Data quality, concepts and methodology: Methodology

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Survey universe


The survey covers all aircraft movements at Canadian airports with NAV CANADA air traffic control towers and flight service stations.

Methodology survey

The Itinerant movement record is designed to capture:

  1. Aircraft identification
  2. Aircraft type
  3. The last station before landing at the reporting airport or the next station after take-off
  4. Arrival or departure
  5. Time of movement
  6. Runway used
  7. Flight rules (Instrument flight rules or Visual flight rules).

The Local aircraft movement record provides for reports of local movements by:

  1. Hour
  2. Single engine aircraft
  3. Multi-engine aircraft
  4. Jet aircraft
  5. Military aircraft
  6. Date of movement

Processing of aircraft movement statistics involves several stages. Monthly data by class of operation are released in Aircraft movement statistics - Monthly report, catalogue nos. 51-007-X and 51-008-X (TP-141). Annual tables, which may reflect revisions, are released in the two annual publications, catalogue 51-209-X Aircraft movement statistics – NAV CANADA Towers and Flight Service Stations: Annual report (TP-577) and catalogue 51-210-X Aircraft movement statistics – Airports Without Air Traffic Control Towers: Annual report (TP-577). In particular, data on itinerant movements by type of operation may reflect revisions as various sources of comparative information (data collected from commercial air carriers by the Aviation Statistics Centre, Statistics Canada) become available during the processing cycle. Finally, when revisions are required after the release of 51-209-X and 51-210-X, they are contained in the five year historical summary of subsequent editions of these reports. These revisions are also reflected in the CANSIM tables, both monthly and annual.

The records are completed daily, based on a twenty-four hour clock running from zero hour to 23:59. The times recorded are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); however, published statistics are shown in local times. The records are transmitted to the Aviation Statistics Centre.

The Aviation Statistics Centre maintains a data base of parameter files of current information on all registered aircraft. The storage of this information reduces the reporting burden of the survey respondents and limits the element of human error associated with the preparation of source documents.

Other parameter files information includes registered aircraft identifications and their corresponding aircraft types, maximum take-off weights, types of power plant (piston, jet or turboprop); whether the aircraft are fixed wing, helicopters or gliders. This information also provides a basis for identifying type of flights (commercial, private and government) and the geographical area in which the flights take place.

The parameter files also include airport environment information against which the airport category is checked; the reported runway is validated and the time difference between UTC and Local is assigned.

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