Police-reported crime in Canada, 2021

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Release date: August 2, 2022
Infographic: Police-reported crime in Canada, 2021
Description: Police-reported crime in Canada, 2021

Rise in police-reported violent crime and continued drop in non-violent crime reflect shifts in the nature of overall crime in Canada in 2021

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Violent Crime Severity Index and Non-violent Crime Severity Index (appearing as column headers).
Year Violent Crime Severity IndexTable 1 Note 1 Non-violent Crime Severity IndexTable 1 Note 1
2006 *Index base year 100 100
2007 97.8 94.3
2008 95.1 88.9
2009 94.3 85.3
2010 89.2 80.5
2011 85.7 74.5
2012 82 73
2013 74 66.9
2014 70.7 65.4
2015 75.3 68.4
2016 76.9 70.1
2017 81.3 70.7
2018 83.6 72.6
2019 90.3 75.8
2020 88 68.7
2021 92.5 66.7

In 2021, there were varied changes in the CSI among the provinces and territories

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), CSI value, 2021 and Percentage change in CSI, 2020 to 2021 (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory CSI value, 2021 Percentage change in CSI, 2020 to 2021
Newfoundland and Labrador 75.5 +9%
Prince Edward Island 57 -1%
Nova Scotia 71.6 -1%
New Brunswick 88.5 +6%
Quebec 54.3 +5%
Ontario 56.2 +1%
Manitoba 126.9 +1%
Saskatchewan 146.8 +3%
Alberta 101.4 -7%
British Columbia 92.9 -5%
Yukon 213.3 -1%
Northwest Territories 391.3 -6%
Nunavut 384.1 +2%
Canada 73.7 0%

Crimes affecting the change in the CSI because of their volume and severity include:

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3. The information is grouped by Type of offence (appearing as row headers), Rate (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Rate
Breaking and entering Rate -10%
Sexual assault (level 1) Rate +18%
Theft under $5,000 Rate -4%
Robbery Rate -5%

3,360 hate crime incidents: The number of police-reported hate crimes increased 27% to 3,360 incidents. Hate crimes targeting religion (including Jewish, Muslim and Catholic) and sexual orientation accounted for most of the national change.

In 2021, there were 788 victims of homicide in Canada, 29 more than in 2020.

Table 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4. The information is grouped by Victims of homicide (appearing as row headers), Homicide rate per 100,000 population (appearing as column headers).
Victims of homicideTable 4 Note 2 Homicide rate per 100,000 population
Indigenous male victims 14.13
Indigenous female victims 4.31
Non-Indigenous male victims 2.3
Non-Indigenous female victims 0.8

Table 4-2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4-2. The information is grouped by Victims of homicide (appearing as row headers), Homicide rate per 100,000 population (appearing as column headers).
Victims of homicideTable 4-2 Note 2 Homicide rate per 100,000 population
Racialized male victims 4.1
Racialized female victims 0.92
Male victims from the rest of the population 2.59
Female victims from the rest of the population 1.03

Almost one-third of homicide victims were identified as racialized peoples, 49% of whom were identified as Black and 19% as South Asian.

The rate of police-reported opioid offences (excluding heroin) increased 13% in 2021. Of all specific drug offences, opioid offences were the only ones to have increased throughout the first two years of the pandemic.

From 2019 to 2021, the crime rate in urban areasNote 3 was down 11%, including a 16% drop in property crime. During the same period, the overall crime rate in rural areas rose 1%, including a 7% increase in the rate of violent crime.

Five largest increases and decreases in the CSI in census metropolitan areas (CMA)

Table 5
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 5 Percentage change in CSI, 2020 to 2021 (appearing as column headers).
Percentage change in CSI, 2020 to 2021
Top 5 increases by CMA
Saguenay +14%
Moncton +9%
Belleville +8%
London +7%
Thunder Bay +7%
Top 5 decreases by CMA
Calgary -9%
Guelph -8%
Vancouver -8%
Edmonton -8%
Lethbridge and Brantford -7%

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey; “Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021.” Juristat. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 85-002-X.

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