Sources for Population and demography

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Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories. Annual. 91-215-X. 2011000. [HTML] [PDF]

Births. Annual. 84F0210X. 2009000. [HTML] [PDF]

Canadian Demographics at a Glance. Irregular. 91-003-X. 2007001. [HTML] [PDF]

OECD (2011), Fertility rates under Fertility indicators under The structure of families (SF) under Indicators from the OECD Family Database. Accessed May 2012.

Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories. Occasional. 91-520-X. 2010001. [HTML] [PDF]

Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada. Irregular. 91-209-X. 2011001. [HTML]

Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report. Occasional. 89-503-X. 2010001. [HTML]

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