Coverage, 2001 Census Technical Report (Reference Products: 2001 Census) - ARCHIVED

Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 92-394-X


This report deals with coverage errors that occur when persons, households, dwellings or families are missed or enumerated in error by the census. After the 2001 Census was taken, a number of studies were carried out to estimate gross undercoverage, gross overcoverage and net undercoverage. This report presents the results of the Dwelling Classification Study, the Reverse Record Check Study, the Automated Match Study and the Collective Dwelling Study. The report first describes census universes, coverage error and census collection and processing procedures that may result in coverage error. Then it gives estimates of net undercoverage for a number of demographic characteristics. After, the technical report presents the methodology and results of each coverage study and the estimates of coverage error after describing how the results of the various studies are combined. A historical perspective completes the product.

Frequency: Every 5 years
Available formats: HTML

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Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
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