Small area estimation for unemployment using latent Markov models
Section 6. Final remarks
this paper we develop a new area level SAE method that uses a Latent Markov
Model (LMM) as the linking model. In LMMs (Bartolucci et al., 2013), the
characteristic of interest, and its evolution in time, is represented by a
latent process that follows a Markov chain, usually of first order. Under the
assumption of normality for the conditional distribution of the response
variables given the latent variables, the model is estimated using an augmented
data Gibbs sampler. The proposed model has been applied to quarterly data from
the Italian LFS from 2004 to 2014. The model-based method has been found to be
effective for developing LMAs level estimates of unemployment incidence and the
reduction in the coefficient of variation compared to the direct estimator is
quite evident. The proposed approach is also more accurate than the direct and
the time-series model-based estimator proposed by You et al. (2003) in
reproducing census data. An advantage of this methodology is that it also
provides a clustering of the small areas in homogeneous groups.
can be seen as an extension of latent class models to longitudinal data. In
this regard, our approach represents an extension of the latent class SAE model
proposed by Fabrizi et al. (2016). Moreover, LMMs may be seen as an
extension of Markov chain models to control for measurement errors and can
easily handle multivariate data, providing a very flexible modeling framework.
The approach could be extended using spatial correlation information, and it
could consider different distributions for the manifest variables, such as
Poisson, Binomial, and Multinomial responses. In this scenario, we could fit
unmatched sampling and linking models and handle departures from the normality
assumption, but a Gibbs sampler cannot be used any longer, and
Metropolis-Hastings sampling is an option. The proposed univariate model can
account for measurement errors, but the extension to multivariate framework
could be also possible, taking into account the conditional independence assumption.
this application we have not accounted explicitly for the serial correlation
induced by the rotating panel design. A natural way to take the different
features of this design into account, such as the rotating group bias and the
autocorrelation of the survey errors, is to use state space-model
specifications, as in Pfeffermann (1991), Pfeffermann and Rubin-Bleuer (1993)
and, more recently, Van den Brakel and Krieg (2015) and Boonstra and
Van den Brakel (2016). In this context, it would also be interesting
to extend to SAE the LMM with serial correlation in the measurement model
proposed by Bartolucci and Farcomeni (2009). State space-model specifications
can also be a useful tool to capture and model the strong trend and seasonality
of this type of data.
work of Bertarelli, Ranalli, D’Aló and Solari has been developed under the
support of the project PRIN-2012F42NS8 “Household wealth and youth
unemployment: new survey methods to meet current challenges”. The Authors are
grateful to the Associated Editor and two anonymous Referees who provided very
useful comments on earlier versions of this paper.
Appendix A
Model estimation
the following we first illustrate Bayesian estimation and model selection based
on a MCMC algorithm which is implemented in a data augmentation framework (Tanner
and Wong, 1987).
A.1 Data augmentation method
order to estimate the small area parameters
the measurement parameters
and the latent parameters
we follow a data augmentation approach. We
recall that the observed data consist of the direct estimates
the corresponding smoothed
and the covariate vectors
Moreover, the data augmentation approach
explicitly introduces the latent variables
treated as missing data, the values of which
are updated during the MCMC algorithm that is, therefore, based on a complete
data likelihood. In this context, the use of conjugate priors to the complete
data likelihood allows us to sample from the conditional posterior of the
latent states in a straightforward way. Since the state space is finite,
sampling the latent states conditionally given the model parameters is also
generate samples from the joint posterior distribution of the model parameters
and latent states, the proposed MCMC algorithm proceeds as follows. Let
be the matrix of realizations of the available
direct estimates that is defined as in (4.1), with each
replaced by
and let
be the matrix of the latent variable
with elements organized as in
Then the posterior distribution of all model
parameters and latent variables, given the observed data, has the following
The MCMC algorithm alternates between sampling the latent variables and
the parameters from the corresponding full conditional distribution. This
scheme is repeated for
iterations. At the end of each iteration
the sampled model parameters and latent
variables are obtained and are denoted by
More precisely, each iteration consists in:
- drawing
- drawing
- drawing
- drawing
the following we illustrate in details each of the above steps. In this regard,
note that our illustration is referred to the case where all elements of
are available. However, in our application,
some elements of this matrix are missing. This requires minor adjustments to
the MCMC algorithm, consisting in imputing the missing values by a Gibbs
sampler and sampling directly from its full conditional distribution.
A.1.1 Simulation of
latent variable
is drawn separately from the corresponding
full conditional distribution, which is of multinomial type with specific
parameters. In particular, we have that
disappears for
disappears for
Moreover, the probability vector
is defined as follows:
- for
has elements proportional to
- for
has elements proportional to
- for
has elements proportional to
A.1.2 Simulation of
we first draw
from the full conditional distribution:
is the number of areas in state
at time 1, with
Moreover, we draw each row of matrix
from the distribution
is the number of areas moving from state
to state
at time
A.1.3 Simulation of
, we first draw each
from the full conditional distribution:
denoting the indicator function equal to 1 if
its argument is true and to 0 otherwise. Then, we draw each
is the number of areas in state
regardless of the specific time occasion.
A.1.4 Simulation of
goal of SAE is to predict each
based on the model and the observed data. This
amounts to draw these elements from
A.2 Model selection: The Chib estimator
method proposed in Chib (1995) can be applied to perform model selection
starting from the Gibbs sampler output. It is known that the posterior density
can be written as the ratio of the product of the likelihood function and the
priors divided by the marginal likelihood:
Therefore, it is possible to write the marginal likelihood of the data
for any
We drop the dependence on
for ease of notation. This is the model
selection criterion used in Section 5. Then, choosing specific values of the
latent variables and model parameters, denoted by
we can estimate
through the following decomposition:
The use of the log transformation is motivated by numerical stability (Chib,
first five terms at the right hand side of (A.5) can be computed directly from
the assumed distributions of the parameters and the data. On the other hand
obtaining the last component is more challanging. By the law of total
may be decomposed as
Chib (1995), we compute the first term of (A.6) following the Gibbs scheme
outlined in Section A.1, whereas, the other three terms are estimated from
the Gibbs output. In particular, we estimate
based on
draws from a reduced Gibbs sampling where
is not updated. In order to estimate
we use
Finally, to estimate
we use
draws from a third reduced Gibbs sampling.
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