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Survey or statistical program
- Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (95)
- General Social Survey - Victimization (34)
- Homicide Survey (23)
- Integrated Criminal Court Survey (18)
- Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse (5)
- Census of Population (4)
- Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (4)
- Youth Court Survey (3)
- Police Administration Survey (2)
- Adult Correctional Services (2)
- Youth Custody and Community Services (2)
- Canadian Community Health Survey - Annual Component (1)
- Alternative Measures Survey for Youth (1)
- Canadian Internet Use Survey (1)
- Victim Services Survey (1)
- International Youth Survey (1)
- National Household Survey (1)
- Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (1)
- Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (1)
All (175)
All (175) (0 to 10 of 175 results)
- Table: 12-581-XDescription: Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on Canadian society, including subjects such as the population, education, health, prices and the economy, among others. Updated yearly, this booklet is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to a current statistical portrait of Canada.Release date: 2024-09-04
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2024030Description: Key statistics about crime in Canada are presented in this infographic. Findings on changes to the Crime Severity Index (CSI) at the national and provincial, territorial levels are presented. Also included are the categories of crime which were reported in 2023.Release date: 2024-07-25
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023026Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard provides an overview of police-reported crime in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on the crime rate, Crime Severity Index and for key violations on an annual basis and over the last 10 years. Information is available at different levels of geography including by Canada, province and territory and census metropolitan area.Release date: 2024-07-25
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023027Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard provides a focus on police-reported violations in Canada. Users can select for one or more violations or violation groups to view statistics over the last 10 years and at different geographies. This dashboard provides the number of incidents, rate, and year-over-year percentage change in rate for each violation, as well as incident clearance information. It also provides a comparison between each province and territory and each census metropolitan area for the selected violation(s).Release date: 2024-07-25
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023028Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard allows users to compare high-level police-reported information across different geographies, including for Canada, by province and territory and by census metropolitan area. Users can select for one or more geographies to view incident-level statistics or Crime Severity Index information over the last 10 years and as year-over-year percentage changes.Release date: 2024-07-25
- Articles and reports: 85-603-X2023001Description: This article presents results from the Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Namely, the prevalence of general sexualized behaviour in the workplace; discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; personal experiences of discrimination or sexualized behaviour; the prevalence of sexual assault; and knowledge of policies on sexual misconduct and perceptions of responses to sexual misconduct are examined. Where possible, results are analyzed by gender, environmental command, type of service, age, and rank.Release date: 2023-12-05
- Journals and periodicals: 85-603-XDescription: This article presents results from the first Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Namely, the prevalence of general sexualized behaviour in the workplace; discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; personal experiences of discrimination or sexualized behaviour; the prevalence of sexual assault; and knowledge of policies on sexual misconduct and perceptions of responses to sexual misconduct are examined. Where possible, results are analyzed by sex, environmental command, type of service, age, rank, and number of years of service.Release date: 2023-12-05
- Stats in brief: 85-005-X202300100002Description: Human trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation or harbouring of a person and includes controlling or influencing their movements with the goal of exploiting, or facilitating the exploitation of, a person. Using data from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey, this Juristat Bulletin—Quick Fact examines trends in police-reported incidents of human trafficking in Canada and further highlights victim and accused characteristics. Court outcomes of cases related to human trafficking are also examined using data from the Integrated Criminal Court Survey (ICCS).Release date: 2023-12-04
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2023041Description: Key statistics about crime in Canada are presented in this infographic. Findings on changes to the Crime Severity Index (CSI) at the national and provincial, territorial levels are presented. Also included are the categories of crime which were reported in 2022.Release date: 2023-07-27
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2023026Description: Using police-reported data from the 2021 Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey, this infographic is a visual representation of some of these data. Findings include results at the national, provincial, and territorial levels. Also included are findings related to the type and motivation of hate crimes committed in Canada, as well as the most serious violations reported in each incident.Release date: 2023-03-22
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Data (8)
Data (8) ((8 results))
- Table: 12-581-XDescription: Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on Canadian society, including subjects such as the population, education, health, prices and the economy, among others. Updated yearly, this booklet is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to a current statistical portrait of Canada.Release date: 2024-09-04
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023026Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard provides an overview of police-reported crime in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on the crime rate, Crime Severity Index and for key violations on an annual basis and over the last 10 years. Information is available at different levels of geography including by Canada, province and territory and census metropolitan area.Release date: 2024-07-25
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023027Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard provides a focus on police-reported violations in Canada. Users can select for one or more violations or violation groups to view statistics over the last 10 years and at different geographies. This dashboard provides the number of incidents, rate, and year-over-year percentage change in rate for each violation, as well as incident clearance information. It also provides a comparison between each province and territory and each census metropolitan area for the selected violation(s).Release date: 2024-07-25
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023028Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard allows users to compare high-level police-reported information across different geographies, including for Canada, by province and territory and by census metropolitan area. Users can select for one or more geographies to view incident-level statistics or Crime Severity Index information over the last 10 years and as year-over-year percentage changes.Release date: 2024-07-25
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021027Description:
This web application provides access to data from the 2018 and 2020 Canadian Internet Use Survey. This dynamic application allows users to obtain data on the use of Internet services and technologies by Canadians in 2018 and 2020. The data is supplemented by household characteristics such as age, gender, highest level of education completed and some geographical detail (e.g. province). Among the indicators used in this interactive application to describe the use of Internet-related services and technologies are Internet use and intensity of use, percentage of Canadians who purchased online and the average expenditure by type of good and services purchased online and, the percentage of Canadians who have experienced cyber security incidents over the Internet.
Release date: 2021-10-29 - 6. Criminal Justice Indicators ArchivedTable: 85-227-XDescription:
This report presents indicators to measure the workload and performance of the criminal justice system, as well as indictors on a number of socio-demographic and economic factors that can be associated with crime and victimization. In this report, workload and volume measures centre on the work of the police, courts, corrections, diversion programs and victim services and changes over time. Examples of workload and volume indicators examined in this report include: the number of criminal incidents known to police; the number of people serviced by alternative measures, mediation, dispute resolution and diversion programs; the number of cases dealt with in court; average counts in corrections institutions, and; the number of persons assisted by victim service agencies. Performance indicators are organized according to the following five general goals of the criminal justice system: 1) Public order, safety and national security through prevention and intervention; 2) Offender accountability, reintegration and rehabilitation; 3) Public trust, confidence and respect for the justice system; 4) Social equity and access to the justice system for all citizens, and; 5) Victim needs served. Examples of performance indicators examined in this report are: the overall cost of administering the sectors of the criminal justice system; the type and length of sentences ordered in court; public satisfaction with the police, the courts, and the correctional and parole systems; the number of applications for legal aid, and; the number of services for victims of crime. The various socio-demographic and economic indicators included in this report are presented in order to present statistical information on the factors that can be associated with crime. These 'context of crime indicators are organized into three broad categories: Community and society, Family, and Individual. Examples of such indicators examined in this report are: the age and sex distributions of the population; income levels and labour force participation; levels of social engagement; levels of gang activity; family structures; levels of child support; levels of education; the rate of literacy, and; the rate of alcohol and drug abuse among the adult and youth population.
Release date: 2005-12-20 - 7. Canadian Crime Statistics ArchivedTable: 85-205-XDescription:
Crime statistics for 2003 were first released in July 2004. Canadian crime statistics, 2003, released today, presents additional detailed information. Standard crime tables are presented for Canada, the provinces and territories, and all census metropolitan areas. Also included in the publication is a set of 20 tables from the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, based on data collected from 122 police departments in nine provinces that dealt with 61% of the national volume of police-reported crime. These tables examine the characteristics of the victims and the accused (their age and sex, the relationship of the accused to the victim, level of injury and weapon causing injury), as well as the criminal incident itself (location of the incident, target of violation, presence of weapons and type of property stolen).
Release date: 2004-10-13 - Public use microdata: 12M0013XDescription:
Cycle 13 of the General Social Survey (GSS) is the third cycle (following cycles 3 and 8) that collected information in 1999 on the nature and extent of criminal victimisation in Canada. Focus content for cycle 13 addressed two areas of emerging interest: public perception toward alternatives to imprisonment; and spousal violence and senior abuse. Other subjects common to all three cycles include perceptions of crime, police and courts; crime prevention precautions; accident and crime screening sections; and accident and crime incident reports. The target population of the GSS is all individuals aged 15 and over living in a private household in one of the ten provinces.
Release date: 2000-11-02
Analysis (166)
Analysis (166) (0 to 10 of 166 results)
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2024030Description: Key statistics about crime in Canada are presented in this infographic. Findings on changes to the Crime Severity Index (CSI) at the national and provincial, territorial levels are presented. Also included are the categories of crime which were reported in 2023.Release date: 2024-07-25
- Articles and reports: 85-603-X2023001Description: This article presents results from the Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Namely, the prevalence of general sexualized behaviour in the workplace; discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; personal experiences of discrimination or sexualized behaviour; the prevalence of sexual assault; and knowledge of policies on sexual misconduct and perceptions of responses to sexual misconduct are examined. Where possible, results are analyzed by gender, environmental command, type of service, age, and rank.Release date: 2023-12-05
- Journals and periodicals: 85-603-XDescription: This article presents results from the first Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Namely, the prevalence of general sexualized behaviour in the workplace; discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; personal experiences of discrimination or sexualized behaviour; the prevalence of sexual assault; and knowledge of policies on sexual misconduct and perceptions of responses to sexual misconduct are examined. Where possible, results are analyzed by sex, environmental command, type of service, age, rank, and number of years of service.Release date: 2023-12-05
- Stats in brief: 85-005-X202300100002Description: Human trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation or harbouring of a person and includes controlling or influencing their movements with the goal of exploiting, or facilitating the exploitation of, a person. Using data from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey, this Juristat Bulletin—Quick Fact examines trends in police-reported incidents of human trafficking in Canada and further highlights victim and accused characteristics. Court outcomes of cases related to human trafficking are also examined using data from the Integrated Criminal Court Survey (ICCS).Release date: 2023-12-04
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2023041Description: Key statistics about crime in Canada are presented in this infographic. Findings on changes to the Crime Severity Index (CSI) at the national and provincial, territorial levels are presented. Also included are the categories of crime which were reported in 2022.Release date: 2023-07-27
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2023026Description: Using police-reported data from the 2021 Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey, this infographic is a visual representation of some of these data. Findings include results at the national, provincial, and territorial levels. Also included are findings related to the type and motivation of hate crimes committed in Canada, as well as the most serious violations reported in each incident.Release date: 2023-03-22
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2023016Description: Infographic with main findings from the "Police-reported crime in rural and urban areas in the Canadian provinces, 2021" Juristat article.Release date: 2023-02-20
- Articles and reports: 85-002-X202300100001Description: This Juristat article examines police-reported data on men and boys' experiences with violent victimization in Canada. Some self-reported data are also presented. Overall, it provides information on rates of victimization, and the characteristics of incidents, victims and accused persons.Release date: 2023-01-12
- Articles and reports: 85-002-X202200100013Description:
This annual Juristat article presents findings from the 2021 Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. It examines trends in the volume and seriousness of police-reported crime for both violent and non-violent offences at the national, provincial/territorial and census metropolitan area levels. Specific violations, such as homicide, sexual assault, fraud and breaking and entering are examined, as well as trends in youth accused of crime.
Release date: 2022-08-02 - 10. Police-reported crime in Canada, 2021 ArchivedStats in brief: 11-627-M2022044Description:
Key statistics about crime in Canada are presented in this infographic. Findings on changes to the Crime Severity Index (CSI) at the national and provincial, territorial levels are presented. Also included are the categories of crime which were reported in 2021.
Release date: 2022-08-02
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Reference (1)
Reference (1) ((1 result))
- 1. Collecting Data on Aboriginal People in the Criminal Justice System: Methods and Challenges ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 85-564-XGeography: Province or territoryDescription:
This objective of this report is to present the status of national data on Aboriginal people who come into contact with the criminal justice system as offenders and victims. The report examines the current and potential collection of an individual's Aboriginal identity through various justice-related surveys at Statistics Canada, the challenges within these surveys to collect these data and provides some insight into the quality of these data. The data and sources are examined within the context of information needs for the justice and social policy sectors, and in relation to the preferred method of measuring Aboriginal Identity at Statistics Canada. Data sources examined include the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, the Homicide Survey, the Integrated Criminal Courts Survey, the Adult Corrections Survey, the Youth Custody and Community Services Survey, the Youth Alternative Measures Survey, the Transition Home Survey, the Victim Services Survey and the General Social Survey on Victimization. Finally, the report briefly describes efforts by other countries to improve justice-related information on their indigenous populations.
Release date: 2005-05-10
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