Statistics Canada
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Tables, figures, and maps

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Tables - Part I
Tables - Part II
Figures - Part I
Figures - Part II
Maps - Part II

Tables - Part I

Population growth and age structure

Table 1.1  Population as of July 1, 2007 and population growth components for Canada and census metropolitan areas

Table 1.2 Percentage of population aged less than 15 years, 15 to 64 years and 65 years and over and median age, Canada, provinces, territories, January 1, 2008

Table 1.3 Percentage of population aged less than 15 years, 15 to 64 years and 65 years and over and median age, census metropolitan areas, July 1, 2007

Table A-1.1 Population as of January 1 and components of population growth, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2008

Fertility and induced abortions

Table 2.1 Births among women aged 30 and over, by birth order, Canada, 1981 to 2005

Table 2.2 Births distribution by type of birth and age group of the mother, Canada, 1981 and 2005

Table 2.3 Total fertility rate by census metropolitan area, Canada, 2005

Table 2.4 Induced abortions by place of residence and abortions to births ratios, Canada, provinces and territories, 2004 and 2005

Table 2.5 Number, rates and distribution of induced abortions by age group of women, Canada, 1981 to 2005

Table A-2.1 Births and birth rates, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2005

Table A-2.2 Total fertility rate, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2005

Table A-2.3 Total fertility rate by birth order, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2005

Table A-2.4 Fertility rate by age group, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2005


Table A-3.1 Total deaths and infant deaths, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2005

Table A-3.2 Infant mortality rate, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2005

Table A-3.3 Life expectancy at different ages, Canada, 1981 to 2005

Table A-3.4 Mortality rates according to some causes of death and sex, Canada, 1981 to 2004

Table A-3.5 Deaths due to HIV by broad age groups and sex, Canada, 1991 to 2004

International immigration

Table 4.1 Immigrants admitted and number planned by class according to the immigration plan, Canada, 2005 to 2008

Table 4.2 Immigrants to Canada by class, 1981 to  2007

Table 4.3 Immigrants by class according to the 10 main countries of birth, Canada, 2005 to 2007

Table 4.4 Percentage distribution of landed immigrants by province of destination, Canada, 1981 to 2007

Table A-4.1 Landed immigrants in Canada by country of birth, 1981 to 2007

Table A-4.2 Immigrants and percentage distribution by province of destination and class, Canada, 2007

Table A-4.3 Countries of birth from which more than 2,000 immigrants came to Canada in 2005, 2006 or 2007

Interprovincial migration

Table 5.1 Net interprovincial migration for provinces and territories, 1981 to 2007

Table 5.2 Annual number of interprovincial migrants, 2005

Table 5.3 Annual number of interprovincial migrants, 2006

Table 5.4 Annual number of interprovincial migrants, 2007

Nuptiality and divorce

Table A.6.1 Marriages and crude marriage rate, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2003

Table A.6.2 Marriages, first marriages and remarriages, Canada, 1981 to 2003

Table A.6.3 Divorces and crude divorce rate, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2004

Table A.6.4 Mean duration of marriages for divorced people, Canada, provinces and territories, 1981 to 2003

Table A.6.5 Duration-specific divorce rate, Canada, marriage cohorts 1953-1954 to 2002-2003

Tables - Part II

Part 1 - A portrait of the mobility of Canadians between 2001 and 2006

Table 1.1  Net interprovincial migration and net interprovincial migration rates, from the intercensal period of 1966 to 1971 to the intercensal period of 2001 to 2006

Table 1.2  Industry sectors of interprovincial migrants who had employment in 2006, by province of residence, 2001 to 2006

Table 1.3  In-migrants, out-migrants and net migration by census metropolitan area, 2001 to 2006

Table 1.4  Net migration and net migration rates by age group and type of region, 2001 to 2006

Table 1.5  Migration exchanges between the central municipality and the peripheral municipalities within selected census metropolitan areas, 2001 to 2006

Table 1.6  Small towns and rural communities where internal migration gains were the highest between 2001 and 2006

Table 1.7  Small towns and rural communities where internal migration losses were the highest between 2001 and 2006

Part 2 - A socio-demographic profile of migrants in Canada according to the 2006 Census

Table 2.1  Estimated probabilities of migrating by type of destination and a selection of socio-demographic characteristics, 2005 to 2006

Table 2.2  Percentage distribution of the estimated probability of migrating for a selection of socio-demographic characteristics, by type of destination, 2005 to 2006

Appendix 1 - A portrait of the mobility of Canadians between 2001 and 2006

Table A.1.1  Origin - destination matrix, interprovincial migrants, 2001 to 2006

Table A.1.2  Number and percentage of migrants between the referred province and the other provinces and territories, 2001 to 2006

Table A.1.3  Net migration and net migration rate in mid-size urban centres, 2001 to 2006

Appendix 2 - A socio-demographic profile of migrants in Canada according to the 2006 Census

Table A.2.1  Descriptive statistics - Proportion of migrants by selected socio-demographic characteristics, 2005 to 2006

Table A.2.2  Estimated probabilities of changing place-of-residence category by a selection of socio-demographic characteristics, 2005 to 2006

Table A.2.3  Percentage distribution of estimated probabilities of changing place-of-residence category for a selection of socio-demographic characteristics, by type of destination, 2005 to 2006

Table A.2.4  Distribution of the Canadian population by selected socio-demographic characteristics, by type of destination, 2006

Figures - Part I

Population growth and age structure

Figure 1.1  Total, natural and migratory population growth rates, Canada, 1972 to 2007

Figure 1.2  Population growth rates between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007 by census division, Canada

Figure 1.3  Age pyramid of the Canadian population as of January 1, 1972 and 2008

Figure 1.4  Proportion of the population aged less than 15 years, 15 to 64 years and 65 years and over in Canada, January 1, 1972 to 2022

Figure 1.5  Proportion of population 65 years of age and over as of July 1, 2007, by census division, Canada

Figure 1.6  Age pyramid of the youngest and oldest census metropolitan areas in Canada, July 1, 2007

Fertility and induced abortions

Figure 2.1  Births in Canada, 1926 to 2005

Figure 2.2  Average age at maternity by birth order, Canada, 1945 to 2005

Figure 2.3  Fertility rate by age group, Canada, 1926 to 2005

Figure 2.4  Fertility rate by age for selected cohorts, Canada

Figure 2.5  Total fertility rate, 1926 to 2005 and completed fertility, 1906 to 1976


Figure 3.1  Deaths in Canada, 1926 to 2005

Figure 3.2  Variation in the number of deaths by age group between 2004 and 2005, Canada

Figure 3.3 Probabilities of dying by age and sex, Canada, 2005

Figure 3.4  Infant mortality rate, neo-natal and early neo-natal, Canada, 1926 to 2005

International immigration

Figure 4.1 Immigrants and immigration rate, Canada, 1900 to 2007

Figure 4.2 Age pyramid of immigrants to Canada, 1991 and 2007

Figure 4.3 Age pyramid of the Canadian-born and foreign-born population, Canada, 2006

Nuptiality and divorce

Figure 6.1 Proportion of the population who are legally married by age group and sex, Canada, 1981 and 2006

Figure 6.2 Proportion of persons living in common-law unions, Canada, 1981 to 2006

Figure 6.3 Divorces and marriages, Canada, 1926 to 2004

Figures - Part II

Part 1 - A portrait of the mobility of Canadians between 2001 and 2006

Figure 1.1 Proportion of Canadians that changed address, municipality or province, 2001 to 2006

Figure 1.2 Proportion of migrants and of persons that changed province by age, 1966 to 1971 and 2001 to 2006, Canada

Figure 1.3 Net interprovincial migration by province and territory, from the intercensal period of 1966 to 1971 to the intercensal period of 2001 to 2006

Figure 1.4 Net migration resulting from migratory exchanges of provinces and territories with Alberta and the rest of Canada, 2001 to 2006

Figure 1.5 Net migration by type of region, 2001 to 2006

Maps - Part II

Part 1 - A portrait of the mobility of Canadians between 2001 and 2006

Migratory exchanges within Montréal census metropolitan area, 2001 to 2006 by 2006 census subdivisions

Migratory exchanges within the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2001 to 2006 by 2006 census subdivisions

Migratory exchanges within Vancouver census metropolitan area, 2001 to 2006 by 2006 Census Subdivisions

Top 15 census agglomerations with the highest net migratory gains or losses, 2001 to 2006 by 2006 census agglomerations

Top 25 non metropolitan municipalities with the highest net migratory gains or losses, 2001 to 2006 by 2006 census subdivisions

15 main interprovincial flows, 2001 to 2006

Migratory exchanges, 2001 to 2006 by 2006 census divisions