Workers' experiences of inappropriate sexualized behaviours, sexual assault and gender-based discrimination in the Canadian provinces, 2020

Articles and reports: 85-002-X202100100015


This Juristat article presents findings on the prevalence, characteristics and impacts of inappropriate sexualized behaviours, discrimination and sexual assault in Canadian workplaces. Using data from the 2020 Survey on Sexual Misconduct at work, it explores the experiences of workers aged 15 and older in the Canadian provinces. The context in which these experiences occurred-for example, where they happened and who was responsible-combined with information on demographics, occupation and workplace characteristics provides insight into Canadians' experiences of misconduct while at work. This analysis also provides information on workers' attitudes about behaviours related to misconduct and their perception of their employers' response.

Issue Number: 2021001
Author(s): Burczycka, Marta

Main Product: Juristat

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLAugust 12, 2021
PDFAugust 12, 2021