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Education Indicators in Canada


Filtered results

Unemployment rates of population aged 15 and over, total and with Aboriginal identity, by educational attainment, Canada (occasional)


Unemployment rates of 25- to 29-year-olds, by educational attainment, Canada and provinces (occasional)


Total domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), Canada and provinces, and G-7 countries (annual)


Percentage of total research and development (R&D) expenditure by performing sector, Canada and provinces, and G-7 countries (annual)


Sources of funds for expenditures on research and development (R&D) in the higher education sector (annual)


Participation rate in education, population aged 15 to 29, by age and type of institution attended (occasional)


Participation rate in education, population aged 15 to 29, by age group and type of institution attended (occasional)


Participation rate in education, population aged 18 to 34, by age group and type of institution attended (occasional)


Proportion of working students aged 15 to 29, by age and type of institution attended (occasional)


Proportion of working students, aged 15 to 29, by age group and type of institution attended (occasional)


Population, aged 15 to 29, non-students and students by type of institution attended, age and labour force status (occasional)


Educational attainment in the population aged 25 to 64, off-reserve Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal and total population (occasional)


Number and percentage distribution of apprenticeship program registrations by major trade group and sex (annual)


Number and percentage distribution of apprenticeship program registrations by age group (annual)


Number and percentage distribution of certificates granted by registered apprentices in apprenticeship program by major trade group and sex (annual)


Percentage of the population aged 0 to 24 in low income, by age group and type of living arrangement (occasional)


Educational attainment of the population aged 25 to 64, by age group and sex, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Canada, provinces and territories (occasional)


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