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All (192) (170 to 180 of 192 results)

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201901200003

    This article provides a description of the Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohorts (CanCHECs), a population-based linked datasets of the household population at the time of census collection. The CanCHEC datasets are rich national data resources that can be used to measure and examine health inequalities across socioeconomic and ethnocultural dimensions for different periods and locations. These datasets can also be used to examine the effects of exposure to environmental factors on human health.

    Release date: 2019-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300001

    Standard linearization estimators of the variance of the general regression estimator are often too small, leading to confidence intervals that do not cover at the desired rate. Hat matrix adjustments can be used in two-stage sampling that help remedy this problem. We present theory for several new variance estimators and compare them to standard estimators in a series of simulations. The proposed estimators correct negative biases and improve confidence interval coverage rates in a variety of situations that mirror ones that are met in practice.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300002

    Paradata is often collected during the survey process to monitor the quality of the survey response. One such paradata is a respondent behavior, which can be used to construct response models. The propensity score weight using the respondent behavior information can be applied to the final analysis to reduce the nonresponse bias. However, including the surrogate variable in the propensity score weighting does not always guarantee the efficiency gain. We show that the surrogate variable is useful only when it is correlated with the study variable. Results from a limited simulation study confirm the finding. A real data application using the Korean Workplace Panel Survey data is also presented.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300003

    The widely used formulas for the variance of the ratio estimator may lead to serious underestimates when the sample size is small; see Sukhatme (1954), Koop (1968), Rao (1969), and Cochran (1977, pages 163-164). In order to solve this classical problem, we propose in this paper new estimators for the variance and the mean square error of the ratio estimator that do not suffer from such a large negative bias. Similar estimation formulas can be derived for alternative ratio estimators as discussed in Tin (1965). We compare three mean square error estimators for the ratio estimator in a simulation study.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300004

    Social or economic studies often need to have a global view of society. For example, in agricultural studies, the characteristics of farms can be linked to the social activities of individuals. Hence, studies of a given phenomenon should be done by considering variables of interest referring to different target populations that are related to each other. In order to get an insight into an underlying phenomenon, the observations must be carried out in an integrated way, in which the units of a given population have to be observed jointly with related units of the other population. In the agricultural example, this means that a sample of rural households should be selected that have some relationship with the farm sample to be used for the study. There are several ways to select integrated samples. This paper studies the problem of defining an optimal sampling strategy for this situation: the solution proposed minimizes the sampling cost, ensuring a predefined estimation precision for the variables of interest (of either one or both populations) describing the phenomenon. Indirect sampling provides a natural framework for this setting since the units belonging to a population can become carriers of information on another population that is the object of a given survey. The problem is studied for different contexts which characterize the information concerning the links available in the sampling design phase, ranging from situations in which the links among the different units are known in the design phase to a situation in which the available information on links is very poor. An empirical study of agricultural data for a developing country is presented. It shows how controlling the inclusion probabilities at the design phase using the available information (namely the links) is effective, can significantly reduce the errors of the estimates for the indirectly observed population. The need for good models for predicting the unknown variables or the links is also demonstrated.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300005

    Monthly estimates of provincial unemployment based on the Dutch Labour Force Survey (LFS) are obtained using time series models. The models account for rotation group bias and serial correlation due to the rotating panel design of the LFS. This paper compares two approaches of estimating structural time series models (STM). In the first approach STMs are expressed as state space models, fitted using a Kalman filter and smoother in a frequentist framework. As an alternative, these STMs are expressed as time series multilevel models in an hierarchical Bayesian framework, and estimated using a Gibbs sampler. Monthly unemployment estimates and standard errors based on these models are compared for the twelve provinces of the Netherlands. Pros and cons of the multilevel approach and state space approach are discussed. Multivariate STMs are appropriate to borrow strength over time and space. Modeling the full correlation matrix between time series components rapidly increases the numbers of hyperparameters to be estimated. Modeling common factors is one possibility to obtain more parsimonious models that still account for cross-sectional correlation. In this paper an even more parsimonious approach is proposed, where domains share one overall trend, and have their own independent trends for the domain-specific deviations from this overall trend. The time series modeling approach is particularly appropriate to estimate month-to-month change of unemployment.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300006

