Physical activity

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All (121)

All (121) (0 to 10 of 121 results)

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202400900001
    Description: Active commuting (AC) to and from work is associated with numerous health benefits, through increased physical activity. This study examined whether occupation types and part-time work, by sex, were associated with AC in a population-based sample of Canadian workers. This study examined the associations between occupational classifications, part-time work, and AC (i.e., walking, cycling) and public transit use, in a nationally representative sample of Canadian adults, while controlling for other relevant sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., education, income, urbanity). This study also explored how associations between occupational classifications and AC differed by sex and how AC rates may have changed over time.
    Release date: 2024-09-18

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202301100002
    Description: On average, 45% of Canadian adults meet the recommended 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Using six combined cycles of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007 to 2019), this study examines how the percentage of Canadian males and females aged 18 to 79 years meeting the physical activity recommendation differs across socio-demographic, family arrangement and health factors. The purpose of this paper is to determine how sex, age and family arrangement intersect with known risk factors for physical inactivity to identify groups within the Canadian population most at risk of not meeting the physical activity recommendation.
    Release date: 2023-11-15

  • Table: 13-10-0096-13
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional

    Number and percentage of adults being moderately active or active during leisure time, by age group and sex.

    Release date: 2023-11-06

  • Table: 13-10-0096-14
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional

    Number and percentage of youth being moderately active or active during leisure time, by age group and sex.

    Release date: 2023-11-06

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202301000001
    Description: The COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental impact on the physical activity and screen time of youth, in particular among girls. Using The Canadian Community Health Survey, the purpose of this study is to give an update on the screen time and physical activity habits of Canadian youth in 2021 by providing a comparison with values previously reported before and during the first year of the pandemic. This study takes a focused look at how the physical activity and screen time of boys and girls were affected differently.
    Release date: 2023-10-18

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202301000002
    Description: Canadian and international research have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in health behaviours, including participation in physical activity and screen time. Using The Canadian Community Health Survey, the purpose of this study is to compare screen time and physical activity before and during the 2020 and 2021 pandemic years among Canadian adults and older adults.
    Release date: 2023-10-18

  • Table: 38-10-0121-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Percentage of households that participated in outdoor activities, and for those that did the type of activity. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Release date: 2023-04-24

  • Table: 38-10-0122-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Percentage of households that participated in outdoor activities, and for those that did the type of activity, by type of household. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Release date: 2023-04-24

  • Table: 38-10-0123-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Percentage of households that participated in outdoor activities, and for those that did the type of activity, by household income. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Release date: 2023-04-24

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202300300002
    Description: Previous studies examining the cardiometabolic risks associated with physical activity (PA) in workers have predominantly used self-reported measures. Little is known about workers’ distinct daily PA patterns and whether these are linked with cardiometabolic risks. This study examined associations between patterns of workers’ accelerometer-measured daily PA and four markers of cardiometabolic health. Furthermore, the study examined similarities and differences between younger compared to middle-aged and older workers, and between men and women, to understand whether these groups are associated with different cardiometabolic risks.
    Release date: 2023-03-15
Data (28)

Data (28) (0 to 10 of 28 results)

  • Table: 13-10-0096-13
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional

    Number and percentage of adults being moderately active or active during leisure time, by age group and sex.

    Release date: 2023-11-06

  • Table: 13-10-0096-14
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional

    Number and percentage of youth being moderately active or active during leisure time, by age group and sex.

    Release date: 2023-11-06

  • Table: 38-10-0121-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Percentage of households that participated in outdoor activities, and for those that did the type of activity. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Release date: 2023-04-24

  • Table: 38-10-0122-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Percentage of households that participated in outdoor activities, and for those that did the type of activity, by type of household. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Release date: 2023-04-24

  • Table: 38-10-0123-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Every 2 years
    Description: Percentage of households that participated in outdoor activities, and for those that did the type of activity, by household income. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Release date: 2023-04-24

  • Table: 13-10-0324-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Physical fitness measures of the household population, by sex and age group.
    Release date: 2021-09-01

  • Table: 13-10-0338-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Average time spent sedentary, household population by sex and age group.
    Release date: 2021-09-01

  • Table: 13-10-0339-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Average time spent being physically active, household population by sex and age group.
    Release date: 2021-09-01

  • Table: 13-10-0388-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Occasional

    Percentage of Canadians aged 5-79 who are meeting the Canadian physical activity guidelines, by age group and sex.

    Release date: 2021-09-01

  • Table: 13-10-0755-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Occasional

    Distribution of the household population by physical fitness classification, by sex and age group.

    Release date: 2021-09-01
Analysis (93)

Analysis (93) (50 to 60 of 93 results)

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201500714204

    The objective of this study was to determine if the prevalence of overweight and obesity is associated with neighbourhood walkability. The analysis tested whether a dose-response relationship between the Street Smart Walk Score® and various measures of physical activity, overweight, and obesity existed in a large, population-based sample of adults in urban and suburban Ontario.

    Release date: 2015-07-15

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201500714205

    Discrepancies between self-reported and objectively measured physical activity are well-known. For the purpose of validation, this study compares a new self-reported physical activity questionnaire with an existing one and with accelerometer data.

    Release date: 2015-07-15

  • Stats in brief: 82-625-X201500114189

    This is a health fact sheet about physical activity during leisure time among Canadians aged 12 and older. The data presented refer only to activities during leisure time and do not take account of energy expended at work, in transportation, or doing housework. The results shown are based on data from the Canadian Community Health Survey.

    Release date: 2015-06-17

  • Stats in brief: 16-508-X2015003

    This fact sheet looks at the outdoor activities done close to home of households using data from the 2013 Households and the Environment Survey.

    Release date: 2015-04-14

  • Stats in brief: 82-625-X201500114135

    This is a health fact sheet about the directly measured physical activity of Canadian adults aged 18 to 79. Results shown are based on activity monitor data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey.

    Release date: 2015-02-18

  • Stats in brief: 82-625-X201500114136

    This is a health fact sheet about physical activity levels among Canadian children and youth aged 3 to 17. The results shown are based on activity monitor data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey.

    Release date: 2015-02-18

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201400714038

    This analysis compares self-reported and measured physical activity collected by the Canadian Health Measures Survey and explores the limitations of each method.

    Release date: 2014-07-16

  • Stats in brief: 82-625-X201400114024

    This is a health fact sheet about physical activity during leisure time among Canadians. The data presented refer only to activities during leisure time and do not take account of energy expended at work, in transportation, or doing housework. The results shown are based on data from the Canadian Community Health Survey.

    Release date: 2014-06-12

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201400514006
    Geography: Canada

    Data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (cycles 1 and 2) were analyzed to determine if higher fitness categories are associated with better health.

    Release date: 2014-05-21

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201400111891
    Geography: Canada

    The Canadian Health Measures Survey uses accelerometry to collect physical activity and sedentary behaviour data. Between cycles 2 and 3, a transition was made from 60-second to 15-second epochs in accelerometry data for children aged 3 to 5. This study examines the impact of epoch length on physical activity and sedentary behaviour outcomes for children in this age range.

    Release date: 2014-01-15
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