Financial and employment statistics for enterprises, by province, territory and region: Data Visualization Tool
Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023001
Description: This interactive dashboard allows users to examine financial and employment variables for enterprises aggregated at the industry and industry aggregation level, as well as at the provincial, territorial and regional level.
Financial statistics are based on the Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises product (survey 2510) and are calculated to the province and territory level using employment allocation factors based on profiled data from the Business Register and administrative data from the Canada Revenue Agency T4 Supplemental file.
The employment data has been aggregated at the industry and industry aggregation level, using the annual provincial program of Canadian Productivity Accounts (survey 5103) which produces annual data on jobs by province and territory.
Issue Number: 2023001
Frequency: Occasional
Main Product: Statistics Canada - Data Visualization Products
Format | Release date | More information |
HTML | May 13, 2024 |
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Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
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