Automation and Job Transformation in Canada: Who’s at Risk?

Articles and reports: 11F0019M2020011


The recent development of several artificial intelligence applications—such as driverless vehicles, robo-writers and computer-aided medical diagnostics—has led to concerns about the role of human workers in the future workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has added to these concerns, as businesses may turn to new artificial intelligence technologies to perform work activities not traditionally regarded as automatable, such as social tasks. While previous studies have estimated the share of Canadian workers at high risk of automation-related job transformation, this study is the first to examine in great detail the automation risks faced by different groups of workers.

Issue Number: 2020011
Author(s): Frenette, Marc; Frank, Kristyn
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJune 29, 2020
PDFJune 29, 2020