Frames and coverage

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  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200700210497

    Coverage deficiencies are estimated and analysed for the 2000 population census in Switzerland. For the undercoverage component, the estimation is based on a sample independent of the census and a match with the census. For the overcoverage component, the estimation is based on a sample drawn from the census list and a match with the rest of the census. The over- and undercoverage components are then combined to obtain an estimate of the resulting net coverage. This estimate is based on a capture-recapture model, named the dual system, combined with a synthetic model. The estimators are calculated for the full population and different subgroups, with a variance estimated by a stratified jackknife. The coverage analyses are supplemented by a study of matches between the independent sample and the census in order to determine potential errors of measurement and location in the census data.

    Release date: 2008-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019449

    Literature about Multiple Frame estimation theory mainly concentrates over the Dual Frame case and it is only rarely concerned with the important practical issue of the variance estimation. By using a multiplicity approach a fixed weights Single Frame estimator for Multiple Frame Survey is proposed.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019452

    The redesign of the Dutch Business Register was started for both technical and statistical reasons. The major changes in the new register are the use of the new Dutch Basic Business Register as the source for legal and local units, the inclusion of administrative units in the register and a new automated algorithm to derive the statistical frame from administrative sources.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019454
    Geography: Canada

    The goal of the BR Redesign Project is to simplify, optimize, and harmonize its processes and methods. This paper provides an overview of the BR Redesign with emphasis on the issues that affect the methodology of business surveys.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20060029551

    To select a survey sample, it happens that one does not have a frame containing the desired collection units, but rather another frame of units linked in a certain way to the list of collection units. It can then be considered to select a sample from the available frame in order to produce an estimate for the desired target population by using the links existing between the two. This can be designated by Indirect Sampling.

    Estimation for the target population surveyed by Indirect Sampling can constitute a big challenge, in particular if the links between the units of the two are not one-to-one. The problem comes especially from the difficulty to associate a selection probability, or an estimation weight, to the surveyed units of the target population. In order to solve this type of estimation problem, the Generalized Weight Share Method (GWSM) has been developed by Lavallée (1995) and Lavallée (2002). The GWSM provides an estimation weight for every surveyed unit of the target population.

    This paper first describes Indirect Sampling, which constitutes the foundations of the GWSM. Second, an overview of the GWSM is given where we formulate the GWSM in a theoretical framework using matrix notation. Third, we present some properties of the GWSM such as unbiasedness and transitivity. Fourth, we consider the special case where the links between the two populations are expressed by indicator variables. Fifth, some special typical linkages are studied to assess their impact on the GWSM. Finally, we consider the problem of optimality. We obtain optimal weights in a weak sense (for specific values of the variable of interest), and conditions for which these weights are also optimal in a strong sense and independent of the variable of interest.

    Release date: 2006-12-21

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20040018752

    This paper outlines some possible applications of the permanent sample of households ready to respond with respect to surveying difficult-to-reach population groups.

    Release date: 2005-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20040018756

    This paper evaluates several approaches that have been used to construct or augment frames for a variety of Statistics Canada surveys. On the basis of these experiences, some good practices for frame construction and use are proposed.

    Release date: 2005-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20040027756

    It is usually discovered in the data collection phase of a survey that some units in the sample are ineligible even if the frame information has indicated otherwise. For example, in many business surveys a nonnegligible proportion of the sampled units will have ceased trading since the latest update of the frame. This information may be fed back to the frame and used in subsequent surveys, thereby making forthcoming samples more efficient by avoiding sampling ineligible units. On the first of two survey occasions, we assume that all ineligible units in the sample (or set of samples) are detected and excluded from the frame. On the second occasion, a subsample of the eligible part is observed again. The subsample may be augmented with a fresh sample that will contain both eligible and ineligible units. We investigate what effect on survey estimation the process of feeding back information on ineligibility may have, and derive an expression for the bias that can occur as a result of feeding back. The focus is on estimation of the total using the common expansion estimator. An estimator that is nearly unbiased in the presence of feed back is obtained. This estimator relies on consistent estimates of the number of eligible and ineligible units in the population being available.

    Release date: 2005-02-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20030017596

    This paper discusses the measurement problems that affected the Demographic Analysis (DA), a coverage measurement program used for Census 2000.

    Release date: 2005-01-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 92-394-X

    This report deals with coverage errors that occur when persons, households, dwellings or families are missed or enumerated in error by the census. After the 2001 Census was taken, a number of studies were carried out to estimate gross undercoverage, gross overcoverage and net undercoverage. This report presents the results of the Dwelling Classification Study, the Reverse Record Check Study, the Automated Match Study and the Collective Dwelling Study. The report first describes census universes, coverage error and census collection and processing procedures that may result in coverage error. Then it gives estimates of net undercoverage for a number of demographic characteristics. After, the technical report presents the methodology and results of each coverage study and the estimates of coverage error after describing how the results of the various studies are combined. A historical perspective completes the product.

    Release date: 2004-11-25
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Analysis (60)

Analysis (60) (10 to 20 of 60 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010979

    Prior to 2006, the Canadian Census of Population relied on field staff to deliver questionnaires to all dwellings in Canada. For the 2006 Census, an address frame was created to cover almost 70% of dwellings in Canada, and these questionnaires were delivered by Canada Post. For the 2011 Census, Statistics Canada aims to expand this frame further, with a target of delivering questionnaires by mail to between 80% and 85% of dwellings. Mailing questionnaires for the Census raises a number of issues, among them: ensuring returned questionnaires are counted in the right area, creating an up to date address frame that includes all new growth, and determining which areas are unsuitable for having questionnaires delivered by mail. Changes to the address frame update procedures for 2011, most notably the decision to use purely administrative data as the frame wherever possible and conduct field update exercises only where deemed necessary, provide a new set of challenges for the 2011 Census.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200600110420

    Most major survey research organizations in the United States and Canada do not include wireless telephone numbers when conducting random-digit-dialed (RDD) household telephone surveys. In this paper, we offer the most up-to-date estimates available from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics and Statistics Canada concerning the prevalence and demographic characteristics of the wireless-only population. We then present data from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey on the health and health care access of wireless-only adults, and we examine the potential for coverage bias when health research is conducted using RDD surveys that exclude wireless telephone numbers.

    Release date: 2008-03-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200700210492

    Multiple Frame Surveys were originally proposed to foster cost savings on the basis of an optimality approach. As surveys on special, rare and difficult-to-sample populations are becoming more prominent, a single list of population units to be used as a sampling frame is often unavailable in sampling practice. In recent literature multiple frame designs have been put forward in order to increase population coverage, to improve response rates and to capture differences and subgroups. Alternative approaches to multiple frame estimation have appeared, all of them relying upon the virtual partition of the set of the available overlapping frames into disjointed domains. Hence the correct classification of sampled units into the domains is required for practical applications. In this paper a multiple frame estimator is proposed using a multiplicity approach. Multiplicity estimators require less information about unit domain membership hence they are insensitive to misclassification. Moreover the proposed estimator is analytically simple so that it is easy to implement and its exact variance is given. Empirical results from an extensive simulation study comparing the multiplicity estimator with major competitors are also provided.

    Release date: 2008-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200700210497

    Coverage deficiencies are estimated and analysed for the 2000 population census in Switzerland. For the undercoverage component, the estimation is based on a sample independent of the census and a match with the census. For the overcoverage component, the estimation is based on a sample drawn from the census list and a match with the rest of the census. The over- and undercoverage components are then combined to obtain an estimate of the resulting net coverage. This estimate is based on a capture-recapture model, named the dual system, combined with a synthetic model. The estimators are calculated for the full population and different subgroups, with a variance estimated by a stratified jackknife. The coverage analyses are supplemented by a study of matches between the independent sample and the census in order to determine potential errors of measurement and location in the census data.

