Reconciliation of the Canada-United States Current Account, 1994 and 1995 - ARCHIVED
Articles and reports: 67F0001M1997011
This paper provides a reconciliation of the current account of the balance of payments for Canada and the United States to reflect how the estimates would appear if both countries used common definitions, methodologies and data sources.
Issue Number: 1997011
Main Product: Balance of Payments Division - Research Papers
Format | Release date | More information |
May 13, 1997 |
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Subjects and keywords
- Air transport
- Analytical products
- Bilateral accounts
- Business services
- Consumer goods and services
- Current account
- Current economic analysis
- Entertainment services industry
- Estimates
- Fare passengers
- Financial assets
- Freight
- Goods in process
- Government finance
- Inland water transport
- International comparisons
- International transactions
- Investment income
- Licences and permits
- Maintenance and repairs
- Merchandise
- Ports
- Rail transport
- Retail trade
- Royalties
- Services
- Shipments of goods
- Transportation services
- Travel
- Vessels
- Wholesale trade
- Date modified: