Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) Technical Report, 2019
9 Possible Analyses with the IMDB

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The IMDB was created to allow analysis on immigration-related topics, and this section gives an overview of possible analyses with the additional information now available in the IMDB. As described in this report, the content of the IMDB has evolved; this has increased its analytical capabilities. Below are some examples of analyses that could benefit from the IMDB.

9.1 Analytical possibilities with non-permanent resident data

The addition of non-permanent resident data expands the scope of analysis currently possible with the IMDB. The number and type of permits obtained prior to admission can be used to establish the pre-admission profile of immigrants. By comparing these populations (with and without pre-admission Canadian experience), it becomes possible to assess the impacts of pre-admission Canadian experience on the economic outcomes and mobility patterns of immigrants. The specific sociodemographic profile at time of temporary resident permit issuance makes it also possible to evaluate economic outcome and mobility prior to admission. Changes in intended occupation, skill level and level of study through temporary resident permits are also available.

9.2 Analytical possibilities with data on deaths

The addition of the death flag, death year, and death month variables to the PNRF makes it possible to estimate the proportion of records included in the IMDB that belong to deceased immigrants. These variables will complement the year of death (YOD) variable included in the tax files. YOD is available only in instances where a T1 form was filed posthumously on behalf of the deceased, whereas the year and month of death are available for any record linked to the mortality dataset regardless of tax filing profile. New possible analyses may include the evaluation of economic profiles of immigrants prior to their death and the study of life expectancies after admission by immigration category and economic profile.

9.3 Analytical possibilities with citizenship

Adding citizenship information to the IMDB offers more analytical possibilities. The addition of the year and month of Canadian citizenship provides details on whether and when immigrants obtained their citizenship. It also serves as an additional explanatory variable to study socioeconomic outcomes. For example, the citizenship flag provides the uptake rate over time and informs on the characteristics that are associated with seeking citizenship. Please note that citizenship data are available since 2005.

9.4 Analytical possibilities with Children

The addition of the children module to the IMDB allows for further analysis of data on the socioeconomic conditions of immigrant children during their childhood.  Children (persons less than 18 years old) represent about 25% of immigrants admitted in Canada since 1980.  Immigrant children face different difficulties and challenges from their parents/guardians. With this module, one can analyse the economic outcome of immigrant children based on economic status as children. Immigrant children from lower income families and their future economic outcome relative to immigrant children from higher income families. Data is also available for Syrian refugee children.

9.5 Analytical possibilities with Express Entry

Express entry is an application process for economic immigrants who want to settle in Canada permanently and take part in our economy. Adding the express entry will improve the analytical capacity with respect to detailed selection criteria and wages among immigrants.

As an example, in 2017, immigrants admitted in 2015 as Federal Skilled workers reported the highest wages among immigrants admitted through the EE system. Among their characteristics we can verify the impact of having a job offer at the time of application.

9.6 Analytical possibilities with salaries and wages files

The Preliminary wages and salaries tax files contain salary, wages, and taxable benefits paid to employees. Variables extracted from these files include province of employment, province of employee, T4 earnings per by tax year, and number of T4 slips per tax year.

This data allow analysis on immigrants and non permanent residents that did not file a T1 tax form. Additionally, this information is timelier than the annual tax files, allowing the information to be more up to date on the economic outcome and the geographic location of permanent and non permanent residents. Finally, having multiple T4 records informs on the employment stability.

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