Labour Market Outcomes Among Refugees to Canada - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11F0019M2019007


Canada welcomed over 830,000 refugees from the 1980s to 2000s. However, their economic outcomes, especially the variation among major refugee groups, have not been examined comprehensively. Using the Longitudinal Immigration Database, this paper examines the labour market outcomes of refugees from 13 source countries with large inflows to Canada over the 1980-to-2009 period. The analysis first compares employment rates and earnings among refugees from the 13 source countries. It further compares each refugee group with economic-class and family-class immigrants who arrived during the same period.

Issue Number: 2019007
Author(s): Picot, Garnett; Zhang, Yan; Hou, Feng
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMarch 11, 2019
PDFMarch 11, 2019