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National balance sheet and financial flow accounts, second quarter 2022


Frequently used data tables are identified with a star ().

Filtered results

 Financial market summary (quarterly)


 Financial indicators of households and non-profit institutions serving households, national balance sheet accounts (quarterly)


 Financial indicators of corporate sector, national balance sheet accounts (quarterly)


 Financial indicators of general government sector, national balance sheet accounts (quarterly)


Debt service indicators of households, national balance sheet accounts (quarterly)


Other Changes in Assets Account (quarterly)


General government gross debt, quarterly (quarterly)


Financial Flow Accounts (quarterly)


National Balance Sheet Accounts (quarterly)


Assets and liabilities of other financial corporations by sector, market value, quarterly (quarterly)


Federal government COVID-19 support measures in the System of Macroeconomic Accounts, quarterly (quarterly)


Credit market summary table at book value, national balance sheet accounts (quarterly)


Household sector credit market summary table, seasonally adjusted estimates (quarterly)


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