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Canada's international investment position
Second quarter 2004 Data quality, concepts and methodology Statistical notes The following notes are a summary version of the sources and methods document for the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position. 1 International investment position Conceptual framework Canada’s international investment position is the statistical statement
that presents the value and composition of the stock of Canadian financial
claims on Canadian financial assets are owned by Canadian residents and embody future
economic benefits from Canadian financial liabilities, which are obligations to 'Financial liabilities' is a misnomer to the extent that it includes The difference between total financial assets and total financial liabilities
is referred to as the net international investment position. Put another way,
Canada's net investment position is the difference between what Canada owns
(its external assets) and what Canada owes (its external liabilities) to Types of financial assets and financial liabilities There are three classes of financial assets and financial liabilities in
the international investment position: direct investment, portfolio investment
and other investment. These three classes largely reflect the nature of the
investment in another country. In direct investment, the investor residing
in one country has a significant influence on the management of an enterprise
residing in another country; this means that direct investment also encompasses
investment where there is a substantial influence to the point of having a
controlling interest. In portfolio investment, the investor in financial instruments
does not have a significant influence on the Valuation of international assets and liabilities The valuation used for financial assets and liabilities in Canada's international investment position is that recorded in the books of the enterprise in which the investment is made (debtor principle). This is a departure from international standards, which call for market valuation of the international investment position. To report direct investment at market valuation would entail major difficulties. Businesses do not generally use a market valuation to record their investment in subsidiaries and other affiliated parties in their books, which are the source of data used to compile direct investment. This was recognized by international standards. The market price measurement cannot always be implemented because of the absence of regular revaluations. For example, balance sheet value is often the only available reported valuation for direct investment. That value might be assigned on the basis of original cost, a more recent revaluation or current value. 4 As for portfolio investment, the Canadian statistics provide the market valuation of selected portfolio investments as supplementary information to the official series. Finally, the valuation for other investment can be viewed for all intents and purposes to be a market valuation. Overall, market valuation is available in Canadian statistics, except for direct investment. Changes in Canada's assets and liabilities arise from financial account
transactions, as recorded in the balance of payments and from valuation changes.
A major source of valuation change is the exchange rate since the items denominated
in foreign currencies are converted using the closing exchange rate at the
end of the period of reference. Another source of valuation change arises
from the difference between the price at which the transactions occurred and
the value at which the claim is recorded in the balance sheet. Since the positions
are not currently revalued at market prices, the valuation changes other than
exchange rate reflect changes resulting from transaction value to book value, Relationship to other statistical systems Relationship to the balance of payments There is a direct relationship between the financial transactions in the
balance of payments and the international investment position. 5 Financial transactions with The relationship between the current account balance and the net international investment position transits via the capital and financial account. The net flow of the capital and financial account is equivalent to the balance in the current account, with the sign reversed. The international investment position is the result of the cumulation through time of the capital and financial account, with the sign reversed. Therefore, the cumulation through time of the current account is equivalent to the net international investment position. However, because of valuation and other changes that are reflected in the
position but not in the transactions, there is not a Relationship to the balance sheet accounts In the Canadian System of National Accounts, a national balance sheet is
derived for all three sectors of the economy: persons and unincorporated business;
the corporate sector; and the government sector. The dealings of these three
sectors with Interpretation of the international investment position Accounting interpretation The international investment position presents data related to the country’s
external financial condition as of a specific time, based on accounting concepts
and conventions. It is Canada’s balance sheet In addition, assets represent a certain quantum of abstract economic value which is potentially usable to acquire goods and services. 7 Liabilities are Canada’s obligations to convey assets or perform
