Labour market outcomes of graduates from universities in the Maritime provinces - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 75-006-X201700114798


This study uses a new longitudinal dataset that combines information from the Postsecondary Information System (PSIS) with personal income tax data to examine the labour market outcomes of graduates from universities in the Maritime provinces (Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick). In this pilot study, the outcomes of six cohorts of young people who graduated from a university in the Maritime provinces between 2006 and 2011 are examined, including 37,425 undergraduate degree holders (those with a bachelor’s degree) and 6,740 graduate degree holders (those with a master’s degree or a doctorate).

Issue Number: 2017001
Author(s): Galarneau, Diane; Hinchley, Christine; Ntwari, Aimé
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLApril 11, 2017
PDFApril 11, 2017