Canada at a Glance, 2022

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Table 14
Educational attainment of working age population
Table summary
This table displays the results of Educational attainment of working age population 2011, 2016 and 2021, calculated using thousands and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2011 2016 2021
Working age population 18,767 19,422 20,122
Less than high school 11 10 7
High school 26 24 21
Trades 12 11 10
College 24 26 26
University 26 30 35

Youth Education in numbers and images

Portrait of youth in Canada: Education (

Table 15
Tuition fees for degree programs, full-time Canadian undergraduate students
Table summary
This table displays the results of Tuition fees for degree programs 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, calculated using average ( current dollars) units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
average ( current dollars)
Canada 6,468 6,580 6,660
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,975 3,078 3,025
Prince Edward Island 6,748 6,881 6,951
Nova Scotia 8,478 8,746 9,035
New Brunswick 7,595 7,740 7,995
Quebec 3,060 3,152 3,272
Ontario 7,931 7,938 7,850
Manitoba 4,695 4,901 5,064
Saskatchewan 7,798 8,235 8,455
Alberta 5,692 6,111 6,582
British Columbia 5,936 5,990 6,134
Yukon 3,810 3,930 4,005

Did you know?

  • In Canada, the average time to graduate from an undergraduate degree is 4.2 years,Note while a technical or professional training diploma takes 2.5 years.Note
  • The median employment income for graduates (class of 2017) from a public Canadian undergraduate degree program two years after graduation was $49,400. For graduates from a college-level diploma program, it was $40,200.
  • In 2019, two years after certifying in the trades, the median income of certified journeypersons was $62,600.

To learn more

Education, training and learning statistics (

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