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As a result of the discontinuation of E-STAT, some of the links to the tables available in the publication 98-187-X Introduction to Censuses of Canada, 1665-1871 were broken. The tables can be requested via the Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative ( For the convenience of users, the tables are also available on the Queen’s University website: ( The website is in English as Queen’s University is not subject to the Official Languages Act.
Estimate of the population of Lower Canada for 1822
Statistical statement of 1827
1837--Population of Upper Canada : 397,489.
1851-52--Population of Upper Canada : 952,004.
1806--Population of New Brunswick, about 35,000.
(Bouchette--The British Dominions, Vol. II., page
1806--Population of Prince Edward Island, so named in 1798-1800 : 9,676.
(Bouchette--The British Dominions, Vol. II., page
1806--Population of Upper Canada, estimated at 70,718.
(Bouchette--The British Dominions, Vol. II., page
1806--Population of Lower Canada, estimated at 250,000.
(Bouchette--The British Dominions, Vol. II., page
1806--Population of Newfoundland, estimated at 26,505.
(Sanctioned by several authors.)
1807--Population of Nova Scotia, estimated at 65,000.
(Sanctioned by several authors.)
1811--Population of Upper Canada, calculated from the assessment rolls furnished
to the Provincial Legislature, 77,000.
(Bouchette--The British Dominions, Vol. I., page
1814--Population of Lower Canada, estimated at 335,000.
(Bouchette--Topographie, page 10.)
1814--Population of Upper Canada, estimated at 95,000.
(Bouchette’s Topographical Description, page
1816--Population of Newfoundland, estimated at 52,672.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1817--Population of Nova Scotia : 81,351.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1822--Population of Lower Canada : 427,465.
(Journal of Assembly, 1823-24, Appendix R.)
Note: The following estimate was made for 1822, by Bouchette, of the population of Lower Canada.
Counties. | Signeuries. | Townships. | Total. | |
Cathol. | Protes. | |||
Gaspé | 5,000 |
Cornwallis | 18,012 |
378 |
205 |
18,595 |
Devon | 13,341 |
13,341 |
Hertford | 15,239 |
15,239 |
Dorchester | 17,189 |
200 |
310 |
17,699 |
Buckingham | 24,867 |
830 |
10,718 |
36,415 |
Richelieu | 23,771 |
779 |
4,338 |
28,888 |
Bedford | 9,747 |
8,341 |
3,277 |
21,455 |
Surrey | 16,520 |
16,520 |
Kent | 12,610 |
12,610 |
Huntingdon | 30,715 |
5,097 |
4,797 |
40,609 |
York | 26,970 |
1,000 |
2,853 |
30,823 |
Montreal | 26,480 |
11,058 |
37,538 |
Effingham | 15,625 |
300 |
15,925 |
Leinster | 22,697 |
165 |
22,862 |
Warwick | 16,714 |
42 |
16,756 |
Saint-Maurice | 18,300 |
582 |
18,882 |
Hampshire | 12,700 |
12,700 |
Québec | 22,339 |
6,000 |
28,339 |
Northumberland | 11,038 |
200 |
11,238 |
Orléans | 4,082 |
4,082 |
Clergy and Convents | 449 |
449 |
Protestants in Parish’s | 1,500 |
1,500 |
Grand Total | 364,860 |
35,900 |
26,705 |
427,465 |
Districts. | North side. | South side. | Total |
Québec | 56,359 | 77,315 | 133,674 |
Trois-Rivières | 18,882 | 28,974 | 47,856 |
Montréal | 123,904 | 120,082 | 243,986 |
Clergy and Convents | 449 | ||
Protestants in Parish’s | 1,500 | ||
Grand Total | 199,145 | 226,371 | 427,465 |
1822--Population of Prince Edward Island, estimated at 24,600.
(Sanctioned by several authors.)
