Canada at a Glance 2019
Travel, Transport

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Table 32
Travellers to Canada, by country of origin, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Travellers to Canada Trips, Nights and Spending in Canada, calculated using thousands and CAN$ millions units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Trips Nights Spending in Canada
thousands CAN$ millions
United States 14,277 65,842 9,514
United Kingdom 780 8,934 986
China 665 19,866 1,638
France 542 8,514 770
Australia 369 6,746 917
Germany 368 5,402 621
Mexico 339 6,144 595
Japan 288 3,597 546
South Korea 286 4,735 503
India 261 9,652 407
Brazil 137 3,230 310
Netherlands 136 1,851 209

Table 33
Travel by Canadians to foreign countries, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Travel by Canadians to foreign countries Visits, Nights and Spending in country, calculated using thousands and CAN$ millions units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Visits Nights Spending in country
thousands CAN$ millions
United States 20,210 194,601 19,493
Mexico 2,046 30,202 2,697
United Kingdom 1,490 20,576 2,229
France 1,262 16,657 1,866
Cuba 881 9,352 780
Germany 634 5,731 623
Italy 516 6,269 656
Dominican Republic 512 7,559 584
Spain 503 5,844 468
China 477 9,904 1,051
Netherlands 332 2,450 228
India 308 11,508 912

Chart 21 Gross sales of gasoline for motor vehicles

Data table for Chart 21 
Data table for Chart 21
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 21. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), millions of litres (appearing as column headers).
Year millions of litres
1997 36,144
1998 37,152
1999 37,912
2000 38,177
2001 38,126
2002 39,206
2003 39,797
2004 40,146
2005 39,846
2006 39,918
2007 40,848
2008 40,496
2009 41,028
2010 41,453
2011 42,076
2012 42,033
2013 42,903
2014 42,652
2015 44,577
2016 45,085
2017 44,931
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