Table 3
Nominal business-sector gross domestic product per hour worked, by industry and firm size, United States, 2002 and 2008

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Nominal business-sector gross domestic product per hour worked, by industry and firm size, United States, 2002 and 2008
Table summary
This table is a measure of nominal labour productivity by firm size for the United States. It displays nominal business-sector gross domestic product per hour worked by industry. This information is grouped by goods producing and service producing industries to emphasize the higher productivity levels in the goods producing industries compared to services. The productivity levels for both small and large firms (appearing as column headers) were calculated as number. The average annual growth rates for small and large firms (appearing as column headers) were calculated as the average annual growth of the productivity levels from 2002 to 2008. The relative productivity levels of small to large firms (appearing as column headers) were calculated as a percentage of small firms to large firms. The average annual growth rates of the relative productivity levels (appearing as column headers) were calculated as the average annual growth of the productivity levels from 2002 to 2008.
  Small firms Large firms Relative
Level Average annual growth 2002 to 2008 Level Average annual growth 2002 to 2008 Small to large firms Average annual growth 2002 to 2008
2002 2008 2002 2008 2002 2008
  U.S. dollars percent U.S. dollars percent
Goods producing industries  
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 15.1 32.9 13.9 31.7 43.7 5.5 47.5 75.2 8.0
Electricity, gas and water supply 127.5 243.4 11.4 146.2 203.9 5.7 87.2 119.4 5.4
Construction 26.4 29.3 1.8 35.6 43.2 3.3 74.1 67.9 -1.5
Mines, oil and gas 76.6 171.7 14.4 125.0 261.9 13.1 61.3 65.6 1.1
Manufacturing 32.1 40.8 4.1 57.8 76.9 4.9 55.6 53.1 -0.8
Total 27.9 38.3 5.4 61.7 87.6 6.0 45.3 43.8 -0.6
Service producing industries  
Wholesale and retail trade 32.3 39.5 34 37.2 45.9 3.6 87.0 86.0 -0.2
Transport, storage and communications 26.4 37.5 6.0 56.6 70.3 3.7 46.7 53.4 2.2
Financial intermediation 74.5 88.1 2.8 79.3 105.5 4.9 93.9 83.5 -1.9
Real estate, renting and business activities 47.6 60.1 4.0 39.6 53.0 5.0 120.1 113.4 -1.0
Education 18.9 24.0 4.0 24.2 30.4 3.8 78.1 79.0 0.2
Health and social work 27.8 32.1 2.4 28.3 37.4 4.8 98.3 85.8 -2.2
Hotels and restaurants 14.1 16.1 2.2 20.2 27.0 5.0 69.9 59.5 -2.7
Other community, social and personal services 22.6 28.4 3.9 26.2 32.9 3.9 86.3 86.5 0.0
Total 32.5 40.2 3.6 40.7 51.9 4.1 79.9 77.5 -0.5
Business sector 31.2 39.7 4.1 45.8 59.2 4.4 68.1 67.1 -0.3
Industries are at the S-level aggregation based on the North American Industry Classification System.
Statistics Canada, authors’ calculations.
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