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All (20) (0 to 10 of 20 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200800210761

    Optimum stratification is the method of choosing the best boundaries that make strata internally homogeneous, given some sample allocation. In order to make the strata internally homogenous, the strata should be constructed in such a way that the strata variances for the characteristic under study be as small as possible. This could be achieved effectively by having the distribution of the main study variable known and create strata by cutting the range of the distribution at suitable points. If the frequency distribution of the study variable is unknown, it may be approximated from the past experience or some prior knowledge obtained at a recent study. In this paper the problem of finding Optimum Strata Boundaries (OSB) is considered as the problem of determining Optimum Strata Widths (OSW). The problem is formulated as a Mathematical Programming Problem (MPP), which minimizes the variance of the estimated population parameter under Neyman allocation subject to the restriction that sum of the widths of all the strata is equal to the total range of the distribution. The distributions of the study variable are considered as continuous with Triangular and Standard Normal density functions. The formulated MPPs, which turn out to be multistage decision problems, can then be solved using dynamic programming technique proposed by Bühler and Deutler (1975). Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the computational details. The results obtained are also compared with the method of Dalenius and Hodges (1959) with an example of normal distribution.

    Release date: 2008-12-23

  • 2. Rural commuting Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X200811113220
    Geography: Canada

    Commuting is, to a large extent, an urban phenomenon. Close to 80% of commuting takes place between municipalities within larger urban centres. But commuting patterns are becoming increasingly complex and rural commuting is more complex than commonly believed. For persons in rural and small-town areas, rural-to-rural commuting is as large as rural-to-urban commuting. Moreover, rural jobs are more than twice as reliant on in-commuting rural workers as they are on in-commuting urban workers.

    Release date: 2008-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X200800410767
    Description: This article uses data from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) to link the self-rated ability of youth to converse in both English and French at age 21 to the type of language schooling they had received in elementary and high school. YITS collected information on mother tongue, language of school system (at age 15) as well as information (from parents) on whether and when students had been enrolled in some form of immersion, extended or intensive language program. Information was also collected on self-rated ability to converse in French and English. It is therefore possible to look at rates of bilingualism for youth with varying amounts of second-language schooling.
    Release date: 2008-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X200800210742
    Geography: Canada

    In its recently released science and technology (S&T) strategy, Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage (Government of Canada 2007), the federal government stated its commitment to improving its ability to measure and report on the impact of federal S&T expenditures. In response to this challenge, the Policy Research Initiative (PRI) collaborated with departments and agencies that conduct and fund S&T to explore these issues. This article provides a summary from one of the PRI reports, The Transmission of Technology and Knowledge to Innovative Manufacturing Firms by Publicly Funded Research Organizations.

    Release date: 2008-11-21

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2008316
    Geography: Canada

    We analyse the intergenerational education mobility of Canadian men and women born to immigrants. A detailed portrait of Canadians is offered, as are estimates of the degree of intergenerational mobility among the children of immigrants. Persistence in the years of schooling across the generations is rather weak between immigrants and their Canadian-born children, and one third as strong as for the general population. Parental earnings are not correlated with years of schooling for second-generation children and, if anything, are negatively correlated. Finally, we find that the intergenerational transmission of education has not changed across the birth cohorts of the post-war period.

    Release date: 2008-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2008308
    Geography: Canada

    Using the 2002 Ethnic Diversity Survey, this article examines the group differences by national origin in university educational attainment among the children of immigrants in Canada. We found that children of immigrant parents in most source region groups achieve higher university completion rates than children of Canadian-born parents, partly due to higher education levels of their parents. Children of Chinese and Indian immigrants particularly attain higher academic achievements than children of Canadian-born parents. Parental education was also important in explaining the relatively low university completion rates among the second-generation Portuguese.

    Release date: 2008-09-22

  • Articles and reports: 21-006-X2007006
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin presents baseline data on the pattern and size of rural commuting flows in 2001 and provides a better understanding of how rural communities are affected by both urban-bound commuters and rural-bound commuters. It also shows that Canada's Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations (larger urban centres), which are delineated on the basis of commuting flows, essentially constitute self-contained labour markets.

    Release date: 2008-09-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200800110615

    We consider optimal sampling rates in element-sampling designs when the anticipated analysis is survey-weighted linear regression and the estimands of interest are linear combinations of regression coefficients from one or more models. Methods are first developed assuming that exact design information is available in the sampling frame and then generalized to situations in which some design variables are available only as aggregates for groups of potential subjects, or from inaccurate or old data. We also consider design for estimation of combinations of coefficients from more than one model. A further generalization allows for flexible combinations of coefficients chosen to improve estimation of one effect while controlling for another. Potential applications include estimation of means for several sets of overlapping domains, or improving estimates for subpopulations such as minority races by disproportionate sampling of geographic areas. In the motivating problem of designing a survey on care received by cancer patients (the CanCORS study), potential design information included block-level census data on race/ethnicity and poverty as well as individual-level data. In one study site, an unequal-probability sampling design using the subjectss residential addresses and census data would have reduced the variance of the estimator of an income effect by 25%, or by 38% if the subjects' races were also known. With flexible weighting of the income contrasts by race, the variance of the estimator would be reduced by 26% using residential addresses alone and by 52% using addresses and races. Our methods would be useful in studies in which geographic oversampling by race-ethnicity or socioeconomic characteristics is considered, or in any study in which characteristics available in sampling frames are measured with error.

    Release date: 2008-06-26

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2008071
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    Using data from the monthly Retail Trade Survey this study examines the sales for the year 2007. This annual review describes sales growth and trends by trade groups such as new motor vehicle dealers, supermarkets and general merchandise stores. This study focuses on provincial sales.

    Release date: 2008-05-26

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X200800110595
    Geography: Canada

    The 2005 Survey of Innovation asked non-innovative manufacturing plants why they did not innovate; that is, why they did not introduce a new or significantly improved product or process to the market during the three-year reference period 2002 to 2004. Lack of market demand was the main response. An examination of repondents' other specified reasons shows that some non-innovators may actually be innovative although they do not perceive themselves to be. Innovative and non-innovative plants perceive success factors, such as developing and seeking new markets, in significantly different ways. Non-innovative plants are not expected to be innovative in the near future.

    Release date: 2008-05-22
Stats in brief (0)

Stats in brief (0) (0 results)

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Articles and reports (20)

Articles and reports (20) (0 to 10 of 20 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200800210761

    Optimum stratification is the method of choosing the best boundaries that make strata internally homogeneous, given some sample allocation. In order to make the strata internally homogenous, the strata should be constructed in such a way that the strata variances for the characteristic under study be as small as possible. This could be achieved effectively by having the distribution of the main study variable known and create strata by cutting the range of the distribution at suitable points. If the frequency distribution of the study variable is unknown, it may be approximated from the past experience or some prior knowledge obtained at a recent study. In this paper the problem of finding Optimum Strata Boundaries (OSB) is considered as the problem of determining Optimum Strata Widths (OSW). The problem is formulated as a Mathematical Programming Problem (MPP), which minimizes the variance of the estimated population parameter under Neyman allocation subject to the restriction that sum of the widths of all the strata is equal to the total range of the distribution. The distributions of the study variable are considered as continuous with Triangular and Standard Normal density functions. The formulated MPPs, which turn out to be multistage decision problems, can then be solved using dynamic programming technique proposed by Bühler and Deutler (1975). Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the computational details. The results obtained are also compared with the method of Dalenius and Hodges (1959) with an example of normal distribution.

    Release date: 2008-12-23

  • 2. Rural commuting Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X200811113220
    Geography: Canada

    Commuting is, to a large extent, an urban phenomenon. Close to 80% of commuting takes place between municipalities within larger urban centres. But commuting patterns are becoming increasingly complex and rural commuting is more complex than commonly believed. For persons in rural and small-town areas, rural-to-rural commuting is as large as rural-to-urban commuting. Moreover, rural jobs are more than twice as reliant on in-commuting rural workers as they are on in-commuting urban workers.

    Release date: 2008-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X200800410767
    Description: This article uses data from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) to link the self-rated ability of youth to converse in both English and French at age 21 to the type of language schooling they had received in elementary and high school. YITS collected information on mother tongue, language of school system (at age 15) as well as information (from parents) on whether and when students had been enrolled in some form of immersion, extended or intensive language program. Information was also collected on self-rated ability to converse in French and English. It is therefore possible to look at rates of bilingualism for youth with varying amounts of second-language schooling.
    Release date: 2008-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X200800210742
    Geography: Canada

    In its recently released science and technology (S&T) strategy, Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage (Government of Canada 2007), the federal government stated its commitment to improving its ability to measure and report on the impact of federal S&T expenditures. In response to this challenge, the Policy Research Initiative (PRI) collaborated with departments and agencies that conduct and fund S&T to explore these issues. This article provides a summary from one of the PRI reports, The Transmission of Technology and Knowledge to Innovative Manufacturing Firms by Publicly Funded Research Organizations.

    Release date: 2008-11-21

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2008316
    Geography: Canada

    We analyse the intergenerational education mobility of Canadian men and women born to immigrants. A detailed portrait of Canadians is offered, as are estimates of the degree of intergenerational mobility among the children of immigrants. Persistence in the years of schooling across the generations is rather weak between immigrants and their Canadian-born children, and one third as strong as for the general population. Parental earnings are not correlated with years of schooling for second-generation children and, if anything, are negatively correlated. Finally, we find that the intergenerational transmission of education has not changed across the birth cohorts of the post-war period.

    Release date: 2008-10-02

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2008308
    Geography: Canada

    Using the 2002 Ethnic Diversity Survey, this article examines the group differences by national origin in university educational attainment among the children of immigrants in Canada. We found that children of immigrant parents in most source region groups achieve higher university completion rates than children of Canadian-born parents, partly due to higher education levels of their parents. Children of Chinese and Indian immigrants particularly attain higher academic achievements than children of Canadian-born parents. Parental education was also important in explaining the relatively low university completion rates among the second-generation Portuguese.

    Release date: 2008-09-22

  • Articles and reports: 21-006-X2007006
    Geography: Canada

    This bulletin presents baseline data on the pattern and size of rural commuting flows in 2001 and provides a better understanding of how rural communities are affected by both urban-bound commuters and rural-bound commuters. It also shows that Canada's Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations (larger urban centres), which are delineated on the basis of commuting flows, essentially constitute self-contained labour markets.

    Release date: 2008-09-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200800110615

    We consider optimal sampling rates in element-sampling designs when the anticipated analysis is survey-weighted linear regression and the estimands of interest are linear combinations of regression coefficients from one or more models. Methods are first developed assuming that exact design information is available in the sampling frame and then generalized to situations in which some design variables are available only as aggregates for groups of potential subjects, or from inaccurate or old data. We also consider design for estimation of combinations of coefficients from more than one model. A further generalization allows for flexible combinations of coefficients chosen to improve estimation of one effect while controlling for another. Potential applications include estimation of means for several sets of overlapping domains, or improving estimates for subpopulations such as minority races by disproportionate sampling of geographic areas. In the motivating problem of designing a survey on care received by cancer patients (the CanCORS study), potential design information included block-level census data on race/ethnicity and poverty as well as individual-level data. In one study site, an unequal-probability sampling design using the subjectss residential addresses and census data would have reduced the variance of the estimator of an income effect by 25%, or by 38% if the subjects' races were also known. With flexible weighting of the income contrasts by race, the variance of the estimator would be reduced by 26% using residential addresses alone and by 52% using addresses and races. Our methods would be useful in studies in which geographic oversampling by race-ethnicity or socioeconomic characteristics is considered, or in any study in which characteristics available in sampling frames are measured with error.

    Release date: 2008-06-26

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2008071
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory

    Using data from the monthly Retail Trade Survey this study examines the sales for the year 2007. This annual review describes sales growth and trends by trade groups such as new motor vehicle dealers, supermarkets and general merchandise stores. This study focuses on provincial sales.

    Release date: 2008-05-26

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X200800110595
    Geography: Canada

    The 2005 Survey of Innovation asked non-innovative manufacturing plants why they did not innovate; that is, why they did not introduce a new or significantly improved product or process to the market during the three-year reference period 2002 to 2004. Lack of market demand was the main response. An examination of repondents' other specified reasons shows that some non-innovators may actually be innovative although they do not perceive themselves to be. Innovative and non-innovative plants perceive success factors, such as developing and seeking new markets, in significantly different ways. Non-innovative plants are not expected to be innovative in the near future.

    Release date: 2008-05-22
Journals and periodicals (0)

Journals and periodicals (0) (0 results)

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