    Release date: 2008-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019449

    Literature about Multiple Frame estimation theory mainly concentrates over the Dual Frame case and it is only rarely concerned with the important practical issue of the variance estimation. By using a multiplicity approach a fixed weights Single Frame estimator for Multiple Frame Survey is proposed.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019452

    The redesign of the Dutch Business Register was started for both technical and statistical reasons. The major changes in the new register are the use of the new Dutch Basic Business Register as the source for legal and local units, the inclusion of administrative units in the register and a new automated algorithm to derive the statistical frame from administrative sources.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20050019454
    Geography: Canada

    The goal of the BR Redesign Project is to simplify, optimize, and harmonize its processes and methods. This paper provides an overview of the BR Redesign with emphasis on the issues that affect the methodology of business surveys.

    Release date: 2007-03-02

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20060029551

    To select a survey sample, it happens that one does not have a frame containing the desired collection units, but rather another frame of units linked in a certain way to the list of collection units. It can then be considered to select a sample from the available frame in order to produce an estimate for the desired target population by using the links existing between the two. This can be designated by Indirect Sampling.

    Estimation for the target population surveyed by Indirect Sampling can constitute a big challenge, in particular if the links between the units of the two are not one-to-one. The problem comes especially from the difficulty to associate a selection probability, or an estimation weight, to the surveyed units of the target population. In order to solve this type of estimation problem, the Generalized Weight Share Method (GWSM) has been developed by Lavallée (1995) and Lavallée (2002). The GWSM provides an estimation weight for every surveyed unit of the target population.

    This paper first describes Indirect Sampling, which constitutes the foundations of the GWSM. Second, an overview of the GWSM is given where we formulate the GWSM in a theoretical framework using matrix notation. Third, we present some properties of the GWSM such as unbiasedness and transitivity. Fourth, we consider the special case where the links between the two populations are expressed by indicator variables. Fifth, some special typical linkages are studied to assess their impact on the GWSM. Finally, we consider the problem of optimality. We obtain optimal weights in a weak sense (for specific values of the variable of interest), and conditions for which these weights are also optimal in a strong sense and independent of the variable of interest.

    Release date: 2006-12-21

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20040018752

    This paper outlines some possible applications of the permanent sample of households ready to respond with respect to surveying difficult-to-reach population groups.

    Release date: 2005-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20040018756

    This paper evaluates several approaches that have been used to construct or augment frames for a variety of Statistics Canada surveys. On the basis of these experiences, some good practices for frame construction and use are proposed.

    Release date: 2005-10-27
Reference (10)

Reference (10) ((10 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-303-X

    The Coverage Technical Report will present the error included in census data that results from either persons being missed (not enumerated) or from persons being enumerated more than once by the 2016 Census. The population coverage error is one of the most important types of errors because it affects not only the accuracy of population counts, but also the accuracy of all the census data results describing the characteristics of the population universe.

    Release date: 2019-11-13

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X201700014708

    Statistics Canada’s Household Survey Frames (HSF) Programme provides various universe files that can be used alone or in combination to improve survey design, sampling, collection, and processing in the traditional “need to contact a household model.” Even as surveys are migrating onto these core suite of products, the HSF is starting to plan the changes to infrastructure, organisation, and linkages with other data assets in Statistics Canada that will help enable a shift to increased use of a wide variety of administrative data as input to the social statistics programme. The presentation will provide an overview of the HSF Programme, foundational concepts that will need to be implemented to expand linkage potential, and will identify strategic research being under-taken toward 2021.

    Release date: 2016-03-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X201300014269

    The Census Overcoverage Study (COS) is a critical post-census coverage measurement study. Its main objective is to produce estimates of the number of people erroneously enumerated, by province and territory, study the characteristics of individuals counted multiple times and identify possible reasons for the errors. The COS is based on the sampling and clerical review of groups of connected records that are built by linking the census response database to an administrative frame, and to itself. In this paper we describe the new 2011 COS methodology. This methodology has incorporated numerous improvements including a greater use of probabilistic record-linkage, the estimation of linking parameters with an Expectation-Maximization (E-M) algorithm, and the efficient use of household information to detect more overcoverage cases.

