Canada at a Glance, 2022
International trade

Table 22
Merchandise trade with Canada’s top 5 trading partners 
Table summary
This table displays the results of Merchandise trade with Canada’s top 5 trading partners  2021 (appearing as column headers).
Exports ($) Imports ($) Balance ($)
United States 476,659,292 392,857,423 83,801,869
China 28,615,484 57,220,577 -28,605,093
Mexico 8,862,729 19,569,291 -10,706,562
United Kingdom 18,159,219 10,027,806 8,131,413
Japan 14,639,194 11,181,463 3,457,731
Total - all countries 636,284,375 631,744,105 4,540,270

Chart 28 Contribution to the yearly change in exports, by product, 2021

Data table for Chart 28 
Data table for chart 28
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 28 millions of dollars (appearing as column headers).
millions of dollars
Total exports 114,101,846.11
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 3,992,450.92
Energy products 60,518,637.67
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 4,947,591.32
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 10,153,137.78
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 8,913,059.24
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 13,209,190.42
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 2,015,445.50
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 1,271,161.82
Motor vehicles and parts -3,268,195.71
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 1,597,015.31
Consumer goods 9,698,339.38
Special transactions 20,945.90
Other balance-of-payments adjustments 1,033,066.56

Chart 29 Contribution to the yearly change in imports, by product, 2021

Data table for Chart 29 
Data table for chart 29
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 29 millions of dollars (appearing as column headers).
millions of dollars
Total imports 69,736,469.72
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 2,310,542.35
Energy products 9,047,073.28
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals -1,066,517.05
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 9,108,238.53
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 10,591,326.74
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 4,215,838.44
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 8,391,223.46
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 6,188,759.08
Motor vehicles and parts 7,260,139.44
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 455,908.21
Consumer goods 9,151,963.45
Special transactions 2,952,052.47
Other balance-of-payments adjustments 1,129,921.33

Chart 30 Merchandise trade balance

Data table for Chart 30 
Data table for chart 30
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 30. The information is grouped by Data year (appearing as row headers), Sum of value, calculated using billions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Data year Sum of value
billions of dollars
2011 567,443
2012 -13,288,952
2013 -8,145,410
2014 4,672,634
2015 -24,635,733
2016 -25,048,208
2017 -24,499,504
2018 -21,805,558
2019 -18,408,844
2020 -39,825,106
2021 4,540,270

International trade in interactive format

The International Trade Explorer, 2021 (customs basis)

Did you know?

  • Despite supply chain disruptions, total export and import values reached record highs in 2021.
  • In 2021, Canada’s annual merchandise exports rose 22.0% from 2020, when exports fell 12.3% due to the restrictions put in place during the first waves of the pandemic.
  • Imports reached a record $631 billion in 2021, up 12.2% from 2020, but 2.7% higher than in 2019.
  • Thanks to strong export prices throughout the year, the merchandise trade balance posted surpluses for nine months in 2021. The annual trade surplus totalled $6.6 billion, the first annual surplus since 2014 and the largest since 2008.

To learn more

International trade statistics (

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