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Canada's international investment position
Second quarter 2004


Statistical tables

Table 1-1 International investment position with all countries (1999 - 2000)
Table 1-2 International investment position with all countries (2001 - 2002)
Table 1-3 International investment position with all countries (2003 - 2004)
Table 2 Canadian direct investment abroad, by geographical area
Table 3 Canadian direct investment abroad, by industry
Table 4-1 Profits on direct investment abroad - Quarterly
Table 4-2 Profits on direct investment abroad - Annual
Table 5 Portfolio investment in foreign bonds, by geographical area
Table 6 Portfolio investment in foreign stocks, by geographical area
Table 7 Canada's official international reserves
Table 8 Other assets
Table 9 Foreign direct investment in Canada, by geographical area
Table 10 Foreign direct investment in Canada, by industry
Table 11-1 Profits on foreign direct investment in Canada - Quarterly
Table 11-2 Profits on foreign direct investment in Canada - Annual
Table 12 Portfolio investment in Canadian bonds, by geographical area
Table 13 Portfolio investment in Canadian bonds, contributors to net change in book value
Table 14-1 Portfolio investment in Canadian bonds, book and market value - Governments
Table 14-2 Portfolio investment in Canadian bonds, book and market value - Government enterprises
Table 14-3 Portfolio investment in Canadian bonds, book and market value - Other sectors
Table 15 Portfolio investment in Canadian stocks, by geographical area
Table 16 Portfolio investment in Canadian money market instruments, by geographical area
Table 17 Portfolio investment in Canadian money market instruments, by sector
Table 18 Other liabilities
Table 19-1 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Federal government
Table 19-2 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Provincial government
Table 19-3 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Municipal government
Table 19-4 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Total all government
Table 19-5 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Federal government enterprises
Table 19-6 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Provincial government enterprises
Table 19-7 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Municipal government enterprises
Table 19-8 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Total government enterprises
Table 19-9 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Total governments and government enterprises
Table 19-10 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Private corporations
Table 19-11 Portfolio investment and other investment in Canada - Total all sectors
Table 20-1 Canada's gross external debt position - Total all sectors
Table 20-2 Canada's gross external debt position - General government
Table 20-3 Canada's gross external debt position - Monetary authorities
Table 20-4 Canada's gross external debt position - Banks
Table 20-5 Canada's gross external debt position - Other sectors
Table 21-1 International investment position with the United States - Assets
Table 21-2 International investment position with the United States - Liabilities
Table 22-1 International investment position with all countries excluding the United States - Assets
Table 22-2 International investment position with all countries excluding the United States - Liabilities
Table 23-1 International investment position with the United Kingdom - Assets
Table 23-2 International investment position with the United Kingdom - Liabilities
Table 24-1 International investment position with Japan - Assets
Table 24-2 International investment position with Japan - Liabilities
Table 25-1 International investment position with other European Union countries - Assets
Table 25-2 International investment position with other European Union countries - Liabilities
Table 26-1 International investment position with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries - Assets
Table 26-2 International investment position with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries - Liabilities
Table 27-1 International investment position with all other countries - Assets
Table 27-2 International investment position with all other countries - Liabilities

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Date Modified: 2004-09-30 Important Notices