Youth custody and community services in Canada, 2008-2009 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 85-002-X201000111147


This Juristat article provides an overview of caseload and characteristics of young persons aged 12 to 17 years admitted to and released from correctional services in 2008/2009, and includes a focused analysis of Aboriginal youth in corrections. The article uses data from the Youth Custody and Community Services (YCCS) Survey and the Integrated Correctional Services Survey (ICSS) to analyze trends in admissions to and releases from sentenced custody, remand (pre-trial detention) and probation. These data are examined based on key case characteristics such as age, sex, most serious offence and length of time served. Focused analysis of Aboriginal youth includes comparisons with non-Aboriginal youth in the following areas: incarceration rates as of Census Day 2006 for jurisdictions that provided detailed data (i.e., Newfoundland and Labrador and New Brunswick combined, Ontario and Alberta); length of time spent in custody and offence types.

Issue Number: 2010001
Author(s): Halla, Ed; Towns, Donna

Main Product: Juristat

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLApril 27, 2010
PDFApril 27, 2010