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[1] Tremblay J. and Arsenault, S. 2001. Methodology of the Survey of Household Spending. Catalogue no. 62F0026MIE2001003. Ottawa. Household Survey Methods Division, Statistics Canada.

[2] Rao, J.N.K., Wu, C.F.J. and Yue K. 1992. Some recent work on resampling methods for complex surveys. Survey Methodology (Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 12-001); 18(2):209-217.

[3] Statistics Canada, Income Statistics Division. 2009. User Guide for the Survey of Household Spending. Catalogue no. 62F0026MIE - No 001. Ottawa.

[4] Statistics Canada, Income Statistics Division. 2009. Spending Patterns in Canada. Catalogue no. 62-202. Ottawa.

[5] Lessard, S. 2005. Revision of the Calibration Strategy for the Survey of Household Spending. Ottawa. Household Survey Methods Division, Statistics Canada.

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