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Farm product prices, January 2021

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Released: 2021-03-08

Prices received by farmers in January for grains, oilseeds, specialty crops, cattle, hogs, poultry, eggs and dairy products are now available at the provincial level.

Canola and soybean prices continued to follow an upward trend in January. Compared with January 2020, canola prices were 6.5% to 33.9% higher and soybean prices were 18.4% to 23.0% higher across the provinces, supported by strong exports and domestic canola crush demand.

Hog prices continued to decline for the third consecutive month in January in all provinces except Manitoba, where the price was virtually flat from December 2020.

Price movements for both slaughter and feeder cattle from December 2020 to January 2021 varied across the provinces.

The prices of dry peas also increased from December 2020. Year-over-year price increases varied across the provinces, ranging from 24.2% to 33.4%, as export demand remained strong.

  Note to readers

The prices of over 35 commodities are available by province, with some data series going back 40 years. Price data are extracted from administrative files and derived from Statistics Canada surveys.

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