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  • Table: 21-007-X

    This publication presents indexes of prices received by farmers from the sale of agricultural products. A variety of monthly and annual indexes of crops, livestock and overall prices are included by province from 1950 to date. Indexes for the major commodity groups are also available, but only at the Canada level. The publication includes data highlights, concepts and methods.

    Release date: 2013-03-05

  • Table: 23-015-X

    This publication presents data on the turkey, chicken, stewing hen and egg industries. The topics covered in this study include production and value, disposition, stocks, prices and the per capita consumption disappearance of poultry meat and eggs.

    Release date: 2012-08-28

  • Table: 21-206-X

    This publication provides information on sources and levels of farm and off-farm income for operators by province, type of farm (based on the North American Industry Classification System) and revenue class.

    Distributional tables on income of operators are also presented. This publication also includes data highlights and information on concepts, methods and data quality. A relevant article on the story emanating from the data is also featured.

    Data from Canada Revenue Agency's income tax returns of farmers operating unincorporated and incorporated farms provide the statistical basis for this publication.

    Release date: 2012-03-15

  • Table: 21-011-X

    This publication contains annual data for farm cash receipts for Canada and the provinces from 1926 to date. Data highlights and concepts and methods are also included.

    In May, annual measures for the previous two calendar years are subject to revision. In November, estimates for the previous three years may be revised. Every five years a historical revision is done, based on the results of the Census of Agriculture. Although the data are available in late May and late November, the publication is not completed and released until the following July and January, respectively.

    Release date: 2011-11-24

  • Table: 21-207-X

    This publication provides information on sources and levels of farm and off-farm income for farm families by province, type of farm (based on the North American Industry Classification System) and farm typology (based on age of operator, dependence on farm revenues and income level).

    Distributional tables on income of farm families are also presented. This publication also includes data highlights and information on concepts, methods and data quality. A relevant article on the story emanating from the data is also featured.

    Data from Canada Revenue Agency's income tax returns of farm families operating a single unincorporated farm provide the statistical basis for this publication.

    Release date: 2011-07-26

  • 6. Production of Eggs Archived
    Table: 23-003-X

    This monthly bulletin provides provincial and national level estimates on the number of layers, rates of lay, egg production, farm prices, eggs sold for consumption and used by producers, leakers and rejects, processed eggs, placements of laying chicks, and average prices of eggs sold for consumption.

    Release date: 2005-02-08

  • Table: 23-202-X

    This publication contains charts and tables presenting current and historical data on the turkey, chicken, stewing hen and egg industries in Canada. The topics covered include annual supply, disposition and per capita disappearance of poultry meat and eggs at the national level. Production and value are given for each commodity at the provincial level. Notes on concepts, methods and data highlights are included.

    Release date: 2004-05-26

  • Table: 32-229-X

    This publication contains supply, disposition and per capita disappearance data for the following food groups: cereals, sugars and syrups, pulses and nuts, beverages, dairy products and by-products, poultry, eggs and meats. Per capita disappearance is available on both a retail weight and fresh equivalent basis per day and per year.

    Release date: 2003-06-27

  • 9. Farming Facts Archived
    Table: 21-522-X

    Farming Facts is published by the Agriculture Division of Statistics Canada to illustrate the variety of information produced by the organization for the agricultural community. This edition incorporates some of the results from the 2001 Census of Agriculture and includes first-time information on organic farming and the latest trends in computer use on farms.

    Release date: 2003-04-16

  • 10. Farm Cash Receipts Archived
    Table: 21-001-X

    This on-line publication contains farm cash receipt estimates for individual crop and livestock receipts and direct program payments. Cumulative quarterly data and percent change for the current and previous year are published by province and at the national level. The crops and livestock sub-indexes are also available in the same format. In addition, quarterly data are available for the last two years. The publication also includes some analysis and explanatory notes on concepts and methods.

    Release date: 2003-02-25
Data (14)

Data (14) (0 to 10 of 14 results)

  • Table: 21-007-X

    This publication presents indexes of prices received by farmers from the sale of agricultural products. A variety of monthly and annual indexes of crops, livestock and overall prices are included by province from 1950 to date. Indexes for the major commodity groups are also available, but only at the Canada level. The publication includes data highlights, concepts and methods.

    Release date: 2013-03-05

  • Table: 23-015-X

    This publication presents data on the turkey, chicken, stewing hen and egg industries. The topics covered in this study include production and value, disposition, stocks, prices and the per capita consumption disappearance of poultry meat and eggs.

    Release date: 2012-08-28

  • Table: 21-206-X

    This publication provides information on sources and levels of farm and off-farm income for operators by province, type of farm (based on the North American Industry Classification System) and revenue class.

    Distributional tables on income of operators are also presented. This publication also includes data highlights and information on concepts, methods and data quality. A relevant article on the story emanating from the data is also featured.

    Data from Canada Revenue Agency's income tax returns of farmers operating unincorporated and incorporated farms provide the statistical basis for this publication.

    Release date: 2012-03-15

  • Table: 21-011-X

    This publication contains annual data for farm cash receipts for Canada and the provinces from 1926 to date. Data highlights and concepts and methods are also included.

    In May, annual measures for the previous two calendar years are subject to revision. In November, estimates for the previous three years may be revised. Every five years a historical revision is done, based on the results of the Census of Agriculture. Although the data are available in late May and late November, the publication is not completed and released until the following July and January, respectively.

    Release date: 2011-11-24

  • Table: 21-207-X

    This publication provides information on sources and levels of farm and off-farm income for farm families by province, type of farm (based on the North American Industry Classification System) and farm typology (based on age of operator, dependence on farm revenues and income level).

    Distributional tables on income of farm families are also presented. This publication also includes data highlights and information on concepts, methods and data quality. A relevant article on the story emanating from the data is also featured.

    Data from Canada Revenue Agency's income tax returns of farm families operating a single unincorporated farm provide the statistical basis for this publication.

    Release date: 2011-07-26

  • 6. Production of Eggs Archived
    Table: 23-003-X

    This monthly bulletin provides provincial and national level estimates on the number of layers, rates of lay, egg production, farm prices, eggs sold for consumption and used by producers, leakers and rejects, processed eggs, placements of laying chicks, and average prices of eggs sold for consumption.

    Release date: 2005-02-08

  • Table: 23-202-X

    This publication contains charts and tables presenting current and historical data on the turkey, chicken, stewing hen and egg industries in Canada. The topics covered include annual supply, disposition and per capita disappearance of poultry meat and eggs at the national level. Production and value are given for each commodity at the provincial level. Notes on concepts, methods and data highlights are included.

    Release date: 2004-05-26

  • Table: 32-229-X

    This publication contains supply, disposition and per capita disappearance data for the following food groups: cereals, sugars and syrups, pulses and nuts, beverages, dairy products and by-products, poultry, eggs and meats. Per capita disappearance is available on both a retail weight and fresh equivalent basis per day and per year.

    Release date: 2003-06-27

  • 9. Farming Facts Archived
    Table: 21-522-X

    Farming Facts is published by the Agriculture Division of Statistics Canada to illustrate the variety of information produced by the organization for the agricultural community. This edition incorporates some of the results from the 2001 Census of Agriculture and includes first-time information on organic farming and the latest trends in computer use on farms.

    Release date: 2003-04-16

  • 10. Farm Cash Receipts Archived
    Table: 21-001-X

    This on-line publication contains farm cash receipt estimates for individual crop and livestock receipts and direct program payments. Cumulative quarterly data and percent change for the current and previous year are published by province and at the national level. The crops and livestock sub-indexes are also available in the same format. In addition, quarterly data are available for the last two years. The publication also includes some analysis and explanatory notes on concepts and methods.

    Release date: 2003-02-25
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