1823--Population of Newfoundland : 52,157.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1824--Population of Upper Canada : 150,066.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1824--Population of New Brunswick : 74,176.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1825--Population of Upper Canada : 157,923.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1825--Population of Lower Canada : 479,288.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1825--Population of Newfoundland : 55,719.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1826--Population of Upper Canada : 166,379.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1827--Population of Upper Canada : 177,174.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1827--Population of Nova Scotia, including Cape Breton, reunited in 1819
: 123,630.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1827--Population of Lower Canada : 473,475. The first statement shows 471,875,
but it is supplemented by a statement showing 1,600 additional.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
Note: This statistical statement, 1827, gathered and arranged by Mr. Bouchette, is accompanied with the following recapitulation and estimates:-
Population of the Province, as stated above | 471,875 | souls |
Magdalen Islands | 900 | " |
Number of men employed in the King’s posts and Mingan, within the Province | 400 | " |
Voyageurs employed in the Indian trade, sometimes sojourning in the Indian territories | 300 | " |
473,475 | " | |
Average number of immigrants remaining in the Province, out of the total immigration to the Canadas in the years 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830 and 1831 | 28,000 | " |
Natural increase since 1827, about | 59,575 | " |
Grand Total, in 1831, estimated | 561,050 | " |
Exclusive of the military forces of the countries and the aborigines wandering in the interior.
Vide Census of 1831.
1828--Population of Upper Canada : 186,488.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1828--Population of Newfoundland : 60,088.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1829--Population of Upper Canada : 197,815.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1830--Population of Upper Canada : 213,156.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1831--Population of Upper Canada : 236,702.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1831--Population of Assiniboia : 2,390.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1831--Population of Lower Canada : 553,134.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1832--Population of Upper Canada : 263,554.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1832--Population of Newfoundland : 59,280.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1833--Population of Upper Canada : 295,863.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1833--Population of Prince Edward Island, estimated at 32,292.
(Sanctioned by several authors.)
1834--Population of Upper Canada : 321,145.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1834--Population of New Brunswick : 119,457.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1834--Population of Assiniboia : 3,356.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1835--Population of Assiniboia : 3,649.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1835--Population of Upper Canada : 347,359.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1836--Population of Upper Canada : 374,099.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1836--Population of Newfoundland : 73,705.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1837--Population of Upper Canada : 397,489. A few blanks in the Agricultural
Census have been supplied by estimates.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1837--Population of Nova Scotia, estimated at 199,906.
(Sanctioned by several authors.)
1838--Population of Upper Canada : 399,422.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1838--Population of Assiniboia : 3,966.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1838--Population of Nova Scotia : 202,575.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1839--Population of Upper Canada : 409,048.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1840--Population of Upper Canada : 432,159.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1840--Population of New Brunswick : 156,162.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1840--Population of Assiniboia : 4,704.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1841--Population of Upper Canada : 455,688.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1841--Population of Prince Edward Island : 47,042
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1842--Population of Upper Canada : 487,053.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1843--Population of Assiniboia : 5,143.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1844--Population of Lower Canada : 697,084.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1845--Population of Newfoundland : 96,295.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1846--Population of Assiniboia : 4,871.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1848--Population of Upper Canada : 725,879.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1848--Population of Lower Canada, variously estimated at 765,797,--770,000,--774,764,--777,129
and 786,693.
(Journals of Assembly, 1849, Appendix B.)
1848--Population of Prince Edward Island : 56,678.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1849--Population of Assiniboia : 5,391.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1851-52--Population of Upper Canada : 952,004.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1851-52--Population of Lower Canada : 890,261.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1851--Population of New Brunswick : 193,800.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2 & 3.)
1851--Population of Nova Scotia : 276,854.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1851--Population of Newfoundland : estimated at 101,600.
(Collated for Cyclopoedia of Commerce, page 1,405.)
1855--Population of Prince Edward Island, estimated at 71,490.
(Sanctioned by several authors.)
1856--Population of Assiniboia : 6,691.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1857--Population of Newfoundland : 122,638.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2 & 3.)
1860-61--Population of Upper Canada : 1,396,091.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1860-61--Population of Lower Canada : 1,111,566.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1861--Population of New Brunswick : 252,047.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2 & 3.)
1861--Population of Nova Scotia : 330,857.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1861--Population of Prince Edward Island : 80,857.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1861--Population of Vancouver’s Island, through immigration, 3,024,
of whom 2,350 are in Victoria and its vicinity.
(Governor Douglas’ Dispatch.)
1869--Population of Newfoundland : 146,536.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1 & 2.)
1870--Population of British Columbia, 10,586 of immigrants and their descendants.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1870--Population of Manitoba : 12,228, exclusive of Indians.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)
1871--Population of Ontario | 1,620,851 |
1871--Population of Quebec |
1,191,516 |
1871--Population of New Brunswick |
285,594 |
1871--Population of Nova Scotia |
387,800 |
(For all details see the first three volumes of this work.)
1871--Population of Prince Edward Island : 94,021.
(Census.--See summary tables in E-STAT 1.)