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Survey or statistical program

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All (46)

All (46) (0 to 10 of 46 results)

  • Articles and reports: 46-28-0001202400100001
    Description: This report examines the energy poverty rates using the data from the 2021 Census. It presents the energy poverty rates by various dwelling and household characteristics. It examines the how energy poverty rates change when indirect payments for dwelling energy are estimated and included in the definition.
    Release date: 2024-02-20

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 25-26-0002
    Description: The Consolidated Energy Statistics table (CEST) provides national level monthly estimates of supply and demand characteristics, for both primary and secondary energy sources by fuel type. The data is presented in terajoules; a common unit of measure, allowing easy comparisons between different fuel and energy types. The table is updated with new data on a monthly basis.
    Release date: 2023-12-07

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Thematic map: 16-201-X

    Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.

    Release date: 2022-01-25

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021029

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in British Columbia for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021031

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in Ontario for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021032

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in Quebec for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021033

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in Canada for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100007

    An overview of the methods used to compile statistics on exports of energy products within the International Merchandise Trade Program, specifically for the continuous transmission commodities crude oil, natural gas and electricity. Some exceptional processes are followed for these products, and this paper summarizes the methods used, and explains the factors behind the methods selected.

    Release date: 2020-11-30

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202000100007
    Geography: Canada
    Description: As the seventh goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This 2020 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the seventh Sustainable Development Goal in support of affordable and clean energy, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.
    Release date: 2020-10-20
Data (23)

Data (23) (0 to 10 of 23 results)

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Thematic map: 16-201-X

    Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.

    Release date: 2022-01-25

  • Table: 62-001-X
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census agglomeration
    Description: This monthly release of the The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Canada, the provinces, Whitehorse and Yellowknife, provides a descriptive summary of retail price movements, inflation rates and the factors underlying them. The CPI also contains the following tabular information: latest price index movements for the eight major components; price index changes on one and 12-month bases for an extensive number of components and groups; historical monthly information; and price indices reclassified according to categories of goods and services.
    Release date: 2018-05-18

  • Table: 61-219-X

    This publication contains annual aggregate data of Canadian enterprises classified by 67 industry groups. The industry breakdowns are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Canada 2012). The data include: asset, liability and equity items encompassed in a balance sheet, revenue and expense items as reported on an income statement, a reconciliation of net profit to taxable income and taxes payable, along with several common financial performance ratios.

    Release date: 2016-03-17

  • Table: 16-401-X

    The Industrial Water Survey will provide information about the quantities of water consumed and costs, sources, treatments and discharge of water used for manufacturing, mining and power generating industries. Additional industries will be surveyed in subsequent years.

    The Industrial Water Survey uses three separate questionnaires to collect data from respondents, one for manufacturing, one for the mineral extraction industries and another for the thermal-electric power generators.

    There is an independent sampling strategy for each of the three sectors. The frame used for sampling purposes is the Statistics Canada Business Register.

    The sample for the thermal-electric power generating stations is a census. A probability design is used for sample selection in the manufacturing and mineral extraction sectors.

    Release date: 2014-07-02

  • Table: 57-601-X

    The Energy statistics handbook provides current monthly, and historical annual energy data covering the last 12 years. This is a comprehensive source of detailed information on the energy field and a useful tool for those who analyze and follow the availability, production and use of energy in Canada. Data are organized and presented in a logical, easy-to-use manner by energy type. Selected economic indicators (money market, gross domestic product, etc.) are included to enhance understanding of the links between macroeconomic indicators and energy statistics.

    Release date: 2012-08-09

  • Table: 21-012-X

    This publication contains annual data from 1926 to date for farm operating expenses and depreciation charges for Canada and the provinces. Data highlights and concepts and methods are also included.

    In May, annual measures for the previous two calendar years are subject to revision. In November, estimates for the previous three years may be revised. Every five years a historical revision is done, based on the results of the Census of Agriculture. Although the data are available in late May and late November, the publication is not completed and released until the following July and January, respectively.

    Release date: 2011-11-24

  • Table: 26-201-X

    The review presents detailed and recent statistics of the mining industry, including the production and the value of minerals by kind and by province. It also presents historical tables of values by main groups, the average prices of leading minerals and principal statistics by main group and by province, and diamond drilling of deposits other than fuels. It includes explanatory notes and a bibliography.

    Release date: 2008-10-23

  • 9. Metal Ore Mining Archived
    Table: 26-223-X

    This annual publication presents data on establishments, employment, payroll, materials, supplies and contract services. It also shows the production, shipments and drillings completed. It includes lists of establishments showing employment size ranges, terms and definitions and a bibliography.

    Release date: 2008-10-16

  • Table: 16-002-X200700210337
    Description: This article examines trends in the use of heavy fuel oil in Canada at the industrial and provincial levels between 1990 and 2005, mostly using data from the Report on Energy Supply-Demand in Canada (Catalogue no. 57-003).
    Release date: 2007-09-26
Analysis (20)

Analysis (20) (0 to 10 of 20 results)

  • Articles and reports: 46-28-0001202400100001
    Description: This report examines the energy poverty rates using the data from the 2021 Census. It presents the energy poverty rates by various dwelling and household characteristics. It examines the how energy poverty rates change when indirect payments for dwelling energy are estimated and included in the definition.
    Release date: 2024-02-20

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Thematic map: 16-201-X

    Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.

