date: 1985-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214376

    This study purports to assess whether there are temporal relationships between Unemployment Insurance Beneficiaries, Total Unemployment, Job Losers and Job Leavers in Canada using univariate and multivariate time series methods. The results indicate that during 1975-82 the Unemployment Insurance Beneficiaries series leads: (1) Total Unemployment by one month and (2) Job Leavers by two months. On the other hand, there are evidence of a feedback relationship between Unemployment Insurance Beneficiaries and Job Losers.

    Release date: 1985-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214377

    Thirty basic principles of questionnaire design are presented covering the content, wording, format, and testing of questionnaires. The extent to which the questionnaire is an integral part of the survey is emphasized as is consideration of its relationship with other aspects of survey design.

    Release date: 1985-12-16
Stats in brief (83)

Stats in brief (83) (0 to 10 of 83 results)

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062024001
    Description: This short video explains how it can be very effective for all levels of governments and organizations that serve communities to use disaggregated data to make evidence-informed public policy decisions. By using disaggregated data, policymakers are able to design more appropriate and effective policies that meet the needs of each diverse and unique Canadian.
    Release date: 2024-07-16

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062024002
    Description: This short video explains how the use of disaggregated data can help policymakers to develop more targeted and effective policies by identifying the unique needs and challenges faced by different demographic groups.
    Release date: 2024-07-16

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202411338008
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2024-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-637-X
    Description: This product presents data on the Sustainable Development Goals. They present an overview of the 17 Goals through infographics by leveraging data currently available to report on Canada’s progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
    Release date: 2024-01-25

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202402237898
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2024-01-22

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062023001
    Description: This course is intended for Government of Canada employees who would like to learn about evaluating the quality of data for a particular use. Whether you are a new employee interested in learning the basics, or an experienced subject matter expert looking to refresh your skills, this course is here to help.
    Release date: 2023-07-17

  • Stats in brief: 98-20-00032021011
    Description: This video explains the key concepts of different levels of aggregation of income data such as household and family income; income concepts derived from key income variables such as adjusted income and equivalence scale; and statistics used for income data such as median and average income, quartiles, quintiles, deciles and percentiles.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Stats in brief: 98-20-00032021012
    Description: This video builds on concepts introduced in the other videos on income. It explains key low-income concepts - Market Basket Measure (MBM), Low income measure (LIM) and Low-income cut-offs (LICO) and the indicators associated with these concepts such as the low-income gap and the low-income ratio. These concepts are used in analysis of the economic well-being of the population.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202231822683
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2022-11-14

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062022004

    Gathering, exploring, analyzing and interpreting data are essential steps in producing information that benefits society, the economy and the environment. In this video, we will discuss the importance of considering data ethics throughout the process of producing statistical information.

    As a pre-requisite to this video, make sure to watch the video titled “Data Ethics: An introduction” also available in Statistics Canada’s data literacy training catalogue.

    Release date: 2022-10-17
Articles and reports (1,783)

Articles and reports (1,783) (50 to 60 of 1,783 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200011
    Description: The article considers sampling designs for populations that can be represented as a N × M matrix. For instance when investigating tourist activities, the rows could be locations visited by tourists and the columns days in the tourist season. The goal is to sample cells (i, j) of the matrix when the number of selections within each row and each column is fixed a priori. The ith row sample size represents the number of selected cells within row i; the jth column sample size is the number of selected cells within column j. A matrix sampling design gives an N × M matrix of sample indicators, with entry 1 at position (i, j) if cell (i, j) is sampled and 0 otherwise. The first matrix sampling design investigated has one level of sampling, row and column sample sizes are set in advance: the row sample sizes can vary while the column sample sizes are all equal. The fixed margins can be seen as balancing constraints and algorithms available for selecting such samples are reviewed. A new estimator for the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the mean of survey variable y is then presented. Several levels of sampling might be necessary to account for all the constraints; this involves multi-level matrix sampling designs that are also investigated.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200012
    Description: In recent decades, many different uses of auxiliary information have enriched survey sampling theory and practice. Jean-Claude Deville contributed significantly to this progress. My comments trace some of the steps on the way to one important theory for the use of auxiliary information: Estimation by calibration.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200013
    Description: Jean-Claude Deville is one of the most prominent researcher in survey sampling theory and practice. His research on balanced sampling, indirect sampling and calibration in particular is internationally recognized and widely used in official statistics. He was also a pioneer in the field of functional data analysis. This discussion gives us the opportunity to recognize the immense work he has accomplished, and to pay tribute to him. In the first part of this article, we recall briefly his contribution to the functional principal analysis. We also detail some recent extension of his work at the intersection of the fields of functional data analysis and survey sampling. In the second part of this paper, we present some extension of Jean-Claude’s work in indirect sampling. These extensions are motivated by concrete applications and illustrate Jean-Claude’s influence on our work as researchers.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200014
    Description: Many things have been written about Jean-Claude Deville in tributes from the statistical community (see Tillé, 2022a; Tillé, 2022b; Christine, 2022; Ardilly, 2022; and Matei, 2022) and from the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (ENSAE) and the Société française de statistique. Pascal Ardilly, David Haziza, Pierre Lavallée and Yves Tillé provide an in-depth look at Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory. To pay tribute to him, I would like to discuss Jean-Claude Deville’s contribution to the more day-to-day application of methodology for all the statisticians at the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE) and at the public statistics service. To do this, I will use my work experience, and particularly the four years (1992 to 1996) I spent working with him in the Statistical Methods Unit and the discussions we had thereafter, especially in the 2000s on the rolling census.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200015
    Description: This article discusses and provides comments on the Ardilly, Haziza, Lavallée and Tillé’s summary presentation of Jean-Claude Deville’s work on survey theory. It sheds light on the context, applications and uses of his findings, and shows how these have become engrained in the role of statisticians, in which Jean-Claude was a trailblazer. It also discusses other aspects of his career and his creative inventions.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200016
    Description: In this discussion, I will present some additional aspects of three major areas of survey theory developed or studied by Jean-Claude Deville: calibration, balanced sampling and the generalized weight-share method.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200017
    Description: Jean-Claude Deville, who passed away in October 2021, was one of the most influential researchers in the field of survey statistics over the past 40 years. This article traces some of his contributions that have had a profound impact on both survey theory and practice. This article will cover the topics of balanced sampling using the cube method, calibration, the weight-sharing method, the development of variance expressions of complex estimators using influence function and quota sampling.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200018
    Description: Sample surveys, as a tool for policy development and evaluation and for scientific, social and economic research, have been employed for over a century. In that time, they have primarily served as tools for collecting data for enumerative purposes. Estimation of these characteristics has been typically based on weighting and repeated sampling, or design-based, inference. However, sample data have also been used for modelling the unobservable processes that gave rise to the finite population data. This type of use has been termed analytic, and often involves integrating the sample data with data from secondary sources.

