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As a result of the discontinuation of E-STAT, some of the links to the tables available in the publication 98-187-X Introduction to Censuses of Canada, 1665-1871 were broken. The tables can be requested via the Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative ( For the convenience of users, the tables are also available on the Queen’s University website: ( The website is in English as Queen’s University is not subject to the Official Languages Act.
Censuses of Canada, 1665 to 1871, Statistics of Canada, Volume IV was printed in Ottawa, in 1876, from the Censuses of Canada, 1870-71. This volume contains about 350 statistical tables on the social and economic conditions of Canada from 98 Censuses of the earliest settlements to Confederation in 1867 and on to 1871. The censuses are arranged in chronological order, with explanatory notes in some cases. In most cases, there is sufficient description of the individual series to enable the reader to use them without consulting the numerous basic sources referenced in the publication.
This unique reference volume was published in 1876 as a hard copy publication and has been out of print for over a century. It is a companion piece to the later volume: Historical Statistics of Canada, 2nd edition (catalogue number 11-516XIE).
The sidebar links to nine sections: eras in Canadian history from early exploration to 1871, the population of Aboriginal peoples, and finally, the Place names of localities by province, arranged according to the year they're first mentioned in the Censuses.
To preserve this important source of historical statistics on Canada, the original book was re-captured in electronic form as text and tables. All data have been verified to reflect what was originally published. No changes have been made other than correcting obvious errors in summation in the original paper volume. The terminology used to describe the population, its economic activity and its geographic location remains unchanged.
The electronic version of this historical publication is accessible on the Internet site of Statistics Canada: the Introduction as a free downloadable document in text as HTML pages for on-line viewing and PDF files for printing; and the summary tables are available through E-STAT which allows both on-line viewing and downloading, for authorized users. Example: Table of the French Acadian population from 1749 to 1771
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