Building Permits
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- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021005Description: Building permits: Interactive Dashboard can be used to visualize monthly data or trend analysis of the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities as well as monthly changes on residential units created. The user can view those data by selecting reference period, geography, type of building structure and value type for seasonal adjustment.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250103592Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-01-10
- Table: 34-10-0285-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Table: 34-10-0285-02Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work, percentage change (x1,000).Release date: 2025-01-10
- Table: 45-20-00042024003Description: The Rural Canada Housing Profiles (RCHP) 2022 provides tables on housing in rural Canada. The tables were developed using data from several Statistics Canada programs: Canadian Housing Statistics Program (2021), Building Permits (2022) and Investment in Building Construction (2022). Information such as structure type (single or multiple residential property), year of construction, size of the building, and construction intentions (building permits issued by municipalities, number of units / value of the building) were used to provide a broader picture of housing stocks, flows and investments in rural and small town communities. The final output is five data tables (residential building permits; investment in residential building construction; residential property characteristics); occupied private dwelling characteristics; and private household characteristics). Data are organized geographically at the following levels (where applicable): Canada, provinces or territories, census subdivisions (CSD), and Rural and Small Town (RST) or urban areas of Canada. A CSD is considered to be 'Rural and Small Town (RST)' in the RCHP if it is outside of census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations (CMA/CA); otherwise, it is considered to be 'Urban'.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 46-10-0075-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census subdivisionFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table provides data on residential building permits by type of residential building and type of work, including permit counts, permit values, number of units created, and number of units lost through conversion.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 46-10-0076-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census subdivisionFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table provides data on values of investments in residential building construction by type of residential building and type of work.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 46-10-0077-01Geography: Province or territory, Census subdivisionFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table provides data on counts of residential properties, owner-assessed values, and total living area.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 34-10-0066-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: The monthly Building Permits Survey collects data on the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities for both residential and non-residential buildings, and the number of residential dwellings authorized. The survey also measures the number of dwelling units demolished.Release date: 2023-12-07
- Table: 34-10-0066-02Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: The monthly Building Permits Survey collects data on the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities for both residential and non-residential buildings, and the number of residential dwellings authorized. The survey also measures the number of dwelling units demolished.Release date: 2023-12-07
Data (27)
Data (27) (0 to 10 of 27 results)
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021005Description: Building permits: Interactive Dashboard can be used to visualize monthly data or trend analysis of the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities as well as monthly changes on residential units created. The user can view those data by selecting reference period, geography, type of building structure and value type for seasonal adjustment.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Table: 34-10-0285-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Table: 34-10-0285-02Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Monthly building and demolition permits value of construction by type of structure and type of work, percentage change (x1,000).Release date: 2025-01-10
- Table: 45-20-00042024003Description: The Rural Canada Housing Profiles (RCHP) 2022 provides tables on housing in rural Canada. The tables were developed using data from several Statistics Canada programs: Canadian Housing Statistics Program (2021), Building Permits (2022) and Investment in Building Construction (2022). Information such as structure type (single or multiple residential property), year of construction, size of the building, and construction intentions (building permits issued by municipalities, number of units / value of the building) were used to provide a broader picture of housing stocks, flows and investments in rural and small town communities. The final output is five data tables (residential building permits; investment in residential building construction; residential property characteristics); occupied private dwelling characteristics; and private household characteristics). Data are organized geographically at the following levels (where applicable): Canada, provinces or territories, census subdivisions (CSD), and Rural and Small Town (RST) or urban areas of Canada. A CSD is considered to be 'Rural and Small Town (RST)' in the RCHP if it is outside of census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations (CMA/CA); otherwise, it is considered to be 'Urban'.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 46-10-0075-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census subdivisionFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table provides data on residential building permits by type of residential building and type of work, including permit counts, permit values, number of units created, and number of units lost through conversion.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 46-10-0076-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census subdivisionFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table provides data on values of investments in residential building construction by type of residential building and type of work.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 46-10-0077-01Geography: Province or territory, Census subdivisionFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table provides data on counts of residential properties, owner-assessed values, and total living area.Release date: 2024-03-01
- Table: 34-10-0066-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: The monthly Building Permits Survey collects data on the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities for both residential and non-residential buildings, and the number of residential dwellings authorized. The survey also measures the number of dwelling units demolished.Release date: 2023-12-07
- Table: 34-10-0066-02Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: The monthly Building Permits Survey collects data on the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities for both residential and non-residential buildings, and the number of residential dwellings authorized. The survey also measures the number of dwelling units demolished.Release date: 2023-12-07
- Table: 45-20-00042023003Description: The Rural Canada Housing Profiles (RCHP) 2018 to 2021 provides tables on housing in rural Canada. The tables were developed using data from several Statistics Canada programs: 2021 Census of Population, Canadian Housing Statistics Program (2018 to 2021), Building Permits (2018 to 2021) and Investment in Building Construction (2018 to 2021). Information such as structure type (single or multiple residential property), year of construction, size of the building, and construction intentions (building permits issued by municipalities, number of units / value of the building) were used to provide a broader picture of housing stocks, flows and investments in rural communities. The final output is five data tables (residential building permits; investment in residential building construction; residential property characteristics; occupied private dwelling characteristics; and private household characteristics). Data are organized geographically at the following levels (where applicable): Canada, provinces or territories, census subdivisions (CSD). Aggregates are provided for rural and urban parts of Canada, provinces, and territories, while indication is provided as to whether a CSD is considered rural or urban according to the definition used - CSDs outside census metropolitan areas (CMAs) and census agglomerations (CAs) are defined as 'rural', while CSDs within a CMA/CA are defined as 'urban'.Release date: 2023-05-23
Analysis (5)
Analysis (5) ((5 results))
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250103592Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-01-10
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X202019624863Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2020-07-14
- 3. Building permits: Flash estimates March 2020 ArchivedStats in brief: 11-001-X202009923524Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2020-04-08
- 4. Fort McMurray 2016 Wildfire – Economic Impact ArchivedStats in brief: 11-627-M2017007Description: An overview of the repercussions of this natural disaster on current production, insurance payments, and future planned construction are presented along with other contextual data. From localized impacts to the national picture the data shows the very different impacts the wildfires had on industry and Canadian citizens. The infographic, Fort McMurray 2016 Wildfires - Economic Impact, presents information from multiple Statistics Canada surveys including the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Gross Domestic Product by Industry (GDP).Release date: 2017-03-16
- Articles and reports: 62F0014M1996002Geography: CanadaDescription:
Price indexes are an essential tool for the analysis of real output in the construction industry and for relative performance and productivity measures. They provide a succinct picture of the past and a useful framework for forecasting future developments. Government requires such price indexes as part of the information used in the development of its policies including support programs to provincial governments. These indexes are also used in construction contracts to adjust for cost fluctuations and inflation. It is however, a difficult task to obtain satisfactory indexes reflecting 'pure' price changes for construction. The units built are nonstandard and heterogeneous with large variations in quality, size, design and construction techniques. Consequently, there are many different types of indexes developed from information recorded in the construction industry.
This paper summarizes the various ways in which construction price indexes can be compiled, and examines and compares the performance of some of the indexes currently produced at Statistics Canada. It is hoped that the comparisons would permit an assessment of the various types of construction indexes examined for specific applications.
Release date: 1997-05-05
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