services to Analytical interpretation The data on the international position reveal the extent to which Canada has, over the years, been both a supplier (external assets) and a receiver (external liabilities) with the rest of the world of financial resources. The difference between the external assets and liabilities provides a measure of the net position that is equivalent to that portion of the Canadian economy attributable to the rest of the world. Canada has been historically and continues to be in a net liability position. Direct investment position Description Direct investment (asset and liability) allows an investor to have a significant voice in the management of an enterprise operating outside his or her own economy. For operational purposes in Canada, if an enterprise owns at least 10% of the voting equity in a foreign enterprise, a direct investment relationship is deemed to exist between these two enterprises. The voting equity interest is determined by analysing the whole relationship among enterprises, both domestically and abroad. An enterprise may hold less than 10% interest directly but still have a 10% voting equity interest direct investment relationship through ownership of another enterprise (indirect ownership). Once the direct investment relationship is established among several enterprises, using both direct and indirect ownership, the direct investment itself is measured by the investment between two transactors only. If a Canadian company has a voting ownership interest of at least 10% in a U.S. company, it is referred to as the direct investor and the U.S. company is referred to as the direct investee. It may be that the U.S. direct investee also has claims on the Canadian direct investor, but these claims should be lower than those of the Canadian company. 8 These liabilities of the Canadian direct investor will be netted against its claims on the U.S. direct investee when presenting the direct investment position. This presentation is referred to as a directional measure of direct investment. A direct investor can also be the recipient of foreign investment from another foreign company, and if that investment represents 10% or more of the voting equity of the direct investor, the direct investor will be a direct investee of that company. It is important to stress that the notions of direct investor and direct investee are not mutually exclusive. A company can be both a direct investor in a foreign company and a direct investee of another foreign company. In the Canadian statistics, direct investment is measured as the total
value of equity, net Valuation Direct investment position series are valued from the books of the enterprises in which the direct investment is made. This means that Canadian direct investment abroad is measured from the books of the foreign enterprises and not from the books of the resident enterprises having a direct investment abroad. Similarly, foreign direct investment in Canada is measured from the books of the resident enterprises recipient of the direct investment and not from the books of the foreign enterprises. Differences between book values of direct investments from one period to another arise from the following:
Distinction between direct investment and control The notion of direct investment needs to be distinguished from that of foreign control. The International Monetary Fund international standards focus on direct investment, referring only in a vague manner to control. The concept of direct investment is broader than the System of National
Accounts concept of However, the reverse is true for System of National Accounts, 1993 , where the focus is on control. The System's concept of Control is defined as the ability to determine general corporate policy
by appointing appropriate directors, if necessary. Owning more than half the
shares of a corporation is evidently a sufficient, but not a necessary, condition
for control. Nevertheless, because it may be difficult to identify those corporations
in which control is exercised by a minority of shareholders, it is recommended
that, in practice, corporations subject to public or foreign control should
normally be confined to those in which governments or Both direct investment and controlling interests result from ownership
in an enterprise. However, direct investment reflects a significant influence
in the other enterprise and does not need to be as intense as controlling
investment, which entails a "continuing power to determine its strategic operating,
investing and financing policies without the To determine direct investment or controlling interest, it is necessary to take into account the full intercorporate structure of enterprises, that is, the ownership relationship that exists among the different entities of an enterprise. This means conceptually viewing all business enterprises and going beyond the Canadian border to take into account the full gamut of foreign and domestic ownership of enterprises. Data sources Surveys Seven questionnaires targetting various aspects of claims are used to compile direct investment data. Questionnaires are annual quasi census, except for two quarterly sample questionnaires. Administrative sources A number of administrative sources are used to complement the survey results.
The monthly list of Canadian companies with Supplementary administrative sources provided by financial institutions
to the Bank of Canada and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
are also used, especially to derive foreign direct investment in Canadian
banks. The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency form Other sources Financial information published in the financial press (Globe and Mail, National Post, Les Affaires and so on) is systematically analysed and processed against quarterly survey results. Methods A system dubbed CASTS processes the survey results from seven questionnaires
as well as other administrative and public sources. Procedures ranging from
data capture through to validation of data and derivation of flows of capital
and Products Data accuracy A major challenge for data quality consists in maintaining acceptable coverage. Although major efforts are made, it sometimes happens that an enterprise that newly conducts direct investment may not be captured. Canadian direct investment abroad The data on Canadian direct investment abroad are believed to be reliable.
