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  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201800154981

    Using data from the 2016 Census, this study examines the extent to which Aboriginal languages are spoken in Canada, and whether the number of Aboriginal-language speakers rose in past decades. The study also examines the factors that are related to Aboriginal language use and retention.

    Release date: 2018-12-07

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018045

    Based on the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this infographic provides a portrait of off-reserve First Nations People and the labour force.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018046

    Based on the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this infographic provides a portrait of harvesting and handicraft activities among Inuit, including include hunting, fishing and trapping, gathering wild plants, making clothing or footwear, and creating artwork like carvings or jewellery.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018047

    Based on the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this infographic provides a portrait of self-employment among Métis, including gender differences, top industries and the number of self-employed across Canada.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2018010

    The data visualization tool on barriers and facilitators of labour force participation is based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Its purpose is to help Aboriginal organizations, government policy and program developers explore the results by Aboriginal identity, age group, sex and region. The tool will help visualize statistics on methods of looking for work, reasons for difficulty in finding work and what would help most in finding work for a specific sub-group and region. This tool is expected to enhance the uptake of information that will be published in the accompanying report: "Self-reported barriers and facilitators of labour force participation among First Nations people living off reserve, Métis, and Inuit: findings from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey".

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018001

    This Concepts and Methods Guide is intended to provide a detailed review of the 2017 APS with respect to its subject matter and methodological approaches. It is designed to assist APS data users by serving as a guide to the concepts and measures of the survey as well as the technical details of the survey's design, field work and data processing. This guide is meant to provide users with helpful information on how to use and interpret survey results. The discussion on data quality also allows users to review the strengths and limitations of the data for their particular needs.

    Chapter 1 of this guide provides an overview of the 2017 APS by introducing the survey's background and objectives. Chapter 2 outlines the survey's themes and explains the key concepts and definitions used for the survey. Chapters 3 to 6 cover important aspects of the APS survey methodology, sampling design, data collection and processing. Chapters 7 and 8 review issues of data quality and caution users about comparing 2017 APS data with data from other sources. Chapter 9 outlines the survey products available to the public, including data tables, analytical articles and reference material. The Appendices provide a comprehensive list of survey indicators, extra coding categories and standard classifications used on the APS. Lastly, a glossary of survey terms is also provided.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018002

    This booklet provides key findings related to labour market experiences of Métis based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Sections are divided according to labour force status. Among employed Métis, the prevalence of and reasons for part-time employment, self-employment and participation in other labour activities are explored among other aspects. Among unemployed Métis, barriers and facilitators of employment, and means of looking for work are described. Among those not in the labour force, the reasons for non-participation among those who wanted to work, and facilitators to finding work among those expecting to enter the labour force are outlined. Finally, job-related skills and access to job-related training are described.

    This booklet also briefly describes how the APS allows deeper exploration of concepts derived from the Census of Population, and broad topics for which data is available from the survey.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018003

    This booklet provides key findings related to labour market experiences of First Nations people based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Sections are divided according to labour force status. Among employed First Nations people, the prevalence of and reasons for part-time employment, self-employment and participation in other labour activities are explored among other aspects. Among unemployed First Nations people, barriers and facilitators of employment, and means of looking for work are described. Among those not in the labour force, the reasons for non-participation among those who wanted to work, and facilitators to finding work among those expecting to enter the labour force are outlined. Finally, job-related skills and access to job-related training are described.

    This booklet also briefly describes how the APS allows deeper exploration of concepts derived from the Census of Population, and broad topics for which data is available from the survey.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018004

    This booklet provides key findings related to labour market experiences of Inuit based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Sections are divided according to labour force status. Among employed Inuit, the prevalence of and reasons for part-time employment, self-employment and participation in other labour activities are explored among other aspects. Among unemployed Inuit, barriers and facilitators of employment, and means of looking for work are described. Among those not in the labour force, the reasons for non-participation among those who wanted to work, and facilitators to finding work among those expecting to enter the labour force are outlined. Finally, job-related skills and access to job-related training are described.

    This booklet also briefly describes how the APS allows deeper exploration of concepts derived from the Census of Population, and broad topics for which data is available from the survey.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Stats in brief: 11-631-X2018006

    This “Talking stats” presentation paints a picture of Yukon, its strengths, challenges and how it is evolving along a number of demographic, social, and economic dimensions. The presentation also highlights a number of facts about Yukon’s Indigenous peoples, who face specific economic and social challenges. While the presentation showcases many results from the Census, other, lesser-known sources of data can also be used to get a better picture of the social and economic issues faced by the people of Yukon.

    Release date: 2018-10-02
Data (21)

Data (21) (0 to 10 of 21 results)

Analysis (13)

Analysis (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201800154981

    Using data from the 2016 Census, this study examines the extent to which Aboriginal languages are spoken in Canada, and whether the number of Aboriginal-language speakers rose in past decades. The study also examines the factors that are related to Aboriginal language use and retention.

    Release date: 2018-12-07

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018045

    Based on the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this infographic provides a portrait of off-reserve First Nations People and the labour force.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018046

    Based on the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this infographic provides a portrait of harvesting and handicraft activities among Inuit, including include hunting, fishing and trapping, gathering wild plants, making clothing or footwear, and creating artwork like carvings or jewellery.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018047

    Based on the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this infographic provides a portrait of self-employment among Métis, including gender differences, top industries and the number of self-employed across Canada.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018001

    This Concepts and Methods Guide is intended to provide a detailed review of the 2017 APS with respect to its subject matter and methodological approaches. It is designed to assist APS data users by serving as a guide to the concepts and measures of the survey as well as the technical details of the survey's design, field work and data processing. This guide is meant to provide users with helpful information on how to use and interpret survey results. The discussion on data quality also allows users to review the strengths and limitations of the data for their particular needs.

    Chapter 1 of this guide provides an overview of the 2017 APS by introducing the survey's background and objectives. Chapter 2 outlines the survey's themes and explains the key concepts and definitions used for the survey. Chapters 3 to 6 cover important aspects of the APS survey methodology, sampling design, data collection and processing. Chapters 7 and 8 review issues of data quality and caution users about comparing 2017 APS data with data from other sources. Chapter 9 outlines the survey products available to the public, including data tables, analytical articles and reference material. The Appendices provide a comprehensive list of survey indicators, extra coding categories and standard classifications used on the APS. Lastly, a glossary of survey terms is also provided.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018002

    This booklet provides key findings related to labour market experiences of Métis based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Sections are divided according to labour force status. Among employed Métis, the prevalence of and reasons for part-time employment, self-employment and participation in other labour activities are explored among other aspects. Among unemployed Métis, barriers and facilitators of employment, and means of looking for work are described. Among those not in the labour force, the reasons for non-participation among those who wanted to work, and facilitators to finding work among those expecting to enter the labour force are outlined. Finally, job-related skills and access to job-related training are described.

    This booklet also briefly describes how the APS allows deeper exploration of concepts derived from the Census of Population, and broad topics for which data is available from the survey.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018003

    This booklet provides key findings related to labour market experiences of First Nations people based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Sections are divided according to labour force status. Among employed First Nations people, the prevalence of and reasons for part-time employment, self-employment and participation in other labour activities are explored among other aspects. Among unemployed First Nations people, barriers and facilitators of employment, and means of looking for work are described. Among those not in the labour force, the reasons for non-participation among those who wanted to work, and facilitators to finding work among those expecting to enter the labour force are outlined. Finally, job-related skills and access to job-related training are described.

    This booklet also briefly describes how the APS allows deeper exploration of concepts derived from the Census of Population, and broad topics for which data is available from the survey.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2018004

    This booklet provides key findings related to labour market experiences of Inuit based on data from the 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Sections are divided according to labour force status. Among employed Inuit, the prevalence of and reasons for part-time employment, self-employment and participation in other labour activities are explored among other aspects. Among unemployed Inuit, barriers and facilitators of employment, and means of looking for work are described. Among those not in the labour force, the reasons for non-participation among those who wanted to work, and facilitators to finding work among those expecting to enter the labour force are outlined. Finally, job-related skills and access to job-related training are described.

    This booklet also briefly describes how the APS allows deeper exploration of concepts derived from the Census of Population, and broad topics for which data is available from the survey.

    Release date: 2018-11-26

  • Stats in brief: 11-631-X2018006

    This “Talking stats” presentation paints a picture of Yukon, its strengths, challenges and how it is evolving along a number of demographic, social, and economic dimensions. The presentation also highlights a number of facts about Yukon’s Indigenous peoples, who face specific economic and social challenges. While the presentation showcases many results from the Census, other, lesser-known sources of data can also be used to get a better picture of the social and economic issues faced by the people of Yukon.

    Release date: 2018-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201800654971

    This study describes acute care hospitalizations for mental/behavioural disorders among First Nations people living on and off reserve. The 2006 Census was linked to the Discharge Abstract Database from 2006/2007 through 2008/2009 for all provinces (except Ontario and Quebec) and the three territories. Hospitalizations for seven types of disorders were identified.

    Release date: 2018-06-20
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