    Alternative approaches to inference in these situations, drawing inspiration from mainstream statistical modelling, have been strongly promoted. The principal focus of these alternatives has been on allowing for informative sampling. Modern survey sampling, though, is more focussed on situations where the sample data are in fact part of a more complex set of data sources all carrying relevant information about the process of interest. When an efficient modelling method such as maximum likelihood is preferred, the issue becomes one of how it should be modified to account for both complex sampling designs and multiple data sources. Here application of the Missing Information Principle provides a clear way forward.

    In this paper I review how this principle has been applied to resolve so-called “messy” data analysis issues in sampling. I also discuss a scenario that is a consequence of the rapid growth in auxiliary data sources for survey data analysis. This is where sampled records from one accessible source or register are linked to records from another less accessible source, with values of the response variable of interest drawn from this second source, and where a key output is small area estimates for the response variable for domains defined on the first source.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202301200002
    Description: The validity of survival estimates from cancer registry data depends, in part, on the identification of the deaths of deceased cancer patients. People whose deaths are missed seemingly live on forever and are informally referred to as “immortals”, and their presence in registry data can result in inflated survival estimates. This study assesses the issue of immortals in the Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) using a recently proposed method that compares the survival of long-term survivors of cancers for which “statistical” cure has been reported with that of similar people from the general population.
    Release date: 2023-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2023003
    Description: This paper spans the academic work and estimation strategies used in national statistics offices. It addresses the issue of producing fine, grid-level geography estimates for Canada by exploring the measurement of subprovincial and subterritorial gross domestic product using Yukon as a test case.
    Release date: 2023-12-15
Journals and periodicals (25)

Journals and periodicals (25) (20 to 30 of 25 results)

  • Journals and periodicals: 85F0036X
    Geography: Canada

    This study documents the methodological and technical challenges that are involved in performing analysis on small groups using a sample survey, oversampling, response rate, non-response rate due to language, release feasibility and sampling variability. It is based on the 1999 General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization.

    Release date: 2002-05-14

  • 22. Low Income Cut-offs Archived
    Journals and periodicals: 13-551-X

    Low income cut-offs (LICOs) are intended to convey the income level at which a family may be in straitened circumstances because it has to spend a greater portion of its income on the basics (food, clothing and shelter) than does the average family of similar size. The LICOs vary by family size and by size of community.

    This publication provides a brief explanation of how the LICOs are derived and updated annually. In addition, it provides on a historical basis, LICOs for different family sizes by size of area of residence. LICOs are calculated based on the spending patterns of families on basic 'necessities' - food, shelter and clothing - as collected from the Survey of Household Spending (formerly referred to as the Family Expenditure Survey (FAMEX)).

    Release date: 1999-12-10

  • Journals and periodicals: 84F0013X
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    This study was initiated to test the validity of probabilistic linkage methods used at Statistics Canada. It compared the results of data linkages on infant deaths in Canada with infant death data from Nova Scotia and Alberta. It also compared the availability of fetal deaths on the national and provincial files.

    Release date: 1999-10-08

  • Table: 11-516-X

    The second edition of Historical statistics of Canada was jointly produced by the Social Science Federation of Canada and Statistics Canada in 1983. This volume contains about 1,088 statistical tables on the social, economic and institutional conditions of Canada from the start of Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s. The tables are arranged in sections with an introduction explaining the content of each section, the principal sources of data for each table, and general explanatory notes regarding the statistics. In most cases, there is sufficient description of the individual series to enable the reader to use them without consulting the numerous basic sources referenced in the publication.

    The electronic version of this historical publication is accessible on the Internet site of Statistics Canada as a free downloadable document: text as HTML pages and all tables as individual spreadsheets in a comma delimited format (CSV) (which allows online viewing or downloading).

    Release date: 1999-07-29

  • Journals and periodicals: 88-522-X

    The framework described here is intended as a basic operational instrument for systematic development of statistical information respecting the evolution of science and technology and its interactions with the society, the economy and the political system of which it is a part.

    Release date: 1999-02-24
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