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  • Table 11   Police-reported crimes statistics
  • Table 12   Justice occupations, by age, 2006


  • Chart 7   Police-reported crime rate and Crime Severity Index

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Table 11  Police-reported crimes statistics
  1988 1998 2008
  actual incidents
Criminal Code offences, excluding traffic offences 2,390,008 2,440,650 2,194,968
Property crimes 1,457,361 1,377,901 1,025,813
Crimes of violence 232,607 300,058 310,398
Other crimes 700,040 762,691 858,757
Selected offences      
Homicide 576 558 611
Assault (levels 1 to 3) 163,890 223,926 237,901
Sexual assault (levels 1 to 3) 24,898 25,553 21,483
Prostitution 10,721 5,969 3,874
Break and enter 359,198 350,774 209,755
Motor vehicle theft 89,454 165,920 125,274
Fraud 124,772 94,819 90,932
Drugs 59,430 70,920 101,965
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 252-0013.


Table 12  Justice occupations, by age, 2006
  Under 25  25 to 49  50 and older
All Canadian workers 16 57 27
Workers in justice-related occupations 9 61 30
Police officers 5 79 16
Private security personnel 18 47 35
Courts personnel 5 62 33
Correctional services personnel 4 71 25
Source: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 85-002-X.


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Chart 7 Police-reported crime rate and Crime Severity Index
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