    Release date: 2014-10-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 87-542-X2011001
    Geography: Canada

    The first issue of the series presents the Conceptual Framework for Culture Statistics 2011, a revision of the 2004 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics.

    The conceptual framework contains an official statistical definition of culture and describes a set of culture domains that can be used to measure culture from creation to use.

    Release date: 2011-10-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 87-542-X2011002
    Geography: Canada

    The second issue of this series is a companion piece to the Conceptual Framework for Culture Statistics 2011, a revision to the 2004 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics.

    The guide maps the 2011 Canadian framework for culture statistics to the following Statistics Canada's standard classification systems: the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007, the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) - Canada (Provisional Version 0.1), National Occupational Classification - Statistics (NOC-S) 2006 and Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), Canada, 2000.

    It contains explanations, definitions and examples of how the classification codes are mapped to the conceptual framework. It also contains a series of tables that contain codes, by classification system, which help illustrate the framework domains and sub-domains, and flags those codes that do not map well to the framework.

    Release date: 2011-10-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 87-542-X
    Geography: Canada

    This series the Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics 2011 replaces the 2004 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics (Catalogue 81-595-MIE2004021).

    The first issue of this series presents the conceptual framework, including a definition of culture, domains and sub-domains, and criteria for their inclusion in culture. The second issue is a guide that maps the conceptual framework to selected standard classification systems. It is intended to foster a standard approach to the measurement of culture in Canada.

    Release date: 2011-10-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 92-567-X

    The Coverage Technical Report will present the error included in census data that results from persons missed by the 2006 Census or persons enumerated in error. Population coverage errors are one of the most important types of error because they affect not only the accuracy of population counts but also the accuracy of all of the census data describing characteristics of the population universe.

    Release date: 2010-03-25

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 92-394-X

    This report deals with coverage errors that occur when persons, households, dwellings or families are missed or enumerated in error by the census. After the 2001 Census was taken, a number of studies were carried out to estimate gross undercoverage, gross overcoverage and net undercoverage. This report presents the results of the Dwelling Classification Study, the Reverse Record Check Study, the Automated Match Study and the Collective Dwelling Study. The report first describes census universes, coverage error and census collection and processing procedures that may result in coverage error. Then it gives estimates of net undercoverage for a number of demographic characteristics. After, the technical report presents the methodology and results of each coverage study and the estimates of coverage error after describing how the results of the various studies are combined. A historical perspective completes the product.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 92-370-X

    Series description

    This series includes five general reference products - the Preview of Products and Services; the Catalogue; the Dictionary; the Handbook and the Technical Reports - as well as geography reference products - GeoSuite and Reference Maps.

    Product description

    Technical Reports examine the quality of data from the 1996 Census, a large and complex undertaking. While considerable effort was taken to ensure high quality standards throughout each step, the results are subject to a certain degree of error. Each report looks at the collection and processing operations and presents results from data evaluation, as well as notes on historical comparability.

    Technical Reports are aimed at moderate and sophisticated users but are written in a manner which could make them useful to all census data users. Most of the technical reports have been cancelled, with the exception of Age, Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Status, Coverage and Sampling and Weighting. These reports will be available as bilingual publications as well as being available in both official languages on the Internet as free products.

    This report deals with coverage errors, which occured when persons, households, dwellings or families were missed by the 1996 Census or enumerated in error. Coverage errors are one of the most important types of error since they affect not only the accuracy of the counts of the various census universes but also the accuracy of all of the census data describing the characteristics of these universes. With this information, users can determine the risks involved in basing conclusions or decisions on census data.

    Release date: 1999-12-14

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5241
    Description: The SRGD is conducting a Global Positioning System (GPS) and digital mapping test to improve Statistic Canada's rural dwelling inventory by collecting dwelling identifiers to be used by field collection staff. In rural areas dwelling identification can be difficult where there is an absence of civic style addresses. The test is evaluating alternative methods for dwelling identification including the collection of GPS coordinates and digital photos using a mapping application and a digital tablet
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