    High nonresponse is a very common problem in sample surveys today. In statistical terms we are worried about increased bias and variance of estimators for population quantities such as totals or means. Different methods have been suggested in order to compensate for this phenomenon. We can roughly divide them into imputation and calibration and it is the latter approach we will focus on here. A wide spectrum of possibilities is included in the class of calibration estimators. We explore linear calibration, where we suggest using a nonresponse version of the design-based optimal regression estimator. Comparisons are made between this estimator and a GREG type estimator. Distance measures play a very important part in the construction of calibration estimators. We show that an estimator of the average response propensity (probability) can be included in the “optimal” distance measure under nonresponse, which will help to reduce the bias of the resulting estimator. To illustrate empirically the theoretically derived results for the suggested estimators, a simulation study has been carried out. The population is called KYBOK and consists of clerical municipalities in Sweden, where the variables include financial as well as size measurements. The results are encouraging for the “optimal” estimator in combination with the estimated average response propensity, where the bias was reduced for most of the Poisson sampling cases in the study.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300007

    Finding the optimal stratification and sample size in univariate and multivariate sample design is hard when the population frame is large. There are alternative ways of modelling and solving this problem, and one of the most natural uses genetic algorithms (GA) combined with the Bethel-Chromy evaluation algorithm. The GA iteratively searches for the minimum sample size necessary to meet precision constraints in partitionings of atomic strata created by the Cartesian product of auxiliary variables. We point out a drawback with classical GAs when applied to the grouping problem, and propose a new GA approach using “grouping” genetic operators instead of traditional operators. Experiments show a significant improvement in solution quality for similar computational effort.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300008

    Dual frame surveys are useful when no single frame with adequate coverage exists. However estimators from dual frame designs require knowledge of the frame memberships of each sampled unit. When this information is not available from the frame itself, it is often collected from the respondent. When respondents provide incorrect membership information, the resulting estimators of means or totals can be biased. A method for reducing this bias, using accurate membership information obtained about a subsample of respondents, is proposed. The properties of the new estimator are examined and compared to alternative estimators. The proposed estimator is applied to the data from the motivating example, which was a recreational angler survey, using an address frame and an incomplete fishing license frame.

    Release date: 2019-12-17

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201900300009

    We discuss a relevant inference for the alpha coefficient (Cronbach, 1951) - a popular ratio-type statistic for the covariances and variances in survey sampling including complex survey sampling with unequal selection probabilities. This study can help investigators who wish to evaluate various psychological or social instruments used in large surveys. For the survey data, we investigate workable confidence intervals by using two approaches: (1) the linearization method using the influence function and (2) the coverage-corrected bootstrap method. The linearization method provides adequate coverage rates with correlated ordinal values that many instruments consist of; however, this method may not be as good with some non-normal underlying distributions, e.g., a multi-lognormal distribution. We suggest that the coverage-corrected bootstrap method can be used as a complement to the linearization method, because the coverage-corrected bootstrap method is computer-intensive. Using the developed methods, we provide the confidence intervals for the alpha coefficient to assess various mental health instruments (Kessler 10, Kessler 6 and Sheehan Disability Scale) for different demographics using data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R).

    Release date: 2019-12-17
Stats in brief (12)

Stats in brief (12) (0 to 10 of 12 results)

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062024001
    Description: This short video explains how it can be very effective for all levels of governments and organizations that serve communities to use disaggregated data to make evidence-informed public policy decisions. By using disaggregated data, policymakers are able to design more appropriate and effective policies that meet the needs of each diverse and unique Canadian.
    Release date: 2024-07-16

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062024002
    Description: This short video explains how the use of disaggregated data can help policymakers to develop more targeted and effective policies by identifying the unique needs and challenges faced by different demographic groups.
    Release date: 2024-07-16

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202411338008
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2024-04-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-637-X
    Description: This product presents data on the Sustainable Development Goals. They present an overview of the 17 Goals through infographics by leveraging data currently available to report on Canada’s progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
    Release date: 2024-01-25

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202402237898
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2024-01-22

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062023001
    Description: This course is intended for Government of Canada employees who would like to learn about evaluating the quality of data for a particular use. Whether you are a new employee interested in learning the basics, or an experienced subject matter expert looking to refresh your skills, this course is here to help.
    Release date: 2023-07-17

  • Stats in brief: 98-20-00032021011
    Description: This video explains the key concepts of different levels of aggregation of income data such as household and family income; income concepts derived from key income variables such as adjusted income and equivalence scale; and statistics used for income data such as median and average income, quartiles, quintiles, deciles and percentiles.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Stats in brief: 98-20-00032021012
    Description: This video builds on concepts introduced in the other videos on income. It explains key low-income concepts - Market Basket Measure (MBM), Low income measure (LIM) and Low-income cut-offs (LICO) and the indicators associated with these concepts such as the low-income gap and the low-income ratio. These concepts are used in analysis of the economic well-being of the population.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202231822683
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2022-11-14

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062022004

    Gathering, exploring, analyzing and interpreting data are essential steps in producing information that benefits society, the economy and the environment. In this video, we will discuss the importance of considering data ethics throughout the process of producing statistical information.

    As a pre-requisite to this video, make sure to watch the video titled “Data Ethics: An introduction” also available in Statistics Canada’s data literacy training catalogue.

    Release date: 2022-10-17
Articles and reports (167)

Articles and reports (167) (30 to 40 of 167 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200011
    Description: The article considers sampling designs for populations that can be represented as a N × M matrix. For instance when investigating tourist activities, the rows could be locations visited by tourists and the columns days in the tourist season. The goal is to sample cells (i, j) of the matrix when the number of selections within each row and each column is fixed a priori. The ith row sample size represents the number of selected cells within row i; the jth column sample size is the number of selected cells within column j. A matrix sampling design gives an N × M matrix of sample indicators, with entry 1 at position (i, j) if cell (i, j) is sampled and 0 otherwise. The first matrix sampling design investigated has one level of sampling, row and column sample sizes are set in advance: the row sample sizes can vary while the column sample sizes are all equal. The fixed margins can be seen as balancing constraints and algorithms available for selecting such samples are reviewed. A new estimator for the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the mean of survey variable y is then presented. Several levels of sampling might be necessary to account for all the constraints; this involves multi-level matrix sampling designs that are also investigated.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200012
    Description: In recent decades, many different uses of auxiliary information have enriched survey sampling theory and practice. Jean-Claude Deville contributed significantly to this progress. My comments trace some of the steps on the way to one important theory for the use of auxiliary information: Estimation by calibration.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200013
    Description: Jean-Claude Deville is one of the most prominent researcher in survey sampling theory and practice. His research on balanced sampling, indirect sampling and calibration in particular is internationally recognized and widely used in official statistics. He was also a pioneer in the field of functional data analysis. This discussion gives us the opportunity to recognize the immense work he has accomplished, and to pay tribute to him. In the first part of this article, we recall briefly his contribution to the functional principal analysis. We also detail some recent extension of his work at the intersection of the fields of functional data analysis and survey sampling. In the second part of this paper, we present some extension of Jean-Claude’s work in indirect sampling. These extensions are motivated by concrete applications and illustrate Jean-Claude’s influence on our work as researchers.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200014
    Description: Many things have been written about Jean-Claude Deville in tributes from the statistical community (see Tillé, 2022a; Tillé, 2022b; Christine, 2022; Ardilly, 2022; and Matei, 2022) and from the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (ENSAE) and the Société française de statistique. Pascal Ardilly, David Haziza, Pierre Lavallée and Yves Tillé provide an in-depth look at Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory. To pay tribute to him, I would like to discuss Jean-Claude Deville’s contribution to the more day-to-day application of methodology for all the statisticians at the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE) and at the public statistics service. To do this, I will use my work experience, and particularly the four years (1992 to 1996) I spent working with him in the Statistical Methods Unit and the discussions we had thereafter, especially in the 2000s on the rolling census.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200015
    Description: This article discusses and provides comments on the Ardilly, Haziza, Lavallée and Tillé’s summary presentation of Jean-Claude Deville’s work on survey theory. It sheds light on the context, applications and uses of his findings, and shows how these have become engrained in the role of statisticians, in which Jean-Claude was a trailblazer. It also discusses other aspects of his career and his creative inventions.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200016
    Description: In this discussion, I will present some additional aspects of three major areas of survey theory developed or studied by Jean-Claude Deville: calibration, balanced sampling and the generalized weight-share method.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200017
    Description: Jean-Claude Deville, who passed away in October 2021, was one of the most influential researchers in the field of survey statistics over the past 40 years. This article traces some of his contributions that have had a profound impact on both survey theory and practice. This article will cover the topics of balanced sampling using the cube method, calibration, the weight-sharing method, the development of variance expressions of complex estimators using influence function and quota sampling.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200018
    Description: Sample surveys, as a tool for policy development and evaluation and for scientific, social and economic research, have been employed for over a century. In that time, they have primarily served as tools for collecting data for enumerative purposes. Estimation of these characteristics has been typically based on weighting and repeated sampling, or design-based, inference. However, sample data have also been used for modelling the unobservable processes that gave rise to the finite population data. This type of use has been termed analytic, and often involves integrating the sample data with data from secondary sources.

    Alternative approaches to inference in these situations, drawing inspiration from mainstream statistical modelling, have been strongly promoted. The principal focus of these alternatives has been on allowing for informative sampling. Modern survey sampling, though, is more focussed on situations where the sample data are in fact part of a more complex set of data sources all carrying relevant information about the process of interest. When an efficient modelling method such as maximum likelihood is preferred, the issue becomes one of how it should be modified to account for both complex sampling designs and multiple data sources. Here application of the Missing Information Principle provides a clear way forward.

    In this paper I review how this principle has been applied to resolve so-called “messy” data analysis issues in sampling. I also discuss a scenario that is a consequence of the rapid growth in auxiliary data sources for survey data analysis. This is where sampled records from one accessible source or register are linked to records from another less accessible source, with values of the response variable of interest drawn from this second source, and where a key output is small area estimates for the response variable for domains defined on the first source.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202301200002
    Description: The validity of survival estimates from cancer registry data depends, in part, on the identification of the deaths of deceased cancer patients. People whose deaths are missed seemingly live on forever and are informally referred to as “immortals”, and their presence in registry data can result in inflated survival estimates. This study assesses the issue of immortals in the Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) using a recently proposed method that compares the survival of long-term survivors of cancers for which “statistical” cure has been reported with that of similar people from the general population.
    Release date: 2023-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2023003
    Description: This paper spans the academic work and estimation strategies used in national statistics offices. It addresses the issue of producing fine, grid-level geography estimates for Canada by exploring the measurement of subprovincial and subterritorial gross domestic product using Yukon as a test case.
    Release date: 2023-12-15
Journals and periodicals (13)

Journals and periodicals (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-522-X
    Description: Since 1984, an annual international symposium on methodological issues has been sponsored by Statistics Canada. Proceedings have been available since 1987.
    Release date: 2024-06-28

  • Journals and periodicals: 12-001-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: The journal publishes articles dealing with various aspects of statistical development relevant to a statistical agency, such as design issues in the context of practical constraints, use of different data sources and collection techniques, total survey error, survey evaluation, research in survey methodology, time series analysis, seasonal adjustment, demographic studies, data integration, estimation and data analysis methods, and general survey systems development. The emphasis is placed on the development and evaluation of specific methodologies as applied to data collection or the data themselves.
    Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Journals and periodicals: 75F0002M
    Description: This series provides detailed documentation on income developments, including survey design issues, data quality evaluation and exploratory research.
    Release date: 2024-04-26

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-633-X
    Description: Papers in this series provide background discussions of the methods used to develop data for economic, health, and social analytical studies at Statistics Canada. They are intended to provide readers with information on the statistical methods, standards and definitions used to develop databases for research purposes. All papers in this series have undergone peer and institutional review to ensure that they conform to Statistics Canada's mandate and adhere to generally accepted standards of good professional practice.
    Release date: 2024-01-22

  • Journals and periodicals: 12-206-X
    Description: This report summarizes the annual achievements of the Methodology Research and Development Program (MRDP) sponsored by the Modern Statistical Methods and Data Science Branch at Statistics Canada. This program covers research and development activities in statistical methods with potentially broad application in the agency’s statistical programs; these activities would otherwise be less likely to be carried out during the provision of regular methodology services to those programs. The MRDP also includes activities that provide support in the application of past successful developments in order to promote the use of the results of research and development work. Selected prospective research activities are also presented.
    Release date: 2023-10-11

  • Journals and periodicals: 92F0138M

    The Geography working paper series is intended to stimulate discussion on a variety of topics covering conceptual, methodological or technical work to support the development and dissemination of the division's data, products and services. Readers of the series are encouraged to contact the Geography Division with comments and suggestions.

    Release date: 2019-11-13

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-20-0001

    Historical works allow readers to peer into the past, not only to satisfy our curiosity about “the way things were,” but also to see how far we’ve come, and to learn from the past. For Statistics Canada, such works are also opportunities to commemorate the agency’s contributions to Canada and its people, and serve as a reminder that an institution such as this continues to evolve each and every day.

    On the occasion of Statistics Canada’s 100th anniversary in 2018, Standing on the shoulders of giants: History of Statistics Canada: 1970 to 2008, builds on the work of two significant publications on the history of the agency, picking up the story in 1970 and carrying it through the next 36 years, until 2008. To that end, when enough time has passed to allow for sufficient objectivity, it will again be time to document the agency’s next chapter as it continues to tell Canada’s story in numbers.

    Release date: 2018-12-03

  • Journals and periodicals: 12-605-X

    The Record Linkage Project Process Model (RLPPM) was developed by Statistics Canada to identify the processes and activities involved in record linkage. The RLPPM applies to linkage projects conducted at the individual and enterprise level using diverse data sources to create new data sources to meet analytical and operational needs.

    Release date: 2017-06-05

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-634-X

    This publication is a catalogue of strategies and mechanisms that a statistical organization should consider adopting, according to its particular context. This compendium is based on lessons learned and best practices of leadership and management of statistical agencies within the scope of Statistics Canada’s International Statistical Fellowship Program (ISFP). It contains four broad sections including, characteristics of an effective national statistical system; core management practices; improving, modernizing and finding efficiencies; and, strategies to better inform and engage key stakeholders.

    Release date: 2016-07-06

  • Journals and periodicals: 88F0006X
    Geography: Canada

    Statistics Canada is engaged in the "Information System for Science and Technology Project" to develop useful indicators of activity and a framework to tie them together into a coherent picture of science and technology (S&T) in Canada. The working papers series is used to publish results of the different initiatives conducted within this project. The data are related to the activities, linkages and outcomes of S&T. Several key areas are covered such as: innovation, technology diffusion, human resources in S&T and interrelations between different actors involved in S&T. This series also presents data tabulations taken from regular surveys on research and development (R&D) and S&T and made possible by the project.

    Release date: 2011-12-23
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