Public use microdata: 10F0174X


E-STAT is an interactive tool about society and the economy in Canada, free online and available only to educational institutions. E-STAT contains Canada-wide community information, CANSIM, current and historical population and agriculture census data, and Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Transform these statistics into colourful maps and graphs as well as prepare tables of data using E-STAT.

The E-STAT product is available exclusively to educational institutions. Students will find this tool very helpful in completing their assignments and learning more about Canadian society.


E-STAT will remain accessible as is until June 30, 2013, but its content will no longer be updated. It will be discontinued July 1, 2013. We encourage you to start using the free CANSIM database and to visit the census portal for timely information.

Status: Discontinued
Frequency: Annual
Available formats: HTML (discontinued), CD-ROM (discontinued)