International merchandise trade for all countries and by Principal Trading Partners, monthly (monthly)(12-10-0011-01) |
Merchandise imports and exports, customs-based, by Harmonized commodity description and coding system (HS) section, Canada, provinces and territories, United States, states (monthly)(12-10-0099-01) |
International merchandise trade by province, commodity, and Principal Trading Partners (monthly)(12-10-0119-01) |
International merchandise trade by commodity, monthly (monthly)(12-10-0121-01) |
International merchandise trade by commodity, quarterly (quarterly)(12-10-0122-01) |
International merchandise trade by commodity, chained 2012 dollars, monthly (monthly)(12-10-0123-01) |
International merchandise trade by commodity, chained 2012 dollars, quarterly (quarterly)(12-10-0124-01) |
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, quarterly (quarterly)(12-10-0125-01) |
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, annual (annual)(12-10-0126-01) |
International merchandise trade for all countries and by Principal Trading Partners, quarterly (quarterly)(12-10-0127-01) |
International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, monthly (monthly)(12-10-0128-01) |
Canadian domestic export concentration (annual)(12-10-0129-01) |
Canadian international merchandise trade by country and by product section, customs-based, annual (annual)(12-10-0130-01) |
Canadian international merchandise trade by principal trading partner, and by product section and group, customs-based, annual (annual)(12-10-0132-01) |
Canadian international merchandise trade by province and country, and by product sections, customs-based, annual (annual)(12-10-0133-01) |
Canadian international merchandise trade by industry for all countries (monthly)(12-10-0136-01) |
Merchandise imports and exports, customs-based, by free trade agreement and by commodity (monthly)(12-10-0140-01) |
International merchandise trade by Broad Economic Categories and top sixty trading partners (annual)(12-10-0143-01) |
International trade in services, monthly (monthly)(12-10-0144-01) |