Use of e-money transfer methods: Lessons from the Study on International Money Transfers from Canada

Articles and reports: 75-006-X202000100006


Based on data from the 2018 Study on International Money Transfers, this study examines the money transfer methods used by immigrants and non-permanent residents to send money to relatives or friends living outside Canada. The target population includes Canadian residents born in official development assistance-eligible countries in 2017, the majority of whom were immigrants from low- and middle-income countries. It first examines differences in sending fees between non-electronic and electronic money transfer methods by region of destination. It also examines the factors associated with the use of EMT methods versus traditional methods.

Issue Number: 2020001
Author(s): Dimbuene, Zacharie Tsala; Turcotte, Martin
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLOctober 2, 2020
PDFOctober 2, 2020