Canada's international investment position
Second quarter 2004
Related products
Selected publications from Statistics Canada
11-010-XIB |
Canadian economic observer |
13-010-XIE |
Canadian economic accounts quarterly
review |
13-605-XIE |
Latest developments in the Canadian
economic accounts |
67-001-XIE |
Canada's balance of international
payments |
67-002-XIE |
Canada's international transactions
in securities |
67-203-XIE |
Canada's international trade in services |
67-506-XIE |
Canada's balance of international
payments and international investment position, concepts, sources, methods
and products |
Selected research papers from Statistics Canada
67F0001M1997001 |
foreign investment in Canadian real estate |
67F0001M1997002 |
Foreign investment
in the Canadian bond market, 1978 to 1990 |
67F0001M1997003 |
of importing firms, 1978 to 1986 |
67F0001M1997004 |
The statistical
discrepancy in Canada's balance of payments, 1962 to 1991 |
67F0001M1997005 |
Canada's public
debt held by non-residents: historical
perspectives, 1926 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997006 |
and Canada's international investment position, 1950 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997007 |
The foreign investment
of trusteed pension funds, 1970 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997008 |
Recent trends
in Canadian direct investment abroad - The rise of Canadian multinationals,
1969 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997009 |
Direct investment
profits in Canada and abroad, 1983 to 1993 |
67F0001M1997010 |
Development of
the balance of payments nomenclature |
67F0001M1997011 |
of the Canada-United States current
account, 1994 and 1995 |
67F0001M1997012 |
Measurement of
foreign portfolio investment in Canadian bonds |
67F0001M1997013 |
in Canada of the international standards for service trade - On with the fifth |
67F0001M1997014 |
Repo transactions
between residents of Canada and non-residents |
67F0001M1997015 |
Canada's international
legal services, 1995-1996 |
67F0001M1997016 |
Canada's international
management consulting, 1990-1996 |
67F0001M1997017 |
Canada's implementation
of BPM-5, 1997 |
67F0001M1999018 |
of the Canada-United States current
account, 1996 and 1997 |
67F0001M1999019 |
Issues in provincializing
foreign direct investment |
67F0001M2001020 |
Foreign direct
investment: a driving force in economic globalization |
67F0001M2001021 |
Foreign affiliate
trade statistics - Measuring economic globalization |
Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada
3760037 |
International investment position, annual |
3760038 |
International investment position, Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign
direct investment in Canada, annual |
3760039 |
International investment position, portfolio investment, annual |
3760040 |
International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canada,
by sector, annual |
3760041 |
International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian
bonds, book and market values, annual |
3760042 |
International investment position, foreign portfolio investment, Canadian
bonds and Canadian money market, by sector, quarterly |
3760051 |
International investment position, Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign
direct investment in Canada, by country, annual |
3760053 |
International investment position, Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign
direct investment in Canada, by industry and country, annual |
3760054 |
International investment position, Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign
direct investment in Canada, by type of Canadian concern and capital invested,
annual |
3760055 |
International investment position, quarterly |
3760056 |
International investment position, portfolio and other investment in Canada,
by sector, quarterly |
3760057 |
International investment position, portfolio investment in Canadian bonds,
book and market values, by sector, quarterly |
3760058 |
International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian
bonds and Canadian money market instruments, by sector and geographic region,
monthly |
3760059 |
International investment position, Canada's gross external debt position,
by sector, quarterly |
Selected surveys from Statistics Canada
1501 |
Gold and Silver Transactions,
Assets and Liabilities |
1506 |
Transactions Between
Canada and Other Countries (BP21) |
1507 |
Transactions Between
Canada and Other Countries (BP-21A) |
1510 |
Investment in Canada
by Non-Canadian Corporations (BP-22) |
1511 |
Investment in Canada
by Non-Canadian Corporations (BP-22A) |
1516 |
Movement of Funds Between
Canadian Incorporated Insurance Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates, Agencies
and Bank Accounts and Other Companies or Persons Outside Canada |
1517 |
Movement of Funds Between
Canadian Branches of Foreign Insurance Companies in Canada and Head or Other
Offices, Companies or Persons Outside Canada |
1518 |
Report by Trust and
Mortgage Loan Companies in Canada on Transactions with Non-residents |
1519 |
Security Transactions
with Non-residents |
1520 |
Futures Trading with
Non-residents |
1522 |
Geographical Distribution
of Capital |
1523 |
Structure of Canadian
Companies in the reporting enterprise |
1525 |
Particulars of Selected
Issues of Funded Debt and Foreign Bank Borrowing |
1526 |
Geographical Distribution
of selected long-term debt booked in
Canada at Canadian Banks and Consolidated Canadian Subsidiaries |
1529 |
Capital Invested Abroad
by Canadian Enterprises |
1530 |
Capital Invested in
secondary foreign companies by Canadian Enterprises |
1531 |
Canadian Investment
in Non-Canadian Corporations (BP-60) |
1532 |
Investment in Canada
of Non-Canadian Partnerships |
1538 |
Canadian Portfolio Investment
Abroad |
Selected tables of Canadian statistics from Statistics Canada