The data are obtained from an annual quasi census survey whose coverage is
updated from current information on market developments and validated against
administrative data. The coverage is believed to be reasonably complete. The
response rate of the quasi census survey was 58% for 2000. Because
of its nature, the bulk of direct investment is believed to be concentrated
among a relatively small number of enterprises. The survey results confirm
this with the 100 largest companies (5% of the coverage) accounting
for 80% of the total value of direct investment. For Foreign direct investment in Canada The data on foreign direct investment are believed to be reliable. The data are obtained from an annual quasi census survey with a response rate of 63% for 2000. Again, the most recent year is projected on the basis of financial flows obtained from a quarterly sample survey and information on market developments (which include corporate reorganizations, exchange rates and other factors). These estimates are also subject to revision when the results of the quasi census survey become available. Data accessibility In this publication, data on direct investment positions are shown by major
geographical regions (United States, United Kingdom, Other European Union,
Japan, Other OECD and Other Countries). Detailed country and industry breakdowns
are also available on a Portfolio investment position Description Portfolio investment is a rather passive form of investment conducted to
maximize expected value of the portfolio (in the form of income and/or the
value of the investment) by diversifying across national borders. This investment
comprises instruments that can usually be traded in secondary markets. Portfolio investment consists of investment in stocks and bonds (both Canadian and foreign) and in Canadian money market instruments. However, departing from international standards, portfolio investment excludes investment in foreign money market instruments, which is indistinguishably included in other investment, since the Canadian statistics cannot currently split foreign money market instruments from foreign bank deposit liabilities. Changes in stock levels arise from financial flows, exchange rate fluctuations, Valuation To the extent possible, the securities are valued at the book value of the companies that issue the instruments. Investment in stocks is valued on the basis of the shareholder's equity of the company that issued the stocks. The book value of bond and money market instruments is defined as the price at which the security was originally issued plus interest accruals. The valuation at book value is a departure from the international standards, which call for market valuation. However, market valuation of most portfolio investment (Canadian bonds and foreign securities) is provided as supplementary information in the Canadian statistics. It is not used in the official series in order to maintain uniformity among accounts of the international investment position because other accounts of the statement, notably direct investment, are currently available only on a book value basis. Data sources Asset positions on foreign securities are compiled from the results of
an annual position survey on Canadian holdings of portfolio securities, beginning
with the Methods Canadian portfolio investment abroad An annual survey that began with the reference Foreign portfolio investment in Canadian bonds and money market An extensive and detailed system (dubbed Foreign investment in Canadian equities The Canadian equities data are updated on a yearly basis, with financial flows reported on monthly surveys of Canadian investment dealers and large Canadian investors. These positions are in turn complemented by data obtained from the positions survey. Products Data accuracy With the implementation in 1997 of the Canadian survey of portfolio investment, the estimates of Canadian holdings of foreign securities are now felt to be most reliable. The response rate of the quasi census survey was 78% for 2000. However, the survey coverage does not include Canadian individuals investing directly in foreign markets. The difficulties of capturing investment by individuals is common to all countries but is not perceived for the time being to result in significant undercoverage in Canadian statistics. This may rapidly change, however, with the increasing ease of online investing. The data on foreign holdings of Canadian securities are most reliable, except for the geographical allocation of foreign portfolio holders. The geographical breakdown does not always reflect the country of beneficial owner, as the latter may use custodians in other countries. It is expected, however, that the survey results from other countries will help in improving the geographical allocation. The response rate of the quasi census survey for 2000 was 63% for corporations and over 80% for governments and their enterprises. Data accessibility The data on portfolio positions are presented for bonds and stocks (both Canadian and foreign), as well as for Canadian money market instruments, in total and for the six geographical areas: United States, United Kingdom, Other European Union, Japan, Other OECD and Other Countries. In addition, a sectorial distribution is provided for Canadian bonds and Canadian money market instruments. For Canadian bonds, the contributors to net change in book value and market values by sector are also provided. Detailed country, industry, currency and terms to maturity aggregations
are also available on a Other investment position Description Other investment position is a residual heterogeneous account that includes all investment other than direct and portfolio investment. It covers loan assets and liabilities, deposit assets and liabilities, official reserve assets and other assets and liabilities. Loan assets and loan liabilities Loan assets include Government of Canada loans extended directly
to foreign countries and to international organizations. These loans are made,
in part, by the issuance of
Excluded are loans and subscriptions to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) classified in official international reserves, and subscriptions to international agencies classified as other assets. An offsetting entry in assets is recorded to account for allowances related to
Also included are some of the provisions set up by Canadian chartered banks on their foreign loans. Loan liabilities comprise corporate, government and government enterprises borrowing from foreign banks, including syndicate bank facilities, mortgage loans and other loans, such as loans made under repurchase agreements (repos) involving securities as collateral. Deposit assets comprise deposits abroad of Canadian banks, including
gold and silver and Deposit liabilities comprise foreign deposits at Canadian
banks (including gold and silver and Official international reserves cover official holdings of foreign exchange and other reserve assets of the Exchange Fund Account, the Minister of Finance (including the position with the IMF), the Receiver General for Canada and the Bank of Canada. Reserve assets comprise monetary gold, special drawing rights (SDRs), reserve position with the IMF, foreign exchange assets (consisting of currency and deposits and securities) and other claims. Other assets include
Other liabilities include
Data sources On the asset side, loans by the Government of Canada to foreign countries and to international agencies are obtained from administrative data from the Canadian International Development Agency and from the Public Accounts of Canada, for loans by various departments. Loans by government enterprises are obtained from the Export Development Corporation and the Canadian Wheat Board and from the Public Accounts of Crown Corporations. Loans by Canadian banks are obtained from administrative data, submitted to the Bank of Canada. Loans by corporations are obtained from sample surveys. Loans under REPO's and derivatives are compiled from monthly surveys of financial intermediaries. Loan liabilities include borrowing by Canadian corporations and
government enterprises consisting of foreign bank loans, including foreign
syndicated bank borrowing, other loans and mortgage loans. These liabilities
are obtained from the annual surveys. Repo loans, which involve securities
as collateral, are reported by Canadian dealers and brokers. Foreign Allowances Both deposit assets and deposit liabilities with Canadian banks are broken down into four categories: Canadian dollar, foreign currency, gold and silver. They are derived from administrative data submitted by Canadian banks to the Bank of Canada and a questionnaire on Gold and Silver Transactions. Deposit assets of Canadian entities other than banks are compiled from foreign banking data obtained from the U.S. Treasury, the Bank of England and the Bank of International Settlements. Foreign deposits, which are from foreign central banks, at the Bank of Canada are derived from administrative data. Foreign deposits of trust companies are derived from a survey. Official international reserves are obtained from administrative data of the Bank of Canada. For the rest of other assets, data on subscriptions to international agencies are obtained from the Department of Finance, the Canadian International Development Agency and Public Accounts. Data on foreign money market instruments are compiled from a mixture of administrative data from the U.S. Treasury and survey data. The deferred assets of Canadian immigrants are derived from administrative data of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The series on progress payments are derived from the financial press and several known respondents that are surveyed on an occasional basis. Data on derivatives are obtained from a monthly survey of Canadian financial intermediaries. All the other assets are obtained from an annual survey. For the rest of other liabilities, Government of Canada demand note
liabilities are derived from administrative data. The data on Methods This account is compiled from survey and administrative data. Administrative data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada are extensively used to compile assets held abroad by immigrants. Products Data accuracy The estimates on loan assets and liabilities are believed to be reliable
to the extent that they are obtained from administrative data. The data obtained
from survey sources are of acceptable accuracy. The series of The estimates of deposits at chartered banks are believed to be most reliable.
They are obtained from administrative records. The series on The estimates on official international assets are most reliable, coming from administrative data whose accounting practices meet balance of payments requirements. Other assets include various series whose overall quality is believed to
be acceptable. Data on subscriptions to international agencies are obtained
from administrative sources, which are very reliable. The series on Other liabilities include various series whose overall quality is believed
to be acceptable. The series on Data accessibility In this annual publication positions in other investment for each of assets
and liabilities are published for the six geographical groupings: United States,
United Kingdom, Other European Union, Japan, Other OECD and Other Countries.
Positions on Canada's official reserves are published by instrument and by
currency. Finally, other assets and liabilities are broken down between |