    Release date: 2022-01-25

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021029

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in British Columbia for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021031

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in Ontario for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021032

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in Quebec for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021033

    This infographic highlights key findings from the new motor vehicle registration survey in Canada for 2020.

    Release date: 2021-04-22

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100007

    An overview of the methods used to compile statistics on exports of energy products within the International Merchandise Trade Program, specifically for the continuous transmission commodities crude oil, natural gas and electricity. Some exceptional processes are followed for these products, and this paper summarizes the methods used, and explains the factors behind the methods selected.

    Release date: 2020-11-30

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202000100007
    Geography: Canada
    Description: As the seventh goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This 2020 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the seventh Sustainable Development Goal in support of affordable and clean energy, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.
    Release date: 2020-10-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201300211888

    When the study variables are functional and storage capacities are limited or transmission costs are high, using survey techniques to select a portion of the observations of the population is an interesting alternative to using signal compression techniques. In this context of functional data, our focus in this study is on estimating the mean electricity consumption curve over a one-week period. We compare different estimation strategies that take account of a piece of auxiliary information such as the mean consumption for the previous period. The first strategy consists in using a simple random sampling design without replacement, then incorporating the auxiliary information into the estimator by introducing a functional linear model. The second approach consists in incorporating the auxiliary information into the sampling designs by considering unequal probability designs, such as stratified and pi designs. We then address the issue of constructing confidence bands for these estimators of the mean. When effective estimators of the covariance function are available and the mean estimator satisfies a functional central limit theorem, it is possible to use a fast technique for constructing confidence bands, based on the simulation of Gaussian processes. This approach is compared with bootstrap techniques that have been adapted to take account of the functional nature of the data.

    Release date: 2014-01-15
Reference (6)

Reference (6) ((6 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 25-26-0002
    Description: The Consolidated Energy Statistics table (CEST) provides national level monthly estimates of supply and demand characteristics, for both primary and secondary energy sources by fuel type. The data is presented in terajoules; a common unit of measure, allowing easy comparisons between different fuel and energy types. The table is updated with new data on a monthly basis.
    Release date: 2023-12-07

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2008016

    This paper focuses on the role of investments in infrastructure in Canada. The size of infrastructure investments relative to other capital stock sets this country apart from most other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. The paper reviews the approaches taken by other researchers to define infrastructure. It then outlines a taxonomy to define those assets that should be considered as infrastructure and that can be used to assess the importance of different types of capital investments. It briefly considers how to define the portion of infrastructure that should be considered 'public'. The final two parts of the paper apply the proposed classification system to data on Canada's capital stock, and ask the following questions: how much infrastructure does Canada have and in which sectors of the economy is this infrastructure located? Finally, the paper investigates how Canada's infrastructure has evolved over the last four decades, both in the commercial and non-commercial sectors, and compares these trends with the pattern that can be found in the United States.

    Release date: 2008-03-12

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20030018500
    Geography: Province or territory
    Description: As of February 28, 2003 the Canadian System of National Accounts will adopt the following treatment of the Ontario electricity rate freeze and rebate. Funds financing the subsidy coming from Ontario Power Generation are considered remitted profits and form part of government income. The first instalment rebate paid to households is treated as transfers to persons.
    Release date: 2003-07-28

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15F0077G

    This publication provides a description of the data sources and methods used to compile the input-output tables at constant prices. It includes a brief description of the accounting framework, an overview of the methods used for the major components of the tables and an outline of the techniques applied to each group of goods and services. It also distinguishes between the derivation of the gross domestic product by industry for the business sector and that of the non-business sector. Finally, it discusses some of the critical contemporary issues that are being addressed at the time of writing.

    Release date: 2001-02-15

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X19990015690

    The artificial sample was generated in two steps. The first step, based on a master panel, was a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) carried out on basic variables. Then, "dummy" individuals were generated randomly using the distribution of each "significant" factor in the analysis. Finally, for each individual, a value was generated for each basic variable most closely linked to one of the previous factors. This method ensured that sets of variables were drawn independently. The second step consisted in grafting some other data bases, based on certain property requirements. A variable was generated to be added on the basis of its estimated distribution, using a generalized linear model for common variables and those already added. The same procedure was then used to graft the other samples. This method was applied to the generation of an artificial sample taken from two surveys. The artificial sample that was generated was validated using sample comparison testing. The results were positive, demonstrating the feasibility of this method.

    Release date: 2000-03-02

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X19990015692

    Electricity rates that vary by time-of-day have the potential to significantly increase economic efficiency in the energy market. A number of utilities have undertaken economic studies of time-of-use rates schemes for their residential customers. This paper uses meta-analysis to examine the impact of time-of-use rates on electricity demand pooling the results of thirty-eight separate programs. There are four key findings. First, very large peak to off-peak price ratios are needed to significantly affect peak demand. Second, summer peak rates are relatively effective compared to winter peak rates. Third, permanent time-or-use rates are relatively effective compared to experimental ones. Fourth, demand charges rival ordinary time-of-use rates in terms of impact.

    Release date: 2000-03-02
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