Financial accounts on a from-whom-to-whom basis, Selected financial instruments
Customize layout
For persons using assistive technologies, the following is an alternate method of dragging and dropping variables. You can select, for each variable, where that variable should be displayed: either in columns, rows or outside the table. When a variable is placed outside the table, only one item of a variable can be selected. Once your selection is made, click on the "Apply" button to update the pivot table.
Add/remove data
For persons using assistive technologies, the following is an alternate method of selecting items in a variable. For variables placed within the table, multiple items can be selected. Once your selection is made, the pivot table will be updated immediately.
Variable Sectors, debtor (liabilities):
Variable Sectors, creditor (assets):
Variable Instruments:
Variable Accounts:
Variable Periods:
Stocks and flows
Useful links
Article from the product Latest Developments in the Canadian Economic Accounts.
General information on the concepts of the financial flow accounts, the other changes in assets accounts and the national balance sheet accounts. The user guide also contains definitions for sectors and subsectors.
Detailed information on the concepts of the financial flow accounts, the other changes in assets accounts and the national balance sheet accounts.
Glossary of terms used in the Canadian Economic Accounts. The definitions for instruments used in this product can be found in the glossary.
Statistics Canada's from-whom-to-whom (FWTW) data builds on the information currently found in the Financial and Wealth Accounts (FWA), the program that is responsible for producing Canada's national balance sheet and financial flows. The FWTW data reflects the counterparty relationship that exists between two sectors for each financial instrument.
This interactive tool allows for a fully customizable presentation of these counterparty relationships. The tool currently presents data for a subset of instruments for which such a relationship is already evident in the FWA. As development work continues, data for more complex instruments will be added on an ongoing basis until the entire set of financial accounts is presented on a counterparty basis.
Data is available for stocks, financial flows and other changes in assets for the same time period covered by the FWA.
- Pivot table: Dynamic cross-table that enables users to generate information on financial instruments by various dimensions; including the asset (or holding) sector, the liability (or debtor) sector, type of account, and time period.
- Stocks and Flows: Table showing, for the latest quarter released, information on sector’s financial instrument positions at the beginning of the period, financial flows and other changes in assets during the period, and positions at the end of the period.
- Instruments: Tables and charts highlighting instruments.
- Sectors: Tables and charts highlighting sectors